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2 Years Later

I feel a small hand tapping my face making me stir, out of my peaceful slumber. Squinting my eyes open, I let them get adjusted to the bright light but soon, a head full of hair blocks it for me.

"Mama!" Ace says excitedly as soon as he sees that I am awake. I smile at his adorable face.

"Hi baby" I grab him by his middle, bringing him to lay down next to as he giggles. "Why are you up so early, hm?" I ask, kissing his soft hair. He cuddles into me, holding onto my shirt.

"I miss Momma." he mumbles, burying his face into the crook of my neck. I run my hand up and down his small body, loving how cuddly he always is.

"Aw, you did?" I ask, kissing his forehead.
Ace is now 2 years and 1 month old, he's growing so much and so fast, it makes me sad. But also very happy at the same time. It's a bittersweet feeling.

"You did not miss me then little man?" I hear my husband's rough morning voice making me smile. Our son struggles a little before sitting up with wide eyes.

"I- I did!" he sputters quickly in a defensive tone. "B-but momma more um," he pauses with the most adorable confused expression. "What do I say when I warm?" he asks. I smile, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"Comfortable?" I offer. He nods his head.

"Si" he looks back at his dad. "Momma more comfo-fabel, daddy." he says, a wise expression adorning his face. Ares lets out a husky chuckle, looking at me with eyes so dreamy, I feel dazed.

"That I agree with." He says, pulling Ace into his arms as the baby squeals. Ares puts out his arm, gesturing for me to hug him which I do instantly.

"Giffin said he take me to the pawk today." Our son tells us. He can't quite say all the complex words yet, he especially has trouble with r's. But it's cute, and he's only 2 so Im not worried.

"That sounds fun honey, how about I get you dressed while daddy speaks to Zio Griffin, okay?" I ask him. He nods. "Go play while Mama changes, sí? Ill be there soon." I kiss his head. He shuffles off the bed, carefully stepping down.

We put little steps on both sides off the bed since it's very high but Ace loves to climb it since he learned how.

I sit up, pulling my hair together but squeal when a strong arm around my middle pulls me back down.

"Ares!" I scold as I land on the bed on my back, my husband hovering over me, a smirk on his face.

"Bon giorno, baby." he says, leaning down to kiss me. I smile against his lips.

"Morning. Will you ask Griffin if he's really free and there's no problem taking Ace with him?" I confirm with my husband who nods. "Now I have to go get dressed hon, Ace is probably waiting." I whisper, tracing his strong jaw with my fingers. Ares groans.

"When can we do what we did to make him?" He asks making me hit his shoulder. "So tonight then?" He laughs, kissing me once more before letting me go.

"If you come home before Griffin and Ace today, who knows, maybe you won't have to wait till tonight. Or you know, the shower right now?" I say over my shoulder winking before running into the bathroom, hearing him laugh and follow behind me.


Ares and I took longer than I planned in the shower. I hurry and get dressed in a short pink dress and some white flats, pinning up my hair quickly.

"Baby do you need me to get Aless's bag done while you change him?" I hear Ares ask as he buttons his cuffs.

Aless is one of Ace's nicknames, he has many around here.

"Yes please. And here." I touch his chest lightly to make him face me. I quickly do his tie for him, ignoring his scorching stare and big hands holding my hips. God I am so sensitive today.

"Grazie, little sheep." he kisses me, slowing down my chaotic thoughts. I sigh, and kiss him again, giving him a greatful smile. I put on some lip balm as Ares collects his other things then we both walk hand in hand to our sons room.

"Hi!" Ace says excitedly, playing with his super hero figures.

"Hi baby, come lets get you changed for the park." I pick him up, carrying him on my hip towards his closet. I pick out a black Polo tshirt and some khaki shorts, along with a pair of white sneakers. "Is this okay?" I ask my son, he nods, giving me a kiss on the cheek making me smile.

"Sí mama." He says making Ares snicker as I start changing him. We gave him a bath last night so we dont need to now, which is always a relief.

Once he's changed, I brush his beautiful light brown hair neatly them put some baby lotion on him.

"All done!" he sings making me laugh. I've done that since he was little and now he does it too. It's so sweet.

"All donee." I sing, kissing both his puffy cheeks. Cutie. I pick him up, almost instantly faltering, as a sharp cramp shoots through my lower stomach.

"Here buddy, want daddy to carry you?" Ares quickly jumps in. He takes him from me, leaving me to frown at the discomfort. That was odd. Ares gives me a concerned look but I brush it off, leading us downstairs.

"Buongiorno mio nipotino, mi sei mancato così tanto." Mama gushes, taking Ace from his dad, hugging him tight. I smile. "You look so cute caro, clearly daddy did not dress you sí?" she teases Ares making me laugh, as I go to hug her good morning.
(Good morning my little grandson I missed you so much)

Ace giggles.

"Sí nonna, Momma put me in my close today." I smile at his odd pronunciation of clothes. I see Ace speaking to Griffin as he walks in.

"Alana, I took the day off today because I promised Ace I'd take him out, don't worry." Griffin says making me blush. He knows that I don't like to disturb anyone and I always make sure people are free before Ace hangs out with them. And he also knows I make Ares ask.

"Thanks." I say to him making him snicker. We all sit down, enjoying breakfast together, as the happy family we are.

I smile in contentment.

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