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Ares left around three in the afternoon. He had some meetings and then he would go from the meetings to the club with Damon and his brothers.

He felt really guilty but I assured him that me time and friends time is very important, and he's home with me all the time so he shouldn't feel guilty for going out once in a while.

Anyways it's now almost 11 pm and true to my words, I had spent a very wonderful and comfortable day in our room, reading a really nice book and no morning sickness today at all. My doctor did say that it would get better around 5 months and Ive just hit that mark.

What makes me break out of the peaceful imagination of my book is the loud crack of thunder. Oh no. Oh no no.

I look at the large windows of our bedroom, the sky lighting up with another strike of thunder, the sound following soon after. I hold my bump, looking down at my baby boy.

I hope he's not scared. Can he hear it? I hope not. My body jolts as another, louder sound cracks. Oh god.

I feel my nose sting with the telltale sign of tears ready to come. It's 11 mama is most likely already asleep.

I shouldn't be scared. I'm safe, in my own home. In mine and my husbands bedroom. My baby is with me. I shouldn't be scared. Another loud sound echoes, forcing a whimper out of me.

I quickly get off the couch, almost running over to the bed, and curling up under the covers. I feel the hot tears finally give out, falling down the sides of my face, seeping into my hair. I sob, feeling pathetic for being such a baby about this.

But the flashbacks creep into my head, the dark rooms, the hatred the vengeance. Every single word said to me, every action that made me feel worthless.

Those memories feel like a lifetime ago but all the same.

I feel my tears drip steadily and every loud thunder extracts a cry out of me.

This isn't helping. I open my eyes, looking at the closet door. Maybe it will be less loud in there


I'm sitting at the club with Damon and my brothers. It's been a tedious day of meetings and dealing with snobs. I am exhausted I genuinely don't like working, Ive been fucking relieved to stay home with my wife.

I miss her beyond belief, it's lunacy to miss her when I just saw her this morning. But it is what it is. I smile thinking of her little antics.

"Ares!" Griff shouts.

"What?" I groan. He's so fucking annoying.

"I asked you a question but you were drooling over something." He shrugs. I flip him off.

"I was not drooling, stronzo, what was your question." I grunt, lighting a smoke.

"Just, what happened with the," he continues talking but my eyes catch the thunder lighting up the sky. Fuck when did it start raining.

"I have to go." I say, standing up.

"Huh? Why?" Carlos asks me, finishing off his drink.

"Mi sono appena ricordato una cosa, ci vediamo." I say, walking out as quickly as I can.
(I just remembered something, see you.)

Fuck she's scared of the thunder. Fuck.

I run out of the club, getting into my car, and hitting the gas. I dial her phone and it rings then goes to voicemail.

Why is she not answering? I keep calling her and within 10 minutes I am at home.

Running up the stairs, hoping she had just fallen asleep, I open the door to our room but she is no where to be seen.

"Alana?" I call her name, looking around. I walk over to the bathroom opening it and I do not see her there either. "Kitten? Are you-" I open the closet door, seeing her curled up on the closet floor.

She jumps at my voice, looking up at me. Her face is tear stricken, her big innocent eyes filled with fear.


My wife whimpers, more tears spilling out of her eyes. Fuck fuck.

I rush to her side, scooping her up in my arms.

"Merda, tesoro, mi dispiace tanto." I whisper, pulling her onto my lap. "Sh, you're okay baby Im right here. Youre okay." I tell her. She squeezes her fists together, my shirt collar being caught by her small hands.
(Shit baby Im so sorry)

"Im so-sorry Im like th-this." she hiccups. My heart clenches at her broken voice.

"You're perfect my love." I kiss her hair. Standing up, I carry her out to the bed, sitting down, still holding her to me. I let her calm down, my anger flaring at my own self.

"Ares?" She mumbles into my neck.

"Sí, baby?" I ask, making my voice as low as possible to comfort her.

"Do you think the baby can hear it?" She asks. I know she's talking about the thunder.

"I doubt it baby, and even if he could, he feels very safe inside you, so he isn't afraid." I kiss her head. She takes her face out of the crook of my neck, her doe eyes looking at me.

"You really think that?" she asks. I nod.

"I know it." I smile, leaning down to kiss her hair.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with me being like this." She sniffles.

"Kitten you never have to apologize to me." I brush her hair out if her beautiful face. "You have built a home here in my heart. One where you talk and I listen. One where you're safe to laugh or cry or be angry." I tell her while she looks at me with her eyes big, as if mesmerized.

"I never want you to think you can't feel what you're feeling or express it to me. What happened in your life is not something I want you to forget, I want you to work through it but never change." I kiss her lips. "I want you exactly as you are. Perfect. Mine." I growl. She smiles so wide, it feels like fireworks going off in my chest.

"I love you Ares." She whispers, climbing further into my lap.

"I love you more baby." I sigh, hugging her waist close to me.

"Thank you for being here with me. Thank you for being so nice. For saving me." She whispers.

"You're the one who saved me, angel."

How much do ya'll hate me?

I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in a day. I am in a dark place right now, because of what is going on in the world.
I will continue to write ofcourse, it truly is my only escape from reality, but please, if you want, take a moment to read my note on my profile.

Thank you for reading 🤍

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