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Mama had quickly taken me away, saying I had to get ready for the reception, not giving Ares a chance to finish the sentence he so angrily started. I am thankful, because I felt like if I did not get out of there, I would pass out.

The haze is still present and my mind is foggy with absolutely everything that is wrong with this arrangement.

Nevertheless, I change into the simple, much easier to wear dress for the reception and the pretty heels, then step out where mama is waiting for me.

The hairdresser had shown me how to turn my updo into a night time hairstyle so I had also done that to better match the dress.

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I was making sure my face had looked okay when mama caught my attention

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I was making sure my face had looked okay when mama caught my attention.

"Okay cara, this is the heirloom I was speaking off" she opens a black box making me gasp then look at her in surprise. "I know it is obnoxious" She sighs. "But it is a Donna's long standing legacy, I will say though, whoever chose it, hates womens necks, I still remember how much it had hurt my neck when I got married, and you are even smaller then me, ay" She shakes her head before she puts the huge but beautiful nonetheless necklace on me.

 "But it is a Donna's long standing legacy, I will say though, whoever chose it, hates womens necks, I still remember how much it had hurt my neck when I got married, and you are even smaller then me, ay" She shakes her head before she puts the hu...

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Thankfully the neckline on my dress was a 'scoop' so the necklace did not look unflattering.

"Wow well, you pull it off better than I ever did!" she smiles at me. "or my mother in law for that matter. Oh! That reminds me, she is here from Florence, she will be attending, but I do not think she is staying long this time, the former Don is sick you see" she rambles as she helps me put away my earrings. "Not to sound distasteful, but she is not a very pleasant lady, atleast not to me, she loves her grandchildren and children, I have just done something to her that she cannot be nice to me" She says making me let out a soft laugh.

"Alright lets go now, quickly, the reception must be full by now." she ushers me out and we are on our way.


I have never been more pissed off in my life. I am now a married man and my wife is avoiding me like the plague. I cannot catch a moment of silence where I can tell her to fucking cut the bullshit.

Now we are standing here, outside of the doors with our arms linked and she is so fucking tense it puts these brick walls to shame.

Mama and Father are right behind us so I cannot say anything. She did not look at me even once during our own wedding vows and everytime I touch her, she pulls away like I have burned her skin.

I am not too fond of this arrangement either but I do not know why it irks me so that she is ignoring me. Perhaps it is a slap in the face after having spent most of my life with women throwing themselves at me. I did not think I would be so affected by it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention. It is an honor to present to you, for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Ares Moretti." We hear what I think is one of my brothers announce as the doors open and I almost have to drag Alana's body inside.

It is like she is not even here.

As we walk in, people congratulate us and I hear her soft voice say thankyou to some of them. I could not give less of a fuck if I tried.

We make a round around the entire room, like it is tradition. Then circle back to the main table where my Grandfather and Grandmother are. I feel Alana pull away her hand that was wrapped around my arm. I breathe out my anger. Fuck.

"Go on, greet her before she says there was deliberate disrespect involved in this too" I hear Mama whisper to both of us. I see Alana let out a small laugh then nod.

"Nonna, Nonno, questa è mia moglie Alana" I say gesturing to the woman beside me. She smiles, her eyes looking completely detached to her expression.
(this is my wife Alana)

"Sì, lo so, scegli una sposa fuori dalla stirpe proprio come tuo Padre." she says with a sour look on her face.
(Yes I know, you choose a bride out of the bloodline just like your Father.)

I quickly glance at Alana, watching her face fall to a saddened look. It makes me angry. Nonna always fucking does this. She always attacks Mama like this too. I fucking hate the look of hurt.

"Beh, non è più l'era glaciale, nonna, non volevo commettere un incesto come-" I start to seethe but I get cut off.
(Well it is not the ice age anymore grandma, I did not wish to commit incest like-)

"È un onore incontrare gli ex Don e Donna, la mamma parla molto bene di te, desidero essere all'altezza delle tue aspettative nei miei confronti quando ero moglie di tuo nipote" Alana says, her voice soft and her face kind.
(It is an honor to meet the former Don and Donna, Mama speaks highly of you, I wish to live up to your expectations of me in my time as your grandson's wife)

In her time as my wife?

Nonna gives her a skeptical look but nods with her head held high then looks away. Nonno gives Alana a smile which seems to lift up her mood.

Throughout our wedding reception, my wife does not look at me once. There is not a single moment when I caught her eyes, she had somehow managed to completely avoid me while being right beside me. I did not know how that would be possible.

This girl is something else.

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