The Best Burger in the World

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(The episode begins at the house and Mordecai,Rigby,Nico, Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, Gremo,Pops, and Skips  are all sitting on the steps)

Mordecai: Hey, You guys going to the grill em up truck for lunch?

Muscle Man: Oh, you know it, baby.

Gremo : Yeah bro !

Pops: What's the Grill 'em Up truck?

Mordecai: It's a food truck. 

Nico: They make the best burger in the world Pops trust us.

Skips: That's a bold claim.

Rigby: No it's not. We saw it on TV.

(cuts to some time earlier, when Mordecai,Rigby and Nico are watching the commercial)

Announcer: Next up on Food Truck Armageddon, the Grill 'em Up food truck is being credited with creating the world's best burger! (on the TV, a graphic of earth zooms up before it is crushed by a giant burger. A caption appears on screen:) The Ulti-Meatum! (cuts to guy named Ajay Maldonaldo making the burger) Head Chef Ajay Maldonaldo's been making headlines with his no-hold-bars style of burger!

Ajay: (as the burger is being made) The Ulti-Meatum is a cheeseburger stuffed inside a cheeseburger with two deep-fried cheeseburgers as buns, and then we add our special ketchup that we get from the Himalayas.

Announcer: The Ulti-Meatum is so amazing, it's only being offered once every 100 years! (the caption "ULTI-MEATY" appears as two cows approach two giant Ulti-Meatums and moo. Cut back to kitchen)

Ajay: Anyone who doesn't eat one... (crosses arms across chest then holds them up making fists) a chump!

(cuts back to the guys)

Skips: Well, that sounds pretty awesome.

Rigby: Yeah, it's awesome. That's what we're saying!

Nico : It's the best burger in the world for crying out loud !

Gremo : Yo I heard if you ask for  Texas style they put two burgers and spicy fried chicken in there with hot sauce bro !

Muscle Man: I heard, that if you ask for it Idaho style, they put a whole bag of chips in it! (laughs)

Pops: Ooh, I want my Ulti-Meatum Idaho style. (everyone agrees as drives up in )

Benson: Alright, everybody, listen up. We got a lot of work to do today, so let's get started. (reads clipboard) Skips and Pops, I want you guys to section off the grass we just planted. Muscle Man,Gremo and High-Fives, go with them and bring the wood chipper with you.

Muscle Man: You got it.

Benson: Mordecai, Rigby and Nico I don't really have that much for you to do.

Mordecai, Rigby and Nico: (high five) Hmhmph! Hmhmph! Hmhmph!

Benson: Oh, except for every job you didn't finish last week.

Mordecai: Aw, what? But we finished everything!

Benson: You guys didn't finish one job last week. Not one.

Rigby: Ugh! Not this again, Benson!

Benson: You see that? That attitude right there. That'll get you nowhere in life, pal. (Rigby spits) Oh, and you know that food truck that's gonna be here?

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