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After breakfast, I packed up everything me and Ace would need in his diaper bag anf my dior tote, informed mama and left the house for the day. Ace always says he loves when I drive us, it makes me look 'cool' like daddy.

"Mommy is daddy sad?" Ace asks again. He's been using different words to try and understand what's wrong with his dad. He's so sweet and innocent it makes my heart ache that he felt hurt enough by his father that he cried.

It doesn't bring up the best memories or feelings.

Does anything not scare you?

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel.

"No honeh, he just needs some time alone. Sometimes people need time by themselves to process emotions and feelings." I tell him, watching his thoughtful expression in the mirror that I can see with my rear view one.

"E-emotions like wove?" he asks innocently.

"Yes, and other ones like love." I say.

"I wove you mommy." He says sweetly making my heart full.

"I love you more than anything else in the world baby." I tell him. He smiles, kicking his little feet.

"M-more than u wove daddy?" he asks. I press my lips together.

"Sometimes." I shrug.

"Is that one of the things you need to pwocess?" he asks. I snicker.

"Yes honey exactly. You're so smart I love it." I say making him giggle.

"You wanna play a fun game I have?" I ask him to which he squeals a yes.

I was watching a video where a mom said that making the r sound helps with pronouncing it with words better. I just want to ease him into it. I know he's only two so I have some time, and if he does start to feel frustrated, I won't push him. But just as a starter.

I start to roll r's making Ace giggle alot. But then he tries it himself and surprisingly he's good at it. I'm sure he'll catch on in no time.


I don't know what to think. Yesterday when Griffin dropped off Ace I got a call from my IT team about an anonymous email sent to them. It was pictures.

Pictures of Alana with another guy, on multiple different occasions. Holding hands and other things I do not care to repeat. I did not believe it at first but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed possible. She never liked to go out in her own but lately she had been loving going to lunch by herself.

She's started wearing more makeup lately, and she's come out of her shell more. These are perfectly innocent things, that I was happy she was finally doing but now I cant shake the fucking images from my head.

But none of that fucking means anything. I trust my wife I just need to bash this lie through the head.

I have a team looking for the poor son of a bitch in the photos so I can confirm that the photos are fake. But I do not know how to act infront of her or my family.

Seeing her makes me feel angry and fucking restless without reason. I absolutely do not think those pictures are real but my brain just doesn't work like that. I just want to ask her point blank but she doesn't even know that I think this. And in the very high chance that the pictures are fake I don't want her to be fucking furious at me for doubting her. I would rather get my confirmation and have her not find out at all.

But now I am sure that she is furious. She is beyond upset. I should've never argued with her, just kept my mouth shut till I got my hands on the bastard.

I groan into my hands.

This is why I was avoiding her. And everyone else. I feel terrible for making Ace upset. I do not know what got into me I couldn't stop the endless snowballing of cruel shit coming out of my mouth.

I never made it to breakfast. I'm too ashamed of my own wife and son. I have let them down.

The images of Alana in another mans arms takes over my senses again making me growl out my anger.

I take some time to calm down, my son's soft features and tear brimmed eyes flashing into my head making my heart ache. He looked exactly like his mother, just minutes before, also on the verge of crying because of me.

I decide to go see him. I know the little bugger is just like his mom, but forgets a little easier so he'll forgive me if I apologize.

I check his room first then downstairs, in the gardens the kitchen, the library. They're no where to be found. I walk back upstairs to mine and Ana's room, sure that they would be in there, but all the find is a cold empty room.

A flashback of the gut twisting feeling when Alana left me years ago comes to me, making the panic set in. I open the closet, breathing out a breath I was holding when I see all her stuff there. But tote bag that she takes on long trips is gone.


It usually sits right on the shelf that is now empty, it's hard to miss.


I run into Ace's room, looking for his diaper bag. Not there.


"Mama!" I call as I climb down the stairs. "Where are Alana and Ace?" I ask, my tone hurried.

"Calm down Ares! She took him away for the day, maybe longer now shush Im on the phone." Mama walks away.

No. No no no. She wouldn't just leave? I fucked up but. Why is Mama so lax about it? I take out my phone, going to dial Alana but it rings before I get the chance.

"Capo we the guy." He says.

"FUCK." I shout, conflicted with what to do. "Fine Im coming in 10." I grit.


A loud cracking sound echoes through the cold stone walls as the. The crack of this bastards jaw.

"I know your kind, American scum, you'd anything for money, I need a name. A name or the next I shatter will be your kneecaps!" I scream in his face.

The scrawny bitch groans.

"Katrina." he says weakly, wheezing and coughing blood. "Katrina C. T-thats all I know sir please I just did it for some for college." He begs.

Katrina C? Who the fuck is that?

"Did what? What did she make you do?" Damon screams in his face.

"Pose in some pictures. With a girl." he coughs up more blood as I stroke my sore knuckles, my heart rate spiking to a dangerous level. Damon pulls out a picture of my wife.

"This her?" He asks.

"No." he says weakly.

I feel my knees almost give out. I shouted at her. I berated her, I taunted, ignored. I did everything I deserve her doing to me.

Fuck. And now she is gone. Again. I cannot believe I have driven away the only woman I love, the mother of my child. Again.

"Ares you're the dumbest fucking bitch I know." Damon spits bitterly, wiping off the sweat on his forehead. "Who the fuck is Katrina C?" he asks.

"I don't know." I say running my not bruised hand through my hair. "Find out and report back to me." I say to one of the men standing off to the side.

"Im gonna go look for my wife and kid bro. I fucking loathe myself." I grunt walking out. It's dark out now. That scrawny little American bitch in there was knocked out for hours only to spit out the truth im5 minutes.

I feel my chest tighten at the thought of how I hurt my beautiful wife. I don't why I keep hurting her. I hate that I do this.


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