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As I sit in the living room, waiting for mama to get her purse, I stare at the black card Ares handed me. I had known what a credit card was. I was familiar with the concept. But I had never ever seen one or held one.

The books in the small library of fathers house were dated. And any knowledge I got was from tutors who came to home school me and Mrs. Fiore. I had felt uneasy earlier when everyone was very shocked that I had not been shopping. But that was just how my life had been.

Soon, Mama comes out with her purse and asks me to come along. We ride through the streets of Rome, traveling to an area I had never seen before.

There were so many people. I had never seen a store and had never seen what was mentioned in books as markets. As the streets got more and more crowded, we went deeper into town. But soon, the crowds seemed to thin as we reached more posh shops. These shops were not in the street but rather were extravagant looking with fancy glass doors.

The car stopped there, and the Donna excitedly opened my door and ushered me into a large store that was very fancy and modern.

"Donna Moretti! What a pleasant surprise, if you would have summoned us-"

"Oh no Cleo, I am here with my daughter in law. She would like to buy some dresses" Mama says, pulling everyone's attention to me which makes me shrink my shoulders.

"Oh, scusa signora, we are delighted to have you. Congratulations on your wedding!" The nice lady says with a big smile on her face. I smile at her aswell, quickly thanking her.

"What do you want to look at tesoro?" Mama asks. I look at her with an expression that probably looked like I was lost. "Dresses perhaps? You look wonderful in them! Okay, she wants to see your dresses"

Soon, I am being shown dress after dress, each one more beautiful than the next.

One of the dresses reminds me of what Mrs. Fiore gave me yesterday. My questions about what she had meant come back swarming into my head. I then distract myself with dresses.

When I am reluctant to spend money that is not mine, mama ends up buying me so many things I do not think I will ever use everything.

After a long day of shopping for clothes and shoes and bags we were both very tired. We had some tea and refreshments at a store called Prada but that was it for food.

When got back to the house, we ate lunch and then mama had two maids put up all of my items of clothing and shoes in the giant walk in closet that was in Ares' room.

We had gotten so many dresses. And even some pants and sweaters and some tops. I had worn knee length dresses as long as I could remember. It was as if an unspoken rule to wear them in my family.

When we were all finished it was already dinner time and we again were very very tired.

As we waited for the men to come home, I thought about how I still do not understand the gift from Mrs. Fiore. What if I see her and she expects a thankyou? How very stupid would I look if I did not even know why she had given it to me? I felt myself become more and more sleepy and exhausted at my incessant thoughts as I feel myself drift off.


I had spent an entire day trying to figure out what had gone wrong yesterday. Apparently someone had thought my wedding was the perfect opportunity to steal from me. I frustratedly run a hand through my hair as I stare at the shift's schedule.

"Ares" I hear father call making me sigh. He refuses to call me Xander. It is quite irritating. "Come, let's head home for dinner" He says from the door.

"No, I need to take care of this, Ill come home later" I say distractedly.

"Figlio, I think you are forgetting that I am not the only one who has a wife waiting at home" he says. Those words make me pause my actions and I let out a slow breath, Alana's big brown eyes flashing in my head.

I look towards father to see him giving me a look that seems to ask me to challenge his words. I sigh, closing my shit up and taking my things as I walk out with him.

"Non preoccuparti, it is a small amount that was taken and an amateur job. It was just one of our own soldiers, desperate for some money. Trust me figlio, in my experience, this is a very open and shut case. They never think they will be caught, but a good Don keeps his soldiers in check, and uses fuck ups as examples," He says, his voice hinting. "capisci cosa sto dicendo qui?" he asks making me nod.
(don't worry) (do you understand what I am saying)

"Sí." I nod. We both get into our cars, driving off towards home.

I reach before father does, because I drove like a maniac. I get out, tossing the key to Franco, then taking the stairs by two I walk into the house. Heading up to my room, I open the door, expecting to find my wife in there but she is absent. She's with mama.

I walk in to the bathroom to shower of the day's anger, then head into the closet. I immediately notice the amout of overwhelming color in there. My closet had always looked dark and overall plain because all my clothes are black, white and gray. At most, I think I may have a dark blue that was all.

Now one side of the closet was completely filled with dresses that were all different colors and materials. It also strangely smelled like Alana. It must be her perfume.

I change then walk downstairs and since it was not dinner time yet, I knew mama would be in the living room.


"Shhhh" Mama aggressively shushes me making me raise an eyebrow. She silently points the sofa opposite to hers and I spot Alana's small body, almost melted into the couch, an arm thrown over the arm rest as if hugging it. She seemed to be completely asleep.

I watch her for a few seconds. Damn I do not think I have seen anyone sleep in the middle of my house before. It's endearing.

Mama motions for me to walk out with her, I reluctantly do with one last glace at the sleeping girl.

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