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"Do you believe me?" I ask Alana as she stands infront of me, looking into my eyes as if she cannot fathom what is happening.

It took me two days to build up the strength to say this to her. I haven't apologized to someone in over a decade. I remember the last time I did. It was to my sister, for not being able to save her life.

I need to know that Alana believes that I don't want to hit her. I really need her to understand.

She nods making me sigh. The relief of seeing something other than fear on her face is unfamiliar but it feels better than having her hate me.

"Grazie poca pecora." she smiles up at me making another unfamiliar sensation go off in my gut. I look into her light brown eyes, they look brighter than usual.

My phone gets a message which causes me to look away from her and look at it. It says they need me to come. I sigh in annoyance.

I turn back towards Alana to see her looking down at her hands. "I have to head to work." I tell her. She doesn't look up just hums. I stay standing there which makes her finally look up.

"Okay" she whispers. Her face is so soft and clueless sometimes. I hold back a smile as I nod and head out the door of our room. Damn.

I know that conversation has changed the dynamic of my relationship with her. It does not bother me like I thought it would. We are living together now, the least I can do is not be an asshole.

When I get to the warehouse, Damon is already there, I can read his face and it's not good news.

"Marino fucked up, you have to meet with a client in Hungary tomorrow, and well, you're not there yet." he informs.

"Fucking Christ why is he managing international affairs if he cannot handle it?" I ask all of the men in the room. They all look surprised. "What?"

"You are not screaming like a monster." Damon points out. I furrow my eyebrows.

"The fuck do you mean?" I ask, texting my assistant to get the jet ready.

"Usually if someone is even slightly out of line, you scream and are on the verge of murdering someone." he explains.

Well I think I just did not get as angry today.

Damon dismisses all the other people out of the room then sits across me with a stupid smile on his face.

"What the fuck is wrong with your face?"

"Did you get some?" he asks making me look at him.

"Excuse me?"

"Did you and Alana do the dirty?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows. My face hardens.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that stronzo." I seethe with venom. He laughs throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Speaking of her, you should go tell her, you are traveling with atleast 5 other people so if you want to join the mile high club, you can't." he pouts his lips.

I pull out my gun pointing it at him.

"OKAY. Jeez man take a joke, go home and tell her."

"It is not a fucking joke if it's disrespectful to my wife." I tell him before walking out to go home. She'll have to stay with her Father while I am gone, it's not suitable for her to stay alone in the house.


I get home and go up to my room thinking she'll be in there. But she's not. It hits me like a slap in the face that she doesn't stay in here anymore. She stays in a guest room and I do not even know which one.

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