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After a celebratory breakfast of pancakes and much more, I had a quick meeting in the office that is five minutes from the house. I wrapped it up as fast as I could and cleared the rest of my day. My mind was filled with all thing's Alana.

I haven't forgotten what it was like for her when she was pregnant with Ace. She had constant back ache, her feet hurt, random foods made her nauseous. And she only ever wanted specific foods. She also was very emotional and I had noticed that recently.

I had also noticed her being more sensitive than usual and the way her skin glowed different every morning. But I usually constituted the latter to our morning rendezvous. Honestly given our birth control method, I did not even think about her being pregnant.

But ofcourse, I am beyond thrilled. My wife is a delight to be around in all her different personalities and despite what she believes, Alana is actually adorable while pregnant.

Once I make it home, I take the steps by two, going into our room to find my wife laying in middle of the bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Hey," I say softly, making her look at me upside down. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Where's Ace?"

"Nothing. He's gone out with Aaron for some cake he really like last time they went." she says, sitting up straight when I reach her end of the bed. "How was your meeting." She asks. I place a hand under her chin and lift her face to kiss her.

"It was boring. How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Okay, I gave Ace a bath and changed him. Im more winded than usual but okay." She gives me a dazzling smile.

"Your feet hurt?" I ask making her raise a curious eyebrow.

"Yes.." She squints her eyes looking so adorable. "How did you know."

"I was just thinking back to when you were pregnant with Ace. All of the things we did, or that you needed." I gently nudge her, "Sit back against the headboard." I tell her which she quickly does. I sit down and start to rub her feet.

"Ares you don't have to-"

"Shh." I cut her off. "You cannot stop me baby." I smile cockily.

"So you were just thinking about me during your meeting? Are you even getting any work done Don Moretti?" She says, her tone scandalous. I chuckle.

"Im always thinking about you." I tease making her roll her pretty eyes with a smile. " Besides it was a stupid meeting about some shipments, Damon was there, he can handle whatever they need." I shrug. "I told him by the way, he sent you congratulations and said he'll drop by later." I inform my wife who smiles.

"That's sweet." She says, "Griffin wasn't there?" she inquires.

"No he's been distracted these past few weeks. I'll bet its his lady friend." I run a hand through my hair while keeping one on her foot.

Griffin has been stuck on the likes of a particular girl for years now. He first met her when Alana was pregnant with Ares. Almost 3 years. I try to talk to him and get him to vent but he's a private person. And I don't like to pry.

"Do you think I should talk to him? Maybe he needs advice." She asks.

"Baby, trust me, I know what it's like when you really want the woman you know in your bones is yours. If he feels that way for her, then he will end up victorious." I shrug. "Just like I did." I squeeze her foot, followed by a low hiss when I press down on a particular spot on her foot.

"Sorry." I press another spot below it making her relax, and let out a silent moan. How am I insatiable if she continually provokes me?

"Oh Ares." She jerks her foot away.

"What?" I ask, trying to ignore the moan.

"It's tender." She pouts.

"We don't have to attend tonight if your feet hurt. Or if you don't want to go in general." I tell her, stroking her calf.

"No I am good friends with Tia. She called me herself to invite me weeks in advance. It would be rude to miss it." She says. "Plus I want to see her baby. She's almost 3 months old now." Alana gushes.

Tonight we have a party to attend. It's a retirement party of sorts for the underboss, Damons father. My Underboss is Griffin. It would be Damon but it is tradition that my brother do it. I would also rather have no one else.

Papa's party happened almost a month ago, mine was the one two days ago.

I hate these parties with a passion. Business is business. Why the fuck do we need a party every time a new Don is named, it's ridiculous.

Tia is Damon's cousin's wife. They live in the same home for some reason. I don't know.

"Just come cuddle with me, it's all I need." She opens her arms making me snicker. I stand up, putting my hand on the headboard, and lean down and kiss her sweet lips.

"Let me change first kitten." I say, my voice deep on account of my mild arousal just because of being in close vicinity with my gorgeous wife.


"Aresss." Alana sings making me look over at her from my desk in amusement, before bringing my eyes back down to the screen. I am in my office, going over some paperwork, after spending all day cuddling with her. She followed me in here and is now sitting on the chairs that are infront of my desk.

"Yes baby?"

"Im boreddd." She exaggerates, stretching out the word. My lips twitch.

"We just finished watching the movie, I only need 10 more minutes." I tell her. Alana slumps, pouting.

"You've already been here 10 minutes. I thought you said you took the day off." She questions.

"I know, I just need to look over some urgent paperwork and then I will be all yours again. We were together all day, just give me this time to finish this okay?" I say distractedly, looking at the computer screen.

"Okay." She says. That was easy. I get completely side tracked when a sentence catches my eye in the paperwork.

"Ofcourse." I mutter, fixing the mistake. "Im a Don and I have to fix typos. Fucking idiots." My eyebrows furrow.

A minute passes. She's being awfully quiet. I am not complaining it's just not like her.

Two minutes. Five. Ten.

When I finally take my eyes off the screen, I discover the reason she was so quiet. "Im done-" She's not there.

When the fuck did she leave? Let it be a minute ago or I am spending the rest of the night with my wife mad at me. Fuck.

I quickly shut off my computer and walk out of my office. The rooms door is ajar.

"Alana." I call. No answer. I walk in to find her in the closet looking at her dresses. "Baby, why'd you leave? I was just going through some-"

"Paper work I know." She stops me. "I just got bored." She shrugs.

"You're mad." I decide.

"Not mad. Just looking for something to wear tonight." She says in an uncharacteristic even tone.

She never talks like that unless shes made. Her tone gets all reserved. Almost professional.

"Okay. I know youre upset but, in my defense, I did not realise you left until after I got done." I rub the back of my neck. She remains silent. Shit. "Baby Im sorry I should've come after you, and I would have if I saw you leave but I was-"

"Busy I know." She quips. I groan.

It's going to be a long night.

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