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"What else is bothering you?" I ask making Alana look up at me. "Is it that your period was later than usual?" I ask. I noticed because her date is always the 8 th.

"Uhm not really. It's nothing that matters. You know I just think till I worry, it's nothing, it's silly and doesn't matter." she rambles briefly.

I sit up, making her do the same with a confused expression.

"Nothing that worries you is silly to me baby. Besides, what's the harm in telling me? We can be silly together." I nudge her chin making her smile a little.

"Okay, but please don't think anything of it. And promise me that you'll tell me exactly what you feel." She says, scooting closer.

"Ofcourse." I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"When my period was late, a few days ago I almost took a test." She tells me timidly.

"A test? What for?" I ask, slightly confused.

"The pregnancy kind of test?" she mumbles, looking down.


"Well did you not want a baby again?" I ask her.

I don't know how I feel about that. But I know I love her and Ace more than anything else. And I would love our future children the same.

"No, nothing like that. I wouldn't mind a baby. Babies are a blessing and that happens when it is meant to happen. But I just, I really thought I was and I couldn't help but feel a little sad when I got my period." She explains.

"Im sorry baby." I pull her to sit on my lap, facing me. "It's not silly that you felt sad. You have a strong maternal instinct and it is what makes you a remarkable mother to our son. It's natural to be disappointed or feel upset if something you thought was there wasn't." I kiss her hands.

Alana's tears finally relent, gathering in the corners of her beautiful eyes and slowly falling.

"Thankyou for never making me feel stupid." she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. I hold her tightly.

"Nothing you need to thank me for." I tell her, letting her calm down for as long as she needs. After a while, I hear her muffled voice vibrate against my back.

"Did I make you uncomfortable by talking about having another baby?" she asks. I use my hand that was in her hair to slightly tug at the nape of her neck, making her face me again.

"I love you and Ace, you are my entire world. And making another person with the woman I love doesn't sound bad at all. Quite the opposite. We can talk about having another baby now, or in 5 years. I wouldn't care when because it's your body. You do 90 percent of the work with Ace and I remember what it was like for you when you were pregnant with him. And if I am lucky enough that you would be willing to go through that again, so we can have the joy of another child, than I am even more lucky than I thought myself to be." I brush away her tears.

"You are the sweetest husband Ares. I love you too, and I am so lucky to have you." She whispers, as we stare into each other's eyes.

"So, you want to make that baby now, or.." I tease after a while making her shove my shoulder as she laughs beautifully.

"I think you are forgetting that it is that time of the month." Her beautiful eyes glare.

"Well my love, you know a little blood never stopped me-"

"ARES!" she scolds, a horrified expression on her face that makes me crack up laughing.


I always feel so much better after I talk to Ares.

We decided that we should sleep on it. Let the idea sit before we decide anything. I think that's very smart.

Right now we are in the car, I really wanted some food.

"Still deciding on what you want baby?" Ares asks as he drinks, giving my thigh a little squeeze where his hand always remains.

"Yes, I kind of want a milkshake but also I kind of want pizza?" I shrug.

"How about we go to that place you like down by the city since you're dressed so sexy, then we go get a shake from that american place for dessert?" He asks.

I feel a big grin spread across my face.

"You know me so well!" I scream making Ares laugh.

"I know." he says, his smug face making me shake my head.

"That sounds perfect, thankyou husband." I say in a cheeky tone.

"Youre welcome wife." he brings my hand up and kisses the back of it.

Mama said that she would watch Ace if he came back before me and Ares did, and that it is important for couples to have kid free days. I am very greatful that Ace has such a big, loving family. It's important for kids to grow up with lots of love.

"I miss Ace." I mumble.

"I know baby, Im sorry." Ares says, rubbing a comforting hand on my thigh making me smile. I love him.


We just finished destroying a pizza at Mamma Rosa's. It's the best pizza you can get in the city. I would eat one of these every week when I was pregnant with Ace.

Ares just stepped away to take a call so I'm quickly ringing Griffin to check on Ace. The call goes to voicemail making me sigh. He's probably just busy.

"Mi scusi signora, ho notato che è sola, posso unirmi a lei" I hear a voice making me look up at the stranger standing, his hand on the back of Ares' chair.
(Excuse me Madam I noticed you are alone, may I join you)

"No, mi dispiace per i posti occupati." I say to him, making sure I show my disinterest with my expression.
(No Im sorry the seats taken)


"Ha detto che è stata presa, e lo è anche lei." My husbands voice sounds, his tone chilling. Not to me, I find it very sexy.
(She said that it is taken, and so is she.)

The man turns around and I watch as his eyes widen in realization when he sees Ares.

"Fanculo Don, per favore pietà, non lo sapevo." he begins pleading almost immediately. I cannot help but find it amusing. Men who are not my husband are so very peculiar.
(Fuck Don, please mercy, I didn't know.)

"Vafanculo." Ares spits making him scramble to run away. "What are you smiling about you little minx." Ares accuses making me smile wider.
(fuck off)

"Just thinking about how much you've grown in the years I've known you." I say as he sits down. "3 years ago you would pull a gun on a guy that came up to me." I sip my drink.

"I know you do not like when I am out of control with anger. The last thing I want is to ever scare my wife again." He says casually, as if his words do not mean absolutely everything to me. "You matter more than anything else. And I have nothing to worry about since you enjoy our sex too much." He says making me gasp very loudly.

I feel my face flush.

"Why do you do that." I say, putting my hands to my burning cheeks.

"You were losing your shyness for the night, I just missed it." He winks. "Griff called me because you wouldn't answer when he called back, I asked him to bring Ace here, we can take him to that American place with us." He informs. Aw.

"Thankyou honey that's so nice." I pout, holding his hand over the table. "And 'that American place' is called McDonalds by the way." I say to my silly husband who just shrugs.


You guys are all so so sweet. The way literally all of you are so supportive even after I took a very long and very IMA sort of break. Truly so thankful 🩵🤍

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