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(The episode begins with screenshots of the house, which is completely trashed. The phone starts to ring.)

Pops (Voicemail): Hello. You've reached the park. Leave a message at the sound of the beep, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Margaret (Voicemail): Hey, Mordecai; it's Margaret. I was just calling to say that we had a really great time last night. You guys are really good at throwing pizza parties.

(Upon hearing Margaret's voice, Mordecai awakens and smiles.)

Eileen (Voicemail): (In the background) Tell him that Rigby was really funny as the Pizza King.

Sabrina (Voicemail) : Ha Ha ! Hey Mordecai tell Nico that if he thinks anyone slammed his face in the pizza he did that all by himself.

(Mordecai notices Rigby sleeping on some pizza boxes made to look like a throne and Nico laying down on his face in pizza.)

Mordecai is bewildered.)

Margaret (Voicemail): Oh, and Eileen wanted me to ask you to tell Rigby that he was really funny as the Pizza King.

(Mordecai and Margaret laugh)

Both: So stupid.

Margaret (Voicemail): Well, see you later.

(The answering machine emits dial tone. Mordecai tries to fall back asleep but looks at the nearby alarm clock on the coffee table amongst the game console, a bag of tortilla chips, a box of chocolate chip cookies, and a plastic red cup which had soda in it. Confused, he checks the time and alarm. The time is 8:30 A.M while the alarm reads 6:50 P.M.)

Mordecai: (dawning on him) Oh, dude. Wake up, dudes! We're late!

Rigby: Huh?

Nico : ( gets up on his face with pizza on his face ) What ? Do I have pepperoni in my eyes ? Who slammed my head.

Mordecai: (already picking up trash) Dude, come on! We gotta clean this place up. We were supposed to meet Benson at the paddle boats two hours ago!

Nico : What ?! Oh man ! ( picking up trash too.)

Rigby: But I set an alarm.

Mordecai: Yeah, but for 6:00 P.M. instead of 6:00 A.M., you idiot.

Rigby: Aw, man... Pizza King not happy.

Nico : Just hurry up Pizza King.

(A montage of cleaning starts)

Mordecai: Don't forget the water.

Rigby: (mocking) Don't forget the water. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Mordecai: Let's go!

(The trio leave the house in the cart)

Rigby: Dude, we're getting pretty good at throwing pizza parties.

Nico: Uh, yeah. We were so awesome.

Mordecai : But that's not a good thing. We're late for work!

Rigby: Don't worry. Benson'll just yell at us, and then we can go back to work.

Mordecai: Normally, I'd be all, "Everything will be fine after Benson yells at us," but we've been late for our past five jobs, and I think he's starting to get sick of it.

Nico: Yeah I think so too I see a bigger vein on his head everytime.

Rigby: Oh, yeah.( laughs ) Maybe he won't be there yet, and we can clean the boats before he finds out.

Mordecai: (Gasps) Dude, who is Benson talking to?

(Mordecai, Rigby and Nico spy on Benson through the bushes)

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