My Mom

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(Episode begins with Mordecai, Rigby  and Nico leave the nursery, holding a lemon tree. Rigby ties the tree to the golf cart)

Nico: Dude, hurry up! Tie it down, we're gonna be late!

(Mordecai Rigby and Nico jump inside the golf-cart and drive off. A car stops)

Rigby: Go, Go, Go! Take that street! (they make a sharp turn)

Mordecai: We're not gonna make it, we're not gonna make it!

Nico : We're gonna make it ! We're gonna make it !

(Meanwhile, and are standing around at the park. Benson checks his watch)

Benson: I knew it. I knew they'd be late.

Mordecai: This is gonna be close.

(Benson and Skips watch over the hill for Mordecai ,Rigby, and Nico  but they're not coming)

Benson: That's it.

(Benson and Skips approach the cart before M&R suddenly come up driving)

Mordecai: (gasps) Dude, we made it! Dude, we made it! (Mordecai Rigby and Nico suddenly hit a rock, sending them out of control. They hit a lamppost, which the tree is lodged into. Mordecai tries to get it out, but the leaves fall out. Mordecai Rigby and Nico pick up the broken tree anyway and show it to Benson and Skips) Here's the lemon tree you asked us to pick up.

Rigby: Right on time. (Benson watches the sole lemon fall off the tree) I think the guy sold us a lemon, know what I'm sayin'?

Nico : This tree was dying anyway ( laughs nervously)

(Mordecai Rigby and Nico snicker. Benson turns red, growls at them, upset and angry that they failed their job, and he's about to yell, but quickly calms down)

Benson: No. You know what? I blame myself. I should've known better than to trust you two morons with such a straightforward task. You obviously need supervision.

Mordecai: (confused) Super-what-now?

Benson: (picks up walkie-talkie on the golf cart) Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, and Gremo get down here. I need you to watch over Mordecai,Rigby and Nico .

Muscle Man: (over microphone) We'll be right there.

Mordecai: What?

Rigby: No way! (drops the part of the tree he has onto the ground in anger after hearing their names) You can't stick us with Muscle Man and Hi Five. Those guys are turds!

Nico : Yeah Muscle Man is gross, Hi Five Ghost is annoying and weird  as heck and Gremo keeps getting on my nerves about how tall he is and how many girls he dated !

Mordecai: They have the combined intelligence of bread-mold. Come on, Benson. Give us one more chance.

Benson: No more chances. I'm sending you to the nursery to pick up another lemon tree. If you screw up again, I'll have Muscle Man  Hi Five and Gremo  supervise the next job. Then the next job, and the next. (turns red) GET IT?!

Mordecai: Yes. Um, yes, sir.

Benson: I'm sure.

(Benson drives the cart as he and Skips leave)

Rigby: Aw, man!

Mordecai: Ugh, this blows. You know what the worst is?

Rigby: The smell?

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