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I am so confused. I cannot think of anything that Ares could want from me right now. Why is he sitting here? It is night time. He should be at home, sleeping comfortably in his own bed. But here he is, looking very sleepy in the uncomfortable looking chair.

My throat feels dry and parched making me sigh. I try to push myself up on the bed so I can get some water but pain shoots up my side making me cry out.

"Shit, Alana stop." I feel his strong hands grip my arms and lay me back down. "Does it hurt alot?" He asks as tears leave my eyes because of the pain. I sob, nodding. His expression also looks pained. "What do you need?"

"Water." I rasp. He nods handing me a bottle. He then presses the call button and the nurse comes in.

"Yes? I am now your nurse on duty and-"

"Give her more painkillers or I will relieve you of your breathing duties." he seethes making the nurses eyes widen. He quickly nods, rushing to the cart beside the bed and pushes a syringe into my IV then all but runs out of the room.

Ares stressfully runs a hand through his already tousled hair, sitting down again with elbows on his knees. He looks anxious.

"You don't have to stay here. I can see that you're annoyed with me, you look tense. You can leave-"

"Stop Alana, just stop" he snaps suddenly. "You don't get it do you? I am not annoyed with you, I am fucking furious at myself for leaving you there! I fucking despise the fact that you had clearly been uncomfortable with me leaving you there but I couldn't fucking decipher it. It took me this long to figure out you were being terrorized. That's why I am angry. Okay?" he says forcefully. I feel another sob wrack through me.

I sob as there is silence for a few minutes, hugging my arms around myself for comfort. A hug!

"Can I-" I stop myself. You can't ask him for that. "When will mama be back?" I ask making him furrow his eyebrows.

"Can you what gattina, finish the sentence." He says walking closer.

"N-nothing when will she be back?"

"No tell me." He presses.

"When is she coming?" I frown at him, my lip pouting. His eyes flash in an emotion I can't decipher then he smirks, shaking his head. He's never smirked before.

"She doesn't know about this or she would've already been here, now, you stubborn little girl, can you what?" he says. His tone sounds very different to how I have heard him talk before. It sounds almost playful.

"You didn't answer my real question yet." I whisper, not wanting to break eye contact. Then his eyes shine in amusement as his lips quirk into a smile.

"Dio, tu sei qualcos'altro" he husks, his body now very close to the bed. "She will be here in another week, unless we tell her and ask her to come early." he finally relents. I smile, feeling almost victorious that I got him to tell me.
(God you are something else)


"She will be here in another week, unless we tell her and ask her to come early." I tell her finally. She smiles as if she has won.

"Now, gattina, it is your turn." Her face flushes as she looks into my eyes.

"No, I didn't want to ask you for one, I just remembered it being so comforting but I wasn't saying you should and anyway-" she stumbles over her words.

Now I absolutely need to know what had my wife so flustered.

"Give you what?" I press.

"Nothing!" she squeaks, her voice sounding more and more childish.

"Comeon baby, it was something. If you ask I may give it to you." her eyes widen at my words then her face flushes, undoubtedly at my uncharacteristic behavior and endearment.

"It is so embarrassing." she frowns again, looking adorable in the process.

"It's okay, no one is here but me." I say, leaning my face closer, making her lean back. "Can I..?" I ask in a whisper, sounding so very hypnotic and enticing. It's in old trick of the trade.

"Have a hug." she blurts out as if compelled to. I smirk, feeling satisfaction with the affect I have on her. I stand back up putting my hands in my pockets.

A hug. She is so precious, Christ.

"See? Was that so hard?"

"You made me say it." she huffs childishly. The pain killers have definitely lowered her inhibitions significantly.

"You are more fun slightly tipsy." I say making her gasp. I smirk, thinking about her request.

"I don't want to hurt you by hugging you." I say, unsure. I haven't hugged anyone in a long time.

"Its okay, you dont have to. I only asked because I was crying." she says in a drowsy voice, rubbing her eyes. Adorable. "May I sleep?" she asks making me shrug at her odd question. I nod anyway since she was clearly waiting for an answer. She melts back into the bed, looking comfortable as she drifts off to a slumber.

I stay looking at her as she sleeps, without a care in the world.

Without a care of what she is doing to me.

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