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Waking up the next morning, my first thought is the same as the last one before I slept.

He loves someone else.

It's something my mind never thought about. This is why he does not like me. He loves someone else. Who he did sex with.

It's not fair. I could do it too, if I knew what it was. But he wouldn't even tell me. I wish I could have married someone who's heart wasn't taken.

I feel emotions bubble inside me, my heart aching at the thought of Ares loving someone else.

I did not think he loved me, but knowing he loves someone else just makes me very sad.

I sigh, wiping under my eyes before standing up from the couch I fell asleep on.

"Is there a reason you did not sleep in bed?" I hear a deep voice ask making me jump. I did not even know he was here.

I turn to see him standing by the mirror, already dressed for the day.

"I thought you wouldn't approve if I did." I say. Ares walks over to me and lifts up my chin to make me look at him.

"We slept in the same bed for the past two nights, all of a sudden you thought I wouldn't appreciate it? Why?" he asks.

Because you did sex with someone else.

"No reason." I tell him. "Did you need a tie?" I ask, trying to avoid the topic. He is only wearing dress pants and a button down shirt, with a jacket.

"No, we are invited to lunch today. Papa's friend got to know that we are currently in Paris, so he has asked us to join him." he tells me.

"Oh okay, when do we leave?" I ask him.

"Noon, it's at the beach." he informs. I nod, stepping away from him and going into the bathroom.

I spend most of the morning preparing for the lunch. I shower, paint my toes, curl my hair then pick out a very pretty dress, I think it would look wonderful at the beach. It has cutouts on the waist and is a very pretty material. I just finished doing my makeup.

It is chilly so I might be cold in the dress, but it's okay.

I actually have never been to the beach, I have however seen pictures. When I had a laptop for school, the background in it was the beach and I had always wanted to go. I am very excited. But also nervous. I don't really like talking with new people.

 I don't really like talking with new people

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When I am finished getting dressed, it is almost noon so I decide to go find Ares and let him know I am dressed

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When I am finished getting dressed, it is almost noon so I decide to go find Ares and let him know I am dressed.

I walk around the upper portion of the house looking for him but I don't find him so I walk downstairs.

"Wow." I hear his voice and look up from carefully stepping on the last step, afraid I will fall in my heels.

"Hm?" I ask, not paying attention where I step and I slip off the last step, squealing like a child.

I feel his strong arms wrap around me, preventing me from falling on the floor. I hold onto his shoulders, afraid of getting hurt.

"Jesus woman." I hear him hiss as he stands me upright. "You are so clumsy." he grunts.

I take myself out of his hold, standing with some distance between us.

"Sorry." I say. Ofcourse he thinks I am clumsy. He hates me.

"No that is not what I meant," he says. I look up at him, seeing him inhale sharply.

"Can we go?" I ask. His face falls, as if he were expecting me to say something else. But he nods nonetheless and I walk away first, towards the door.

I know I am being short with him but I can't help it. If he loves somebody else then he should have married her.

I sit inside the car that is waiting outside with the help of the butler standing there.

Soon, Ares also sits inside the car and I feel his gaze on the side of my face but I do not look at him.

The whole way there, I can feel him looking at me but he doesn't say anything so I do not address it either.

The car stops infront of a large building, it's very pretty. I see Ares get out and start walking towards my door but I quickly open my own door, getting out and closing it before he can.

He just stands there and looks at me, as if I have just done a crime.

"Xander!" I hear a mans voice and it also gets my husbands attention. I see a large man approach us, he's older, maybe Papa's age. His hair has streaks of white and his eyes have slight wrinkles. He looks scary but when he looks at me, a kind smile comes on his face.

"And you are Alana, it is a pleasure dear, I was at your reception but did not get the chance to make your acquaintance, Marco Salvatore." he greets. I smile back. I hear a slight French accent.

"It is quiet alright Mr. Salvatore, it's wonderful to meet you thankyou for having us." I say politely.

He continues talking as Ares and I follow behind him. We soon reach an outdoor section of the club, as he called it. There are tables and chairs set up everywhere and the railing overlooks the water.

The beach is breathtaking, the waves crash against the shore again and again, the serenity is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

"Alana dear, these are my two children." I hear Mr. Salvatore say, making me look at the girl and boy who stand up when we approach them.

"Hello, nice to meet you. Alana Moretti." I introduce myself. The girl looks very young, maybe around 16 and the boy looks about my age.

"Im Isla, nice to meet you Alana." she smiles, giving me a handshake. Oh she is so  adorable. They all seem to have a french accent.

"Ethan Salvatore." the guy reaches out a hand. I put mine in his, expecting him to just shake it but he leans down, placing a chaste kiss on the back of it. My cheeks heat at his actions.

I feel Ares' strong, muscular arm wrap around me, his hand rests spread on my hip. He does that alot, perhaps it is a way to declare I am his wife.

We sit down and make small talk and soon, the food arrives. We all eat and chat, it's so nice here.

I do not notice but perhaps I was staring at the beach too much after I had finished my food.

"Did you want to go see the beach closer?" I hear Isla's soft voice from across the table. I look at her and smile sheepishly.

"Um, sure, can we?" I ask. She nods eagerly standing up.

"Yes! I love the beach too, E? Will you come with us?" She asks her brother who nods.

"bien sûr, lapine." he says, wiping his mouth with a napkin before standing up. I actually know the French language, it's very fascinating to me.
(sure rabbit)

I smile at him calling his sister that. That is so cute.

I look at Ares, to find him already looking at me. He just nods, as if understanding that I was asking if I could go.

The three of us walk down the ramp that leads to the sand.

"Oh Alana? You should take off your heels, just put them here with my sandals." Isla says sweetly. I smile at her, she is so nice. And cute.

"Okay thankyou." I smile.

We keep walking till we are close to the water, the sound of the waves crashing gives an indescribable peaceful feeling.

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