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After dinner everyone settled into the sitting room to chat before dessert is served. I am speaking to a girl, her name is Maya. She's very nice. As we are standing and talking, the creepy guy from earlier walks over to us. Oh no.

"Hello." he smirks. His smile makes me uneasy. His eyes are unkind and he has an overall unsettling aura. I smile back politely.

"Alana this is my brother Tio. Tio this is Alana." Maya introduces.

"Oh sí I heard, a beautiful name Alana is." he smiles again in that creepy fashion. His eyes lazily roam all over me making a shiver run through me. I feel very uncomfortable.

A large arm wraps around me, fingers spread on my hip. Ofcourse it is my husband, possessively holding me. I press myself into his hold, thankful for his presence.

"Tio, your father is asking for you." Ares smiles tightly, a warning in his tone. Tio's smile immediately falls and he nods at him, scurrying away quickly. Maya too excuses herself and I sigh contently.

"Thankyou I was very uncomfortable." I whisper.

"I could tell. Tio is a bastardo, don't go anywhere near him, sí?" he asks. I nod as I see Damon approaching.

"Sorry I am late." he says, shaking hands with Ares. "But I have a deal with the hostess, she saved me some dinner." he winks at me making me laugh lightly. "How are you Lana?" he asks. I smile at him.

"I am okay, and you?" he smiles cheekily.

"Oh I am still in the middle of regretting your marriage to someone else." he says dramatically. I smile and shake my head.

"All of you bastardo's have no other way of getting to me so you hit on my wife. It's pathetic Damon." Ares growls, sounding angered.

"Well it works so well doesn't it brother?" he smirks. Ares' grip on my hip tightens making me hiss. I put my hand on his quickly trying to pry it away.

"That hurts." my voice cracks. Some areas are still sore from Fathers latest abuse and this is one of them. He quickly removes it.

"Sorry baby are you okay?" he asks. I freeze. He freezes. We both completely freeze at his words.


I do not know how to react.

"Sorry? Damn brother you must be whipped." Damon snickers before walking away, perhaps sensing the tension.

"Uhm," my voice cracks. "I have to, I have to check on dessert." I whisper, walking away as quickly as my heels allow.

Once I am out of eyesight of everyone, I breath out, walking to the hallway towards the back of the house. I take a few deep breaths, trying to calm my breathing.

Running my hands through my hair, I make sure I am breathing normal before I start to walk towards the kitchen.

"Well isn't this convenient." I hear a voice before Tio appears, turning the corner. He has an unsettling smile on his face as he nears me.

"Uhm, did you need something?" I ask him. I do not like being here, we're alone and no one knows.

"Yeah, I knew you felt the vibe too, why else would you come here alone." he smirks. What? I don't understand what he's saying so I decide to just leave.

"Im sorry I dont know what you mean, I have to go to the kitchen." I say, trying to walk around him since he is blocking the only exit.

He suddenly grabs my elbow pulling me back.

"Hey!" I scream. Oh god. "Stop let me go!" I shout at him. He smiles wickedly and laughs.

"Comeon, I saw you at dinner trying to avoid looking at me, you know you're very cute for a married woman, young." he slurs. His eyes look hooded. But he's not drunk. I remember father being drunk but this is different.

Suddenly, he pushes me against the wall, his arms trap me. I scream as loud as I can, hoping someone will hear.

I see his hand coming up to cover my mouth so I do the only thing I can think of. The only person who I know can save me.



As soon as Alana's terrified scream reaches my ears, I run to the hallway it came from. I see Tio holding her against the wall, his hand covering her mouth and her thrashing against his hold.

All I see is red as I rip him off of her, throwing him to the floor as I punch his pathetic face again and again until it's covered in blood.

What breaks me out of my trance is the whimpering and crying behind me. I turn around and see my wife, arms wrapped around herself, eyes closed and crying.

"Alana," I walk closer to her making her look up at me. Her lip trembles as a loud sob leaves her and she clings to me in a hug. I wrap my arms around her tightly trying to calm her. "Baby it's okay I am right here." I whisper. She cries harder, clutching my shirts fabric in her fists.

"I didn't do anything I promise I didn't do anything." she cries.

"I know baby." I hold her tighter. Her cries echo through the hall and I look around. Everyone is here looking at us wide eyed. Tio is being dragged away by my brothers.

Alana continues to cry, now gasping for air. I hold her waist and guide her away from everyone, up to our room. She's shaking and crying as we walk making me fucking furious.

Once we are in, I sit her down on the bed brushing her hair out of her face.

"I'm going to make sure that son of a bitch pays baby, I promise." I growl, anger taking over again as I go to leave but Alana grabs my hand tightly stopping me.

"No! no no no please, don't leave please." she cries, her grip on me incredibly tight, showing how scared she is. I sigh, deciding I can murder him some other time.

I turn back around to my wife and nod.

"Did he hurt you?" I ask her. She looks up at me frowning.

"It's my fault." she sniffles. "He was being so inappropriate at dinner and he kept staring at me and I didn't do anything or say anything." she cries harder.

"No it wasn't your fault." I hate the sensation in my chest watching her cry. Her beautiful eyes were not made to cry. After years of keeping myself numb, this is not what I expected to happen inside me. "He is a sick pervert, it is my fault I should have never let him in my house or near my wife." I seethe, feeling anger coarse through my veins every time I think of him manhandling my wife.

I should take her mind off it.

"You want to change your clothes?" She looks down at her dress then slowly nods.

"Okay, come." I help her off the bed, then we walk towards the closet. She's walking with most of her weight on me which shows how tired she is. I let go of her hand once we're inside the closet making her look at me hurriedly with a fearful look in her eyes.

"I will be right outside this door, just change quickly and come out." I try to help ease her mind. She frowns so innocently it makes me want to not leave her even for a second. "Don't be scared baby, we're in our room, I am right here." I say again. She nods timidly.

I close the door and not even 5 minutes later, I hear the door knob rattle and Alana quickly opens the door, sighing in relief when she sees me. Never will I get used to seeing my wife in her nightgown. She looks delectable in them.

"You okay?"

"Yes." she whispers. "I am going to wash my face." she says, then slowly walks over to the bathroom.

I sigh, feeling anger flare up more and more every time I picture what I saw.

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