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Ares comes back, lazily walking towards me, my panties in his hand. "I brought you my favorite ones." his raises his eyebrows mischievously making me snicker.

"Thanks babe." I go on my toes to kiss his jaw. Thats all I can reach, even on my toes. If really try and use his shoulders as leverage then I can reach his cheek. Its kind of sad for me I know.

I slip the underwear on, letting my towel fall and putting on my bra, earning a smack on my bum making me glare at the bestower of said smack.

"Sorry." he kisses my cheek.

"Ace isn't awake yet?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "That's odd. Will you help me put this band aid on?" I ask him. The small wound on my neck from when Katrina nicked me with a knife yesterday is a little painful after my shower so I want to cover it up.

"Ofcourse baby, come here." He puts his hands on my hips to make me face him, then gently puts it on. His face is concentrated the entire time making me smile. "Is that okay?" He asks making me nod.

"Sí, thankyou." I lean up to kiss him.

"Momma?" I hear a soft voice making my heart lurch. I quickly run out of the bathroom door to see my son, standing by the bedroom door with his bear clutched in his arms. "Momma!" Ace squeals loudly running over to me. I sit down onto my knees, just as his little body collides into mine in a hug.

"Hi baby." I feel tears spring to my eyes. "Oh I missed you so much Acey." I sniffle.

"I missed you momma. Where were you?" he asks, pulling away just enough so he could see my face, keeping his arms on my shoulders. I cup his face kissing him all over.

"I got held up somewhere, but Im so sorry, I won't ever do that again." I kiss his cheeks again. Ace giggles.

"It's okay momma, I was waiting for yew to tuck me in but Nonna did it yesterday." he tells me.

"She did? That sounds so fun. I am so sorry I wasn't there in time okay honey? But I promise it won't be a habit." I brush his soft hair back. I want to make sure he knows it was a one time thing.

"Okay momma. Do we have pancakes?" He asks randomly making me laugh.

"We can go make some in the kitchen baby." I stroke his chin. "But we should change first. Did you take a bath last night?" I ask him.

"No Nonna asked but I was tired." He shrugs. "I like when you give me a bath momma, I missed you." his voice turns low, almost sad. Tears sting my eyes and nose, blurring my vision.

"I know, Im sorry." I hug him again, standing up with him in my arms. "I love you bug." I sniffle, holding him tightly. I feel large arms circle my waist as Ares envelopes the both of us in a hug.

"Daddy you said you would be back fow bedtime." Ace says his tone accusatory.

"Ah I know Im sorry buddy, uh mommy was um a little sick we went to the doctors." Aces eyes widen.

"Mommy did they poke you?" He asks, his expression shocked and adorable. He doesn't like getting shots.

"Hm only once but it didn't hurt at all." I assure him. Truthfully, I wasn't conscious so I don't even remember most of it.

"Why did you have to go to the," Ace pauses. "Ospedale?" His face turns confused. Aww.

He's learning to speak both Italiano and English. He sometimes mixes up the words which I think is completely normal. Admittedly his english is better than his Italiano so far.

I feel bad for him because Don's in training have to learn many languages.

"I just felt a little bit sick. Im okay now." I smile at him. "Let's go brush your little teeth. I'll bathe you after breakfast or we'll be late." I kiss his hair. Ares follows behind us silently, looking at his phone.

I wash my sons face and help him brush his teeth then dry his hands and face, we walk outside to see Ares still there. He looks up from his phone and smiles.

"Ace did you tell your mom about Arno?" My husband asks making an excited face at his son.

"Oh!" Ace exclaims, turning to me. "Momma my horsey was here yesterday. Daddy said I could name him and I could keep him fo-ever." He says excitedly.

"Really? That is so cool baby!" I exclaim as we walk downstairs.

"Sí, and I named him Arno, because daddy's name starts with 'A' and your name starts with 'A', and my name also starts with 'A'!" he exclaims as we reach the dining room. I grin at his enthusiasm.

I'll admit I love that we kept the 'A' for his name. Baby number two is very likely going to also have an 'A' name.

"Good Morning." Mama calls out as Ace runs over to Carlos. She hugs me tightly, stroking my hair as I melt into her warm embrace. "Oh mia cara I was so scared. Im so sorry dolcezza." she says, her voice is low.

"Im okay now." I whisper. She pulls away and smiles.

"You are so strong honey, I hope you're very proud of all that you've endured and still you are the beautiful vibrant soul you are. And you're an outstanding mother to Ace." She kisses my hands. My eyes sting.

Ares looks at me and I nod in answer to his silent question.

Should I say it?

"And she is going to be the same for this next baby too." He drawls casually.

"This next baby-" Mama's eyes widen. "What?!" She exclaims. "Oh mio Dio, sei incinta?!" she squeals making me laugh.
(Oh my goodness, you're pregnant?)

"THATS RIGHT IM GOING TO BE A ZIO AGAIN." Carlos shouts making me laugh more. Technically they already knew from yesterday.

All three of my brothers in law run over to us, my laugh doubling. Mama squeezes me into a hug, the. pulls away and excitedly hugs Ares. Papa comes over with a smile on his face and hugs me aswell.

"Congratulazioni principessa." He says fondly, leaving a quick kiss on my head. I smile and thank him.
(Congratulations princess.)

I hug Griffin first, then Aaron then Carlos last.

"Thankyou guys for yesterday." I say to them. Their expressions turn serious before switching to soft again.

"You're our sister Lana, no one messes with familia." Griffin side hugs me again making me smile and watch Aaron and Carlos solemnly nod along.

"Thankyou." I smile and look around. The smiling faces of the supportive members of my family filling me with so much warmth and love.


Double update because I love ya 😉

Please read: ⬇️
For everyone asking, Im so sorry but I really dont know when or where I wanna end this book. I just feel like its still fun to write and read and I absolutely love their life together. What I can tell you is that there will only be a happy ending to this book. No matter what conflict I write up (if any) Ares and Alana will be happy in the years to come in their lives. Rest assured I love them as much as you all do 🩵🩵

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