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"Why can't we wake her daddy?" I hear the muffled voice of my baby.

"She looks so peaceful bud, we can give it to her in the morning." My husband's deep voice sounds. It's always soothing to hear him talk, especially when I am sleepy.

"Daddyy." Ace whines. I feel myself slip out of sleep completely at his sleepy voice.

What time is it? I blink open my eyes, watching them at the foot of the bed, looking at each other, holding hands. I grin at the adorable sight.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, making both of their heads snap towards me. They are so similar I love it.

"Mommy!" Ace shouts, climbing the bed with his dad's help, a red box in hand.

"Hi honey." I say, sitting up in bed. I don't remember falling asleep. I look at my husband who has a smile on his face. "What time is it?" I ask him. He takes out his phone, checking the time.

"It's almost 9." He informs. My eyes widen.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask him. He just shrugs. I look back to Ace who has a grin on his face. "Wait who bathed him?" I ask, seeing his hair slightly damp and that he has his pajamas on.

"I did." Ares says. I look at him in surprise. "What? You didn't think I could?" he asks. I laugh a little.

"No I am just surprised, you haven't done it alone ever before. And he's a handful when he gets excited." I say as he comes around to sit in his side of the bed.

"I am not saying I didn't get completely drenched, but we got it done right bud?" He asks Ace who smiles sleepily. I laugh.

"Thankyou, you could've woken me though babe, I'm fine." I say to him.

"But daddy said you have a 'tomach ache." Ace comments. I look at Ares who shrugs.

"I feel better now though honey," I tell him, kissing his hair. "What's this?" I point to the box he's holding.

"It's stwawbewy chocolate." he tells me.

"Chocolate covered strawberries." Ares offers.

"Sí, daddy said you like chocolate so we go to the store and buy-" he pauses, looking around. "Daddy!" He exclaims, struggling to quickly get of the bed, running towards the door. "Come." he urges with his hand.

I look at Ares.

"We got some stuff.." he trails off. I squint my eyes. "You'll see, just don't be upset, it's not alot." He rambles, helping me off the bed. I follow both my boys out into the hallway, my eyes widening at the amount of things on the floor.

"Ares." I say seriously, my jaw falling open. There is at least 4 bags of candy, a giant teddy bear, what looks like a basket full of body care items? "Why did you guys do this?" I ask them.

"For you." Ace says. "Look!" he pushes the bears paw in making him say 'I love you!'. I laugh. "Daddy got this for you!"

"Oh my god." I look at Ares again, he's rubbing the back of his neck. "I love you too." I tell him. His eyes soften at me and he walks closer, cupping my cheeks.

"I love you more baby." He leans down, capturing my lips in an intense kiss. Pulling away, his eyes look dilated, zeroing in on my lips then up at my eyes. "Thankyou for everything you do for us, you're truly a superhero, there's no one like you my love." he sighs making my heart beat faster. I pout, feeling tears spring to my eyes.

"Like wondaw woman!" Ace squeals. I laugh at him.

"Thankyou honey." I open my arms to him, making him run into them. I kiss his beautiful face. Ares wraps his strong arms around us and we just stand there, one happy little family.

"Babe?" I whisper after a few minutes, my husband hums. "I think Ace is asleep." I tell him. He lifts his face from my neck and chuckles.

We both put Ace down in his bed, tucking him in. I put his night light on before we walk out together, leaving his door ajar as always.

"How are your cramps?" Ares asks me, as he leads me to our bed with his hand on my lower back.

"Not bad, I'm kind of hungry though. What was for dinner?" I ask him pulling down the sleeves to my top to cover my hands, as he sits down on the bed.

"Risotto with tomato soup." He tells me. I shrug. I don't really want that. "We can go to the kitchen and see if you like it?" he offers. I nod, I can make a sandwich.

But the thought of any sort of lunch meat makes me nauseous right now.

We walk dowm hand in hand, me kind of sulking.

"I might just eat 4 chocolate bars." I warn my husband who chuckles. Walking into the kitchen, I open the refrigerator to see everything put away in boxes.

"What's that?" Ares asks. I turn around to see him pointing at something on the counter. I close the doors to the fridge to see a brown paper bag. With a panda on it. I whip around to see Ares smiling like a kid.

"You got me food!" I squeal, running into his arms, wrapping my legs around him as he lifts me up, laughing.

"You're this happy over food?" he asks me. I bury my face in his neck.

"I thought I would have to eat the damn risotto." I mumble making him laugh harder.

"Alright, come on let's heat it up you need to eat." he pats my bum. I shake my head mumbling 'no'. I love when he makes me feel all safe and taken care of. "No?" he asks. I shake my head. "Okay." he kisses my neck, and starts walking around making me hold his neck tighter.

I just remain clung to him like a koala bear while he heats up my food for me, then carries me and the food back up to our room.


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