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I feel my head throbbing in pain, my eyes hurt as if pulsing and my wrists are burning. I groan, forcing my eyes to open as I try to gulp in some air, my lungs feeling strained.

"She's waking up." I hear a woman's voice which makes me hasten my efforts to open my eyes and see who it is. When I finally do, my eyes strain to adjust and a loud gasp leaves me at the sight of a once familiar, but never friendly face.

"Hello Sister." Katrina seethes, her tone bitter as she looks at me with all the worlds hatred contained in her eyes. My eyes dart around the room, my blood running cold at the sight of Anita, her mother also standing next to her. Oh no.

I start to squirm, panicking at the sight but I quickly realise that my wrists are bound, tied on either side of my body to the chair that I am sitting on.

"W-what are you doing?" I rasp. "Where am I?" I demand.

The two women that I knew all my life look so different. Stripped of any fancy clothes, their faces look older, sicker than usual without the extra makeup on their face. They both have unkind and very mean looks on their faces as they look at me with hatred.

"Shut up Alana, you are here to listen to mr talk!" Katrina seethes in anger making me scoff.

I am not scared of her. Not anymore.

"Katrina you are making a mistake, this is lunacy, I am your Donna." I say calmly, even when I am worried about her unstable state.

She laughs bitterly.

"You are NOT! You are supposed to be nothing! I was supposed to be where you are! Me! I am the Donna!" She screams like a crazy person, almost whining towards the end. "You stole him from me! You stole Xander!" she screeches.

Even if there is no rationality to her words, venom still spikes in my chest at her words.

He is mine. And I do not like anyone saying otherwise.

"Really? It's been over 3 years Katrina, he is now my husband, we have a life together and we're happy. What will you get from doing this." I gesture to my tied hands. How long have I been here?

"No, you cannot be happy, not after ruining our lives!" she screams. I look towards Anita who seems to be simply there, looking at Katrina with a worried expression.

"How did I ruin your life?" I say, my voice a little higher. Anger bubbling up at the thought of how she made me miserable growing up.

"You, you stole my marriage proposal and then you killed father! Your husband took away all our money, saying it was not fathers in the first place. We have nothing!" she screeches. I wince at her loud voice.

"Katrina, Father was an awful human being. I did not kill him, he died because he tried to do exactly what you are doing now. He also had be tied to a chair, challenging his Don. And he saw the fate anyone who challenges my husband will face." I sigh. I do feel poorly for her. "I'm sorry but your life's failures are not my fault. You reap what you sow. Father and Anita are awful, they failed to teach you the basic concepts of being a good person. Holding me here does nothing but anger Ares." I tell her, my tone sympathetic.

"Stop talking to me like I am crazy!" She screams. I sigh.

"Katrina, calm down you are being frantic again." Anita says from behind her. My eyes start to roam the room, spotting 3 possible exits.

Ares will be here soon. I know it.

I feel the first bit of panic set in when I spot the shiny metal of a knife. Ace's beautiful face comes to my mind making me frown at the thought of him scared, looking for me, asking for his mom.

Then I think about my baby that is currently inside me. The panic doubles, this baby is in direct danger if any harm is to come to me. Oh no.

"Look at her mom. Look at her she looks normal. She can't be normal while we suffer." Katrina shouts.

Anita simply looks defeated. She seem like she is regretful, and hurting seeing her daughters state.

"I already said this to you Kat, kidnapping her wouldn't help us. Trust me, being a bad person makes you miserable. Your father was miserable all the time. I treated Alana badly all her life and now I am miserable. You still have lots to live for, let it go. If you decide that right now, we can run away before the Don finds us." Fear grips Anita's voice, mixing with the remorse there.

Atleast she knows what she did wrong.

She helped kidnap you.


"No we can't. Im going to ask for money in retrurn for her. Then I am going ruin her pretty face." She snarls. My eyes widen when she picks up the knife.

"Katrina.." Her mom sighs.

A bit of an under reaction to her wanting to hurt me with a knife?

"No mom, just let me do this." She huffs stomping away. They disappear behind some high stacked boxes.

Is this a joke to them? They really are underestimating my husband. I try to wiggle my hands, finding that the rope on my left hand is loose, I quickly wiggle harder, and the rope comes undone in seconds. This really is a joke. I quickly start to undo my right hand.

I hear low talking from behind the many boxes of things where they had disappeared minutes ago, which escalates to loud yelling soon.

"No! I knew it! You like her! You like her more than me because she married him!" Katrina screams appearing from behind the boxes, just as I free my hand and stand up. "What are you doing you bitch Im going to kill you." She screams, lunging herself towards me, making me squeal and run to dodge her.

Oh god.

Ares, where are you.

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