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We reach the site that Alana's phone last pinged a location and my men scope the area. Once they confirm she is in there and surround the old building, I move with some men towards a back entrance.

"Katrina stop. Stop!" I hear Alana scream and my chest clenches.

"Ho finito di aspettare. Entra" I say, running in, the sight that awaits me makes me growl in anger.
(Im done waiting. Move in.)

"Stop! Drop your weapon let the Donna go or I will shoot." Damon shouts, his tone chilling.

"Who the fuck is that?" Griffin asks, his gun aimed.

"Her stepsister." I grunt, anger riding high above all emotions.

"Ares." Alana sighs in relief when she sees me. My eyes soften at the sight of my wife, relief washing over me when I scan her and find her unharmed.

Hi baby. I sigh to myself.

Katrina panics, pulling Alana infront of her, placing a knife to her neck, wrapping one hand over Alana's mouth.

My spine burns with fear. Fuck.

"Drop the fucking knife. You don't want to do this." Griffin warns.

"Let me go. G-give me money and let me go." she sputters pathetically making me scoff.

"Do not fucking negotiate you bitch. Get your hands off my wife." I growl taking a step forward. This makes Katrina panic and she makes an abrupt, jerky motion and nicks Alana making my wife hiss. "Stop fuck- Alana!" I shout, the sight of a tiny drop of my wifes blood beading on her skin makes my heart pound.


"You're done, you fatherless scum!" Aaron shouts angrily, cocking his gun ready to pull the trigger as soon as he can get a clear shot. Damon uses one hand to block his path as a silent no.

"Ares!" Alana squeals, trying to elbow her hippo of a half sister, successfully taking Katrinas hand off her mouth. "Anita is here too, dont let her surprise you!" She struggles. My eyes quickly look around, immediately spotting the boxes stacked high.

"On it." Carlos says into my earpiece. Good.

"Let my daughter go." I hear a womans voice, as she appears, pointing the gun at Alana. Fuck.

My blood freezes. My fingers ice cold around my gun. I hate the fear.

"Fuck sorry." Carlos grunts, and I see him appear from behind the boxes.

"You took away all of our money. You killed father and now we have nothing!" Katrina shouts making Alana wince.

"This bitch is loud." Carlos grunts. All I can see is the blood coming out from my wifes neck, now in a steady trickle. Its a small amount of blood, not even close to be anything fatal but it makes my skin crawl.

"She's not getting out of here alive." Katrina seethes. "Mom, kill her. Or I will." she says like a maniac. "You promised you would do it so I don't go to jail. Do it." she presses. "She's already going to die just do it."

"Believe me cagna, jail will be the least of either of your worries if even a hair on my wifes head is harmed." I growl, my voice dark.

"N-no do it mom, you promised." The annoying bitch whines like a brat. I hear Griffin grunt. The crazy psycho cocks her gun making Alana shout.

"Wait!" She urges. "Wait, just," she cries harder making my chest clench. I take another step forward making Anita take 2. I halt immediately. "Don't come closer, just listen." She pins me with her gaze, her eyes pooling with tears. My heart beats louder, my ears ringing as I frown at her in confusion.

"Ares." Alana whimpers, her face now scared. "I-" She sniffles, her chest rising and falling. "If I really do-"

"Alana." I warn, my tone sharp, but a desperate edge grips it.

"No Ares listen." she sniffles. "If I do." she pauses. "I want you to know. Im pregnant." She sobs. My ears ring. What? "I found just before- before all this." She laughs incredulously.

"What? Baby.. I" I shake my head, trying to wrap my head around what she just said. I tighten my loosening grip on my gun and gulp.

"I'm four months along and-" she sucks in a sharp breath when Anita sigh in annoyance moving closer. "And I thought I could be. Last month I suspected it and I should've told you, Im sorry." She sniffles.


"You're not going anywhere you're fine." I reason. She's fine she's not seriously hurt.

"No she-" Alana huffs as if running out of breath. "She injected me with something." She cries.

My heart drops. My heartbeat drops. Everything stops around me and all I can here is my beautiful wife sob as she reaches down to hold her stomach.

"What?" I spit. Griffin curses loudly, grabbing his phone from his pocket.

We here two consecutive sniper shots and Katrina and Anita fall to the floor at the same time, both screaming out in pain.

"Oh god." Alana whispers, weakly trying to walk away. I run to her, holding her body upright as she seems to slump. I see Aaron kick the gun out of the woman's hands.

"Ambulance is 2 minutes out." Griffin says, pointing his gun at an injured Katrina to keep from getting up.

"Baby, you're going to be okay, sí? Im not going to let anything happen to you." I rush, my voice is now fully panicked. Alana weakly smiles.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you, you were so busy I didn't want to bother you." She whispers, she seems to be slowly loosing consciousness. Fuck.

"No. It's okay my love, it's okay. I love you, and I love this baby and I am not letting anything happen to you both." I gulp, my hands shaking as she slumps further, forcing me to sink to my knees as she rests on my chest. "You're okay Alana, just keep your eyes open." I hear my voice break.

"I love you Ares." She whispers, her enchanting eyes fluttering closed.

"No! No no no no no no no." I start panicking, I shake her, rub her hands.

I am not helpless this time. I am not letting her die that easy.

"ALANA!" I scream, shaking her.

No. She can't leave me.

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