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"Mama sent this dress? This is hardly-" I stop myself. What am I doing? Why do I care about what she is wearing. It is feasible since I had mentioned to mama that Alana did not know what to wear.

It is very revealing though.

"Xander?" I hear her soft voice making me look at her. She looks so innocuous, like she has no idea the affect that dress would have on people. One of her legs is completely uncovered, I had never noticed how enticing a woman's thighs can be. Or is it just hers?

Not to mention, her chest is out in the most alluring of ways, the milky skin inviting. I cannot take my eyes off of her body, the color of her skin in contrast with the black dress is a kind of temptation I did not know even existed.

Have some respect this is your fiancé not some random girl.

"I can change if you tell me, or if you do not wish to take me along anymore-"

"No." I say making her stop talking. Her lip pouts out making me stare before I groan and throw my head back then looking back in her big expectant eyes. "This is fine if Mama has sent it, I am sure she knows what she is doing" I brush it off, although I doubt mama imagined her looking like this. Ignoring the stirring in my nether regions, I turn to open the passenger side door for her.

As she lowers to sit inside, I put my hand between her and the door panel because she was about to bang her head there.

I spot a soldier looking in her direction as she carefully slips into the car, making me snarl at him which makes him cower away, quickly stepping back behind his battalion mates. Stronzo.

I walk around, sliding into the drivers seat, clicking on my seat belt. Some people are surprised I drive myself around but it is just a way of release for me. I collect beauties like this one.

What I am not used to, is the woman sitting in the passenger seat next to me, looking around in astonishment. I take another look at her impressive chest before catching myself. Stop being so horny.

"Seatbelt" I ask her as I start the car, the roaring engine extracts a gasp out of her making me smirk. She is so easy.

She does not make a move to put on her seatbelt so I look at her making her do the same.

"Do you want me to put it on for you?" I ask her. Her neck seems to flush in color as she blinks at me in wonder.

"What do you mean?" she asks. Usually I have paper thin patience for stupidity but she looks genuinely bewildered. She reminds me of a sheep. Growing up, we went to a farm where there were alot of sheep. They have the same look of fear and confusion all the time, just like her. Her expression almost causes me to smile but I keep a straight face.

"Seatbelt poca pecora, I drive rough" I tell her. Her eyes shine in recognition as she finally understands what I meant.
(Little sheep)

Did I just call her a sheep? What the fuck is wrong with me today.

She quickly clicks the belt in place then immediately looks at me for approval. I raise an eyebrow than decide to just give in.

"Good" I say which gets a smile out of her, as she looks forward to hide it. I do not think I have seen her smile like this before.

After a second too long of staring at the side of her face, I drive out of her driveway, making sure to not go too fast.

The car ride is quite, the only sound is her little gasps every time I hit the gas. It's ammusing how easy it is to get a reaction out of her, she is very unfiltered with her actions.

It's refreshing honestly, constantly being around people whose every move is calculated and has a goal otherwise, this is a good change of pace.

I stop the car infront of the Romano residence, letting out a content sigh. Something about pushing an engine to it's limits brings me peace.

Zio Emilio is not just an Underboss, he is the closest to my Father and has been his companion and friend. Naturally, his son Damon is more than a man of business to me and my brother's, he is almost like a fifth brother as we have spent our whole lives knowing eachother.

"D-do you know if my father is here yet?" I hear her soft voice making me look over at her. Godamn she looks sublime.

"I cannot be sure, but I do not think he was invited tonight." I inform her. "I do not know why" I tell her before she asks.

I watch her face take on a an interesting combination of surprise and relief.

"He is not coming? Stepmother is not either?" she asks me with large eyes, filled with hope. I nod in confirmation.

"I am surprised you did not know, did you not speak to them?" I ask which makes her quickly avert her eyes.

"I- I uhm, did?" she attempts to lie which makes her nose become a bright shade of red. Incapable to lie, that's something you dont see everyday.

"Sure, ready to head in?" I ask her to which she quickly nods.

"Uhm will you help me fix my dress when I get out?" She asks timidly. "I- Im sorry it's just that theres so many people out there" She whispers the last sentence, as if they can hear her. I feel my lips twitch.

I nod, stepping out of the car then opening her door for her. Again, I guide her head out then she quickly begins fixing her dress. I widen my stance, shielding her much smaller figure from the prying eyes I can already feel.

I pointedly look at her exposed cleavage which makes her quickly cover up then look at me for approval. I nod at her.

I offer her my arm, which she takes and we begin walking. I do notice how she does not flinch and tense at my touch like she was doing on the day of our engagement. Hm.

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