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"Well?" I ask my husband who looks bored. "Ares focus." I frown.

"Baby I am trying but this is hardly my forte." He grumbles, pulling on my hair strand too hard.

"Ow." I squeal.

I have a problem. I can't keep my arms up for a long period of time. I don't know why but everything becomes more difficult when you're pregnant. 8 months pregnant to be exact.

I can't even do my own hair. And my other problem is that I suddenly hate having my hair in my face. I need it to be pinned back.

"Why don't your hire someone to do your hair? I would pay a years earnings to not do this." He pokes me with a pin making me flinch away.

"How hard is it to pin two strands of hair?" I scowl. "I swear this is the last time I am getting pregnant." I huff.

"What?" Ares looks surprised.

"Im joking I know you want like 10 kids." I roll my eyes making him grin. "You're so weird god."

"I just think you look sexy pregnant." He shrugs. "This is good." He points to my hair. I look at it in the mirror. It's as good as it's gonna get.

"Thankyou." I lean up to kiss his lips. "Im choosing to ignore the sexy pregnant remark" I say pointedly, walking to our closet with him in tow. "Where are we going." I sing.

"Somewhere. Wear something comfortable. It's a casual place." He says. "You have beautiful hair baby." he says making me smile.

"Thankyou, can we get cake from that one place I like after?" I ask him as I pick through my summer dresses.



"I know you're up to something. You have that look." I squint my eyes at my husband.

"What look my love?" He asks, his face mischievous. It's astonishing because when I first met Ares, I found it impossible to read him. None of his expressions seemed to give anything away and it made me crazy.

Now I can always tell when he's happy, angry, frustrated or even when he's trying to be sneaky. I know him like the back of my hand. Perhaps better than I even know myself.

And that's what makes my heart feel so full everyday. Even if didn't tell eachother everyday, I could feel Ares' love for me in my bones. In the way he talks to me, takes care of me or even looks at me. I feel his love.

"The look of mischief. Like an elf." I grin when his face falls as if offended.

"Now I am definitely not telling you anything." he says.

"Aha." I say obnoxiously. Ares raises an eyebrow. "So there's something to tell." I say.

Ares laughs.

"I think you already knew that part." he says, all smug. "Is Ace not going to ruin his bedtime? He's been sleeping for a while." he asks.

After I changed Ace into his going out outfit, he had fallen asleep on our bed waiting for us. So we just ended up carrying him to the car and not waking him. I don't want him to wake up cranky.

"Yeah, the worst that can happen is he'll stay with us for a while at night instead of sleeping at 9, I don't mind. He's pretty easy to set back into his schedule-"

I stop talking when my eyes catch a glimpse of the water in the late evening sun. I sit up in my seat.

"Ares." I whisper, looking up at the beach house we stopped outside of. "Do not say you bought another house." I gasp, opening my door to climb out of the car.

"Then how will I tell you it's for our little girl?" he says coming up behind me and I can hear his smile as I admire the beautiful beach house.

We found out that we were having a girl a few months ago and Ares had been beyond happy. He'd made sure her room was already perfectly set up with alarms and motion detectors in every corner. He'd spared no expense or effort to make her room perfect and I loved him more seeing his enthusiasm.

He said he would love either, but a little Alana was what he really wanted.

We picked out all the furniture and Ace picked out so many stuffed toys for his little sister. He was thrilled it was a girl too.

"It's for you, for carrying our daughter and going through all these hardships to bring her to us." He wraps his arms around me, resting his hands on the bump. "For carrying both our children and giving me my world." he kisses my neck. My eyes brim with unshed tearsz

I turn in his arms, my tears now pouring down my face.

"I love it. I love you. But you have to stop buying us houses." I laugh.

"They're investments baby. I'm sure you'll feel differently when we can come here on the weekends with our kids." he kisses me.

"I love that visual." I sigh, a picture of a wonderful little family by the beach coming to my mind. "Oh this is so perfect Ares I can't believe how well you know me. You're giving me literally everything I have ever wanted." I cry.

"And I will continue doing so forever." He growls, kissing me harder, with more passion burning behind the kiss.

We stand there for a few moments, soaking up the magic of our surroundings, the crisp summer air of Italy, the lightly salty breeze, everything felt perfect. I carry our things into the beautiful house while Ares gets our son.

I unlock the door with a code my husband gives me and step inside, a gasp leaving me at the breathtaking interior of the house.

Ares puts a still sleeping Ace on the luxurious looking white L-shaped couch. I kiss my baby's hair and cover him up with a throw blanket then walk over to the sliding glass doors that have stairs leading down to the beach. This feels surreal.

"Is the beach super popular? Maybe we could fence off the house incase Ace wants to run around?" I ask my husband who stands next to me, with a strong arm wrapped around my middle.

"It's a private beach." He informs.

"What do you mean?"

"It's our private beach. We own the land so no one can really come to this part of the beach." He shrugs. My mouth parts in shock.

"You bought part of the beach?" I ask, gaping in shock.

"Only about 2 acres. I want you to have as much time on the beach as you want." He says. "The way you looked at the beach on our honeymoon, I fucking fell in love with your ability to look at something so simple with so much love." he tells me, his vouce filled with emotion. Im still just standing there shocked.

"It only took me this long because building houses is a pain in the ass." he curses. "But every minute is worth it if I get to see your pretty eyes wide with excitement and surprise." He smirks, leaning down to kiss me.

"You own a beach." I say, dazed.

"No, we own a beach." he squeezes me in his hold. "Plus if we ever come here without kids, I can eat you out in public, now that sexy." He laughs when I elbow him.

"Ares you.." I trail off.

"I love you piccola pecora." his eyes soften. I melt.
(little sheep)

"I love you too."

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