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I wake up and turn off my alarm. Grunting, I sit up in bed noticing that it is quite, and she is not on the sofa. I feel a strange sensation in my chest making me curse.

I did not mean to snap at her yesterday. I am stressed at work, I have a mole and no one knows who the fuck it is. This does not ever happen. And I do not tolerate a traitor. I cannot let this slide. And her constant doubt and fear around me makes me fucking furious.

I rub my face going into the bathroom then changing and walking down to breakfast. I see her sitting in her usual seat wearing a dress with blue flowers on it. She does not look up when I enter, but her body tenses as she softens her gaze at her plate.

I sit in my seat beside hers and she immediately inches away. I feel my jaw clench tightly and I breathe out.

After I am dome eating, I walk up to our room, thinking she would follow me but she doesn't come up for a while. I decide to just find her and get it done downstairs, I will be late to a meeting.

Or I won't wear a tie, I do not have to.

When I look for her downstairs, she is nowhere to be seen.

"Figlio, I will do your tie, Alana had something important to take care of." She informs. I feel fury build up at her overreaction to every little thing. Her constant fucking flinching and shaking.

"I do not need it today." I say before walking out of the house, getting into my car and speeding off. Fucking bullshit.


After a long day of doing everyone's job, I had come home very late. I had been on edge all day. It was midnight when I stepped into my room to change my dirty clothes. What surprised me was not finding Alana asleep on the sofa. She is usually toppling over with sleep at 11.

I clench my jaw, sighing afterwards. It seems as if I am always in an angry state, I just can't fucking catch a break. It seems that my anger is building. I just want no one to be around when I finally snap.

I change then walk downstairs. She is nowhere to be seen. As I am looking for her around the house, my phone rings in my pocket so I take it out.

"Are you having fun chasing around my little pet rat?" I hear a voice. I immediately recognize it as Enriquè. "Come on Ares, you don't have to be so angry I am just playing. You know it's unfortunate that it is so easy to bribe on of your soldiers-"

"Enriquè." I say in a low tone. "You and I both know you are drunk off your mind. We will talk when I see you in my warehouse tomorrow." I hang up, dialing Associate Braverman's number.

"Did you find him?" I ask.

"N-no capo we"

"YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" I scream "Braverman, I do not give a fuck how, find me the mole before I cut off your dick and feed it to my hound." I say to him in a low, chilling voice. "Tell Henrè to pick up Enriquè and have him ready for me in the morning." I end the call.

The fucker stole a whole brick of cocaine today. His confidence probably increases everyday I do not find him. He is probably snorting that coke right now, laughing at me. My fingers clench tightly and I punch the desk.

I hear soft steps padding towards me and I look up to see my wife coming out of the hallway from the back of the house, a man in a servant's uniform follows behind and leaves while she stops a few steps away from me.

"Where the fuck were you?" I ask making her jump.

"I- I am sorry I fell asleep in the library, and and there was this man he came in to to wake me I presume and-"

"What fucking man?" I ask her. I am feeling unusual waves of anger and right now, I shouldn't be talking to her I do not want to loose control in front of her.

(Trigger Warning: Abuse)

"He was the cleaner I assume, he did not say much but he was nice and left-"

"Yeah? He was nice huh? Did you fuck him?" He asks confusing me very much. Why would I abuse a servant verbally.

"N-no he had done nothing wrong-"

Suddenly I feel myself being shoved back roughly as I gasp loudly and wince when my back collides harshly against the wall.

An involuntary scream leaves me as I squirm, trying to get out of his strong, painful grip. "Xander please, please stop." I cry, tears impairing my vision.

"I will NOT tolerate a SLUT!" he screams so loud. I scream again when his large, strong hand wraps around my neck, squeezing it. I start coughing and crying, clawing at his hand.

"Xande-" I choke and cough.

He seems to be in a trance, his eyes blackened with rage. "Xander! Stop please ju-" I wheeze.

"Xander! Stop!" I choke on my cough again. Soon I am wheezing and I feel black start to spread from the corners of my vision, inwards. Ares. Stop.

"Ares," I whisper before I feel myself being released all at once and I fall in a heap on the floor. I hunch over, greedily gulping in all the air. I start crying loudly in fear as I can still see his shoes in my line of sight. I whimper, shuffling away desperately from his frozen form.

"Alana-" He whispers but I scream out in horror when he takes a step forward, I build up all my strength and run. I run faster than I have ever before. I am so scared of him. He is so much stronger than papa. So much bigger. I feel myself getting more and more dizzy as I end up in an unknown hallway. I open one of the doors to see a plain room. This cant belong to anyone.

Just hide!

I quickly scramble into the closet of the room, tucking myself into a corner crying as I feel my throat swell up more and more as the time passes. I rock myself back and forth taking peace in my isolation.

I do not realize when I fall into a sleep.

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