Cool bikes

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The episode begins with a montage of Mordecai, Rigby and Nico  riding around in the golf cart and bringing it back to the garage damaged so Benson sees it the next day and gets mad. Then scene cuts to Mordecai,Rigby and Nico walking to the garage.]

Mordecai: Ready for some more cartin'?

Rigby: You know it!

Nico : Let's kart !

[Mordecai, Rigby and Nico  gasp upon seeing bikes instead of the cart]

Mordecai,Rigby and Nico: Aw, what?

Rigby: Where's the cart?

[Benson walks up to them]

Benson: It's at the shop! After your little excursion yesterday, your cart privileges have officially been revoked!

Mordecai: But these bikes are for little kids!

Benson: Hey, you want to act like kids, this is what you get.

Nico: But we're not going to look cool riding kids bikes around.

[Benson turns around]

Benson: What?! You want to know what's cool? Doing your job. Respecting park property. You're to work, not be cool!

Mordecai: Well, fine. It doesn't matter if we don't have the cart. We can be cool no matter what. I mean, with some maintenance, and some new paint, these bikes will be so cool.

Rigby: Yeah! And then you'll have to admit that we're cool too.

Benson: Heh. Yeah, right. The day I admit you're cool is the day I give you back the cart.

Nico: But we are cool.

Benson: No you're not.

Mordecai: Okay, how about this, if we can get you to admit that we are cool, then you have to give us the cart back.

Benson: Sounds good to me, because it will never happen.

Rigby: You're wrong! You're all like, "that'll never happen", and then we'll get all cool, and then you will be like "Whoa!" and then we'll be like "In your face!"

Benson: [laughs] And I'll be all like-- (turns red) GET BACK TO WORK!!! [walks off, mad]

Nico: Dudes, we can totally get Benson to admit we're cool.

Mordecai: Yeah Nick.

[Mordecai, Rigby and Nico decorate their bikes with cushions and foil. They then ride up to Benson.]

Mordecai: Hey Benson, check out our cool new rides.

Nico : We riding dirty !

Rigby: Bet you think we're pretty cool huh.

Benson: What? How many times do I have to tell you two you are not cool! Now get back to work! Argh! [walks off]

Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, Gremo and three women pull up next to Mordecai, Rigby and Nico  on the golf cart]

Woman: Muscle Man, what are those things?

Muscle Man: Those are losers, baby. You don't want nothin' to do with those.

Gremo : They have no lives ( Drinks his drink and throws it at Nico)

Nico : Hey !

Gremo : Wuss

[Golf cart does a burnout and drives away]

Muscle Man: Later grandmas!

Mordecai: Dude, it's time to do some shopping.

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