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It has been a week since I have been in the hospital. My pain is almost completely gone and I feel much better. My head laceration is healed aswell, the doctor said I heal very fast. I already knew that though.

Ares was very nice to me. He stayed with me all 6 days and only went home to change clothes. We got a nicer, bigger room where they put an extra bed for him at my request.

He was being so stubborn when I asked him to go home so I had to atleast think if his comfort as he slept.

I also talked to Maybel on the phone, I asked her to send me some slippers and my compact to cover my freckles. I felt very self conscious around people when I couldn't cover them up.

Ares has been very very kind throughout my sickness and I am very greatful. We did not really speak after that one night because he seemed distant and like he didn't want to converse. Which I was fine with, I am used to silence so I do not mind it.

But he would always be here. Every time he left saying he had to take care of some important work I always thought surely that time he wouldn't come back. But he always did. I cannot lie, it feels magnificent to know he cares about me enough to be there all the time.

Today, they are letting me go home. I am allowed to walk around and do light everyday things but not anything too exerting or lift anything heavy.

I have just finished taking a shower so I put on a fresh hospital gown then also wrap a bathrobe around myself since I am cold. I walk outside to see Ares sitting on the couch, his knees are spread and he is sitting with his back resting on the sofa.

He usually leaves during the day for a few hours to work but he's still here today.

I walk towards the bed, feeling out of breath after my long shower. I sit down and comb through my hair with the small hospital comb. I sigh when my arm gets tired and put it down. My hair is so long it doesn't feel manageable anymore.

"Are you okay?" I hear him ask then he comes and stands infront of me. I just nod feeling overwhelmed. I feel very emotional today I do not know why. I stand up and look up at him. As I start to speak, he seems to narrow his eyes on my nose. His eyebrows then release and relax as if he figured something out.

Oh no!

"You have freckles." he whispers. My eyes widen as I quickly cover my nose. "How have I never seen them before?" he asks.

"I cover them up, Im sorry I forgot today." I mumble from under my hand. He reaches up and takes down my hand.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because they are ugly."

"No they are not. You cover them up? Every day?" he asks.


"Don't do that anymore." He says.

"But stepmother always said-"

"Forget everything you were told in that house. They can all rot in fucking hell for what they did to you." he pauses. "They are beautiful" he says. I feel myself blush and he blinks, stepping away.

"I am going to go home and get you clothes then we can leave." He says. I nod looking at his face. For the first time since I have known Ares, he looks slightly disheveled.

After he leaves, I sigh and walk back over to sit on the bed.

20 minutes later, there is a knock on the door so I call out for them to enter. One of my two nurses walks in. His name is Alonzo and he is in medical school. But he has to do nursing work for his residency. I do not know if that is correct I had been very drowsy when he told me all this.

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