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3 months later

I feel like a whale.

A big, giant, awkward whale.

"Baby, come eat." I hear Ares call. I flare my nose, trying to make myself less angry. "Ana?" I hear him call. My face softens. Aw.

I had told him months ago that my mother used to call me Ana, and he's been calling me that since. I walk out as best as I can with the large bump on my stomach, panting with the after effects of the effort.

"You okay, gattina?" he asks, walking closer.

"I feel so huge." I tell him, sighing. He frowns.

"Baby you aren't huge, you just feel like that because the bump is bigger than you, it's just not good physics." He shrugs. I look at him, probably with an annoyed expression.

"What did you get me to eat?" I ask him, peering over at the food on the coffee table.

"Uh, Ma sent up some fruit and sandwiches." he tells me, rubbing the back of his neck. "But if you want something else then I can ask someone to get that."

"No, sandwiches sound good, is there any pineapple?" I ask eagerly. Yum.

"Sí, here sit."

We sit down on the couch, as I go for a piece of cut up pineapple and pop into my mouth. I groan at how good it is, looking at Ares right after.

"You do it on purpose." he shakes his head, standing up to do something my the dresser.

I continue eating my fruit, just as I bring up a piece of pineapple to eat, it drips making me quickly catch it with my tongue. Phew.

"Can I have some?" My husband asks walking back over to me, eying the piece on my fork.

"No, this ones mine." I tell him.

"How is it yours?" he says, an amused grin on his face.

"I licked it so it's mine." I shrug.

"Well in that case, you're mine a thousand times over." he grins cheekily. I frown.

"What do you-" I cut myself off with a loud, dramatic gasp, my face feeling hot with embarrassment. "Ares!" I scold horrified as he cracks up, laughing so hard, a hand to his chest.

I puff out my cheeks, as he finishes his unnecessary cackling.

"Shit baby, hey here." He holds both my hands in his. I look at him. "I'm sorry, but it was very amusing you have to admit." he brushes my hair away from my face.

"You know you don't have to be so crude." I mumble. He grins. "Especially when I am obscenely pregnant." I say, stroking my bump.

"I know, mi dispiace." he kisses me temple then the bump. "Now eat your sandwiches." He hands me one, holding one of my hands.


I am standing in our closet currently, looking for something that I feel like wearing.

No clothes look good to wear anymore, everything feels so constricting, I have literally not felt comfortable in two months. I am currently wearing leggings and a shirt that belongs to Ares. I can't wear that around the house.

As I mulling over the thought, I feel a wet trickle down my leg, a feeling of letting go washing over my lower stomach.

"Oh my god!"

I peed. I peed? Oh my god.

I look down at the floor, seeing a small amount of clear liquid on the floor. My water broke. Oh god my water broke.

No. No no no no. It's too early I still have two weeks left.

I quickly step over the water, walking as fast as I can to Ares' study.

"Ares!" I call, hearing shuffling then he quickly appears in the doorway hurriedly. "Ares my water broke." I cry, tears rolling down my face. His eyes widen. "It's too early, I- I didn't do anything I was just-" I hiccup.

"Sh, baby it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong my love, we will go to the hospital everythings going to be okay kutten," he quickly picks me up, walking down the many stairs.

Before I know it we are in the car, already driving, one of his hands holding mine the other on the steering wheel.

"Oh!" I gasp, a sharp pain cramps through my stomach. "Oh it hurts!" I cry, throwing my head back, feeling the tears seep into my hair and ears. I am so uncomfortable all over.

"Fuck, fuck." I hear Ares constantly cursing and swearing.


"Do you think he's okay?" Alana asks, her voice trembling, laced with evidence of her pain as we wait for the doctor to come back into the room. I kiss her hand, pushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

"I am sure he is fine baby," I reassure her, feeling my heart lurch and sting at every sharp breath or gasp of pain she lets out.

The doctor said that she is definitely in labor, and that it is not uncommon to see patients go into labor a few weeks early. She has gone to get some test results. She comes back in the door, smiling at my wife.

"Is he okay?" Alana quickly asks her.

"Yes, everything here looks good, nothing out of the normal and the baby's heartbeat is nice and healthy. I am just going to check your dilation." She says in her american accent, walking over to the end of the bed, sanitizing her hands then putting on gloves.

She has Alana bend and spread her legs then her hand disappears under the sheet. Alana's face turns red in embarrassment as she takes a sharp breath.

"Okay, you are about 6 cm, that is very good, looks like it will be a smooth ride, just hang tight, has the epidural helped at all?" She asks.

"Yes, it feels so much better, I can't with contractions. I hate contractions." my wife whimpers.

"I know honey, just try to take deep breaths okay." She sympathetically pats Alana's arm then walks out saying she will be back to check on her.

Alana groans very loudly as soon as the door closes behind the doctor.

"What's wrong?" I ask her quickly.

"Nothing." she pants. "I was holding off making a sound infront of the doctor." she grabs my shirt collar tugging me down. "Will you please ask no one to go in our room?" she whispers. My eyebrows knot.

"Why baby?"

"My water broke right on the closet floor, its so embarrassing." she whispers with a pout.

"Kitten you don't need to worry about anything right now, just relax okay? Take deep breaths little love, don't worry your pretty head." I soothe, getting her to relax and not think about anything.

"I'm excited to meet my baby." She whispers tiredly. I smile, telling her I am too as I watch her sink into the bed looking a little more comfortable.

Any suggestions for a name?

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