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I button up my dress shirt, tucking it into the pants then get my jacket, putting that on aswell.

I know I am late to Mama's pre engagement gathering but I had business to take care off. That will always come first.

I make sure I look presentable before walking out of my room then out of my chamber's doors and taking the stairs down.

I see Griffin also heading in the same direction and when he sees me, he stops so we can walk in together.

Griffin is my parents' second oldest. He is what people would call a right hand. He is why I am capable of being called Don soon and the only person who I trust with everything. He understands me and my need to protect this family from even themselves.

Our other two brothers are great soldiers of the Mafia but they have not seen what me and Griffin have.

Griffin used to be a twin. Our sister Elena and me were kidnapped when I was 10 and they were 9. I saw my baby sister bleed to death infront of my own damn eyes. Griffin lost a twin. I lost a sister.

We were both changed by that moment in time. We understand eachothers impulses and unwillingness for lifes meaningless endeavors.

"I have not told you this yet, so, Congratulations brother. I hope this union is fruitful to the Mafias future" Griffin nods, a teasing smirk present on his face. I flip him off before entering the door of the family room, my eyes immediately fall on the small figure. The girl I will soon take as a wife.

My eyes take her in. Her body fitted in a red dress that hugs her curves, face made to look more mature than the innocent one I saw yesterday. Her long hair curled to perfection.

She is the definition of beauty, I will give her that. A shame she won't get what she's expecting out of this marriage.

"-so Alana, how old are you and how set are you on marrying my brother because you know, Im open too" I hear Carlos' voice.

Carlos' words register making me raise an eyebrow. A burning sensation arises in my gut. Maybe I ate something wrong.

"Careful Carlos, wouldn't want to loose your face there." I say, stepping further into the room. I keep my eyes on her but she does not even raise her head to acknowledge me.

Carlos smirks at me and shrugs.

"There you are, come here and take this pocket square, it matches Alana's dress, put it in, come on" She says handing me a red square piece of cloth.

"Is this not supposed to be folded to a smaller size?" I ask her and she nods while sorting through boxes of what I think is jewelry.

"Yes, you can fold it cant you?" She asks and I look at her.

"How?" I ask her and she sighs looking at me annoyed.

"How do you not know how to fold a pocket square Xander, it is truly amazing" she shakes her head. "Alana? Cara do you know how to fold one?" she asks making her quickly look at Mama. Her eyebrows come together for a short second before she nods.

"Oh! Thank goodness, can you please put that in for him then tesoro?" she asks making her look at me for a brief second then she stands up, walking over to me.

Her steps are slow and timid making me look at her with more attention. Why is she always this scared. She walks over finally, slowly reaching a hand out and holds it out. I raise an eyebrow at her lack of eye contact but hand her the piece of cloth anyway.

She takes it then walks over to a table and does a few folds and like magic, the cloth turns into a triangle. Her face the entire time is concentrated and her lips are pursed.

She then turns around and tries to hand it to me but as I take it, the triangle seems to fall out of its fold. I hear a soft gasp come out of her mouth making me immediately look at her face. She looks... cute?

"I um, I can put it in for you" she says timidly in the softest voice, with a slight tremor in it.

"Alright" I say and she steps closer and tucks the triangle in my pocket quickly before she steps away as if I burnt her.

"That was painful to watch" Aaron comments making me finally take my eyes away from her.

"Griffin Moretti, Xanders brother" Griff introduces himself reaching for a handshake which she shakes quickly with a smile, looking at him.

"Alana, it's nice to meet you."

She doesn't look or smile at me, but my brothers are no problem?

I shake my head at my unusual thoughts then clear my throat.

"Mama, what are we waiting on?" I ask her as she finally stops messing with the boxes and comes over.

"I want to give my daughter in law a present" she says stepping between me and Alana, opening a box to reveal a necklace made entirely of stones.

I watch Alana's eyes widen a little before she looks at Mama.

"Donna, I think you are mistaken, I cannot take this" she says. Mama furrows her eyebrows.

"Why not cara, do you not like it?" She asks with a sad expression making me angry.

"Just take it and put it on, now." I tell her to which she responds by cowering away from me and nodding.

"I- Im sorry" she says quickly taking it.

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that Xander" Mama says scolding me. "Dolcezza if you do not like this one I can get something-"

"No! I- I love it, it is beautiful, I am just not sure Father would allow me to wear this" she says softly which confuses me.

"No ofcourse he will cara, if he says something I will talk to him don't worry" mama tells her to which she nods. Mama gives me a worried look to which I nod in understanding.

Something's wrong with the consigliere's household.


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