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My body jolts awake in a panic. I feel sweat on the back of my neck so I pat it off, my breathing heavy. I gulp, trying to relieve my dry throat. I hug the blanket closer, feeling how icy my toes and fingers are.

I look around, spotting Ares still in bed, asleep. I sigh, turning my body further to see the time. It is 7:45. I decide that I should get changed and leave the room before he wakes up, I wouldn't be in his way then.

As I am putting on my clothes after my shower, my eyes get caught on my scars. I have a long one running from my back to stomach, and one on my rib cage.

I feel hot tears sliding down my face that is still cold from the water. I do not understand why the memories are still painful. Why it is so hard to get used to the pain, get over it.

Brushing away my tears, I try to forget about them and change into a new dress that mama had bought me yesterday, along with the pink sandals she also got me.

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Once I had covered my freckles and sprayed my perfume, I walked out of the closet only to gasp at the tall man standing there

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Once I had covered my freckles and sprayed my perfume, I walked out of the closet only to gasp at the tall man standing there.

"Sorry" I apologize while he just tiredly walks to the bathroom. Gosh. I quickly go out of the room, not wanting to bother him any further.

Walking down the stairs, I realize it is still early and so, no one seems to be downstairs. I decide to explore the house, very intrigued by the beautiful home. I had always thought Father's house was not decorated well. The gold had always hurt my eyes.

While I walked around, I came across the kitchen and decided to go in and see what it looked like. I loved to cook. Mrs. Fiore had taught me how to make many things and it had been my favorite activity for a very long time.

"Oh! Buon giorno cara, did you want your breakfast early?" Maybel asks making me shake my head.

"Ofcourse not, I was just wondering if I could help with something?" I ask, looking at all the people working on breakfast.

Maybel looks at me with a surprised smile, and laughs lightly.

"That is very kind of you cara, but I think they are fine." She comments, seeing as there are so many of them working. I spot a girl going back and forth between cutting up fruit and trying to crack some eggs in a bowl.

"I can make the eggs." I say to her walking closer. She looks at me confused. Oh! "Posso fare le uova" I say again.

"Oh, no no, signora, posso fare entrambe le cose" she says quickly, her face heating. I give her a polite smile, shaking my head.
(Oh no no mrs, I can do both)

"Per favore lasciami" I say, with my best pleading look which makes her look at Maybel. I look at her to see her giving the girl nod.
(please, let me)

"Are you sure you want to dear?" Maybel asks and I nod. "Okay, it will be scrambled eggs." She informs.

I crack the rest of the eggs in the bowl then start cooking them.


I help the kitchen staff with anything I can, then I also help with setting the table. I love doing these things, they are just so fun and relaxing to do.

"Oh! Cara you are early." I hear mama say as she enters with papa. I smile at them.

"Buon giorno," I greet. "I had woken up early so I decided to come down and help in the kitchen, I hope that is okay." I say hoping I had not upset them. I did not ask permission.

"Ofcourse not tesoro, but you really did not have to, I do not want you to tire yourself out by performing these hard tasks." Mama says as she takes a seat. The 4 brothers enter all together, talking loudly.

"vaffanculo, Aaron" We hear Carlos say loudly which makes mama scold him.

"I hope you like the eggs and the sausage signori, the young signora has made them today." Maybel informs as the two girls place them on the table.

"You made Italian sausage?!" Carlos shouts making me smile and nod at his enthusiasm. It is very endearing.

"Oh cara, this was most unnecessary, but thankyou. Oh you are like a dream come true." Mama squeals, hugging me from the side. I feel my cheeks becoming hot as Ares pulls out a chair for me to sit. I thank him for his kindness and sit down listening to Carlos talk about how delicious the sausage was.

"It is a brilliant idea to make sausage for breakfast!" he says loudly.

"Figlio, we always have sausage, you never like it." Mama shrugs, eating some eggs. "Oh sí this is very delicious love." she compliments.

"I do not like that one. I like anything that Alana makes" He winks at me, making me look at my plate in embarrassment. I hear a sneer beside me, intended for Carlos no doubt.

After we are done having breakfast, I walk up the stairs with Ares, to help him with his tie. I like the name Ares so very much. I wish it hadn't been made so sad for him. Xander is pretty too though.

When we are in his room, he hands me his tie and I quickly start doing it for him. He is very tall so I find that going on my toes is helpful for performing the task.

I can feel his eyes on me the entire time which makes me very nervous. I quickly finish up, putting as much distance between us as I can. Phew.

After he collects his things, he leaves without any words being spoken between us. He does not like me very much. But it is okay, atleast he does not hate me enough to want to hurt me.

I spend the rest of the day reading a book I had brought with me and then talking with mama.

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