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"Xander." Damons voice makes me open my eyes and stand up straight from my leaning position against the wall. "Where is she?" he asks.

"They have had her in surgery for 2 fucking hours I am losing my goddamn mind." I spit in anger.

"Wait surgery?"

"This isn't the first time he's broken her ribs." I say, closing my eyes in distaste soon after. "Where is he?" I ask him. I had sent Damon to make sure the bastard didn't escape.

"He's at the warehouse, but don't think about that focus on Alana." He says. "He will be there whenever you wish to blow his brains out." he says darkly.

"Oh no, I won't be giving him the sweet release of death just yet, he's going to suffer for 20 long years, like my wife has." I smile at the thought of him in 10 times the pain he has given her.

Before Damon can reply, the doctor comes walking out.

"Don." he bows. "She is stable now, she's just under anesthesia so she will not be conscious for another few hours but we will transfer her to a room where you can be with her." he informs. "She is very weak, I have her on fluids and glucose, when she is awake, we will need to have her eat, I will be there then, excuse me." He then walks away.

"Listen man, I know you are worried but you should go home and change, I can wait here while you do." Damon offers. I look at him with anger and he sighs. "She's not going to love waking up to a man with blood stained clothes okay? It's not even that far, and you can get her some clothes aswell." He tries.

I look down at my clothes and sigh at the blood stained shirt.

"Fine, just, stay here and call me if she wakes up." I say. He nods in assurance.

"I promise, and don't worry about the meeting, Griffin said he'll fly out from Colarado to attend it." he says. I stop in my tracks.

"You told them? Is mama okay?" I ask.

"No I did not, Griff only knows and he said it wouldn't be wise to tell them now, not until we know more and ask you." He informs. I nod, patting his back in a silent thanks then walk out, planning on coming back as soon as I can.


I observe Alana's peaceful face as she sleeps. It is creepy to do, yes, but I cannot help it. She is a very beautiful woman, I had always thought that, but I had never noticed the small things.

I had always thought she was she was beautiful, but I had never sat close enough to see just how beautiful. Her hand in mine makes me look like a giant. It's dainty and light. I give it squeeze, wanting her to wake, I don't care what a doctor says. I need her to wake up and talk to me.

Her nose is also small, it looks like a kittens nose. Especially in contrast to her full lips. Her cheeks are full and round they make her look younger than she is. Her cheeks also look flushed. Her forehead is all red on the side of her incision and it's bothering me to look at it.

As I stare at her, I notice her hand start to twitch in mine as her eyebrows furrow. I stand up to get closer and try to shake her awake. Her eyes snap open and thats when she screams bloody murder.

Thrashing and kicking her legs, she starts screaming for me to forgive her.

"Please Father I did not tell him!" she screams. Fuck.

"Alana calm down it's me, he's not here!" I shout which seems to make her even more scared.

"Noo Im sorry." She sobs, twisting her body away from me, eyes shut.

"Little sheep, it is me, its Ares." I try to say in a lower voice. Her body freezes, all her movements seizing. She turns around to face me and another sob leaves her when she can see my face. But this time it is of relief.

"Ares?" She asks in a whisper making me nod. A sound that is too close to a laugh leaves my mouth. "Oh." she cries in relief, clutching my hand with hers as she pulls herself up, but winces in pain. "Ah!"

"Hey, shh, just relax you had surgery you can't move so much." I tell her, guiding her to lay back down. Little hiccups start to wrack through her making her throat dip and her collarbones tighten each time. She pulls her hands away from mine slowly, making an embarrassed face. It's cute.

Her eyes are still freightened as they scan the room.

"I am in a hospital?" she says, her voice sounds scratchy. I hand her a water bottle after I open it.

"Sí." I watch her gulp down the water then bring the bottle down, and sigh in relief. A drop of water lingers on her lip, making me reach out to catch it out of impulse. I don't know why I did that. "Do you want the nurse? Are you in pain?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"I, I broke your phone. The phone you gave to me. I am sorry." She whispers, looking down guiltily. My heart lurches again, making its presence known for the second time today.

"Do I look like I care about a phone Alana?" I ask her in a dark tone, offended of the fact that she would think I cared. She looks up at me with surprise in her eyes.

"T-then what have I done? Do you need to ask about something else?" she asks. This time, confusion mixes with my anger.

"What? What do you mean?"

"You are here at the hospital waiting for me to wake, I have wasted enough of your time already, I can imagine you want to leave soon." She whispers, her fingers playing with the sheet.

"Why the fuck would I leave you here when you are sick?" I ask perplexed.

"I- I don't know, you can't stay, it would waste all of your time that you need for important things." she says, eyebrows knotted.

"Gattina, you are important. The most important thing right now is you getting better." I tell her. Her eyes widen and tears gather in her eyes.

"N-no." She shakes her head making the tears fall.

"What? It is the truth?"

"But I am not important. You cant waste your time on me-"

"Stop saying that. You are my wife are you not?" I ask. She nods with wide eyes. "And I am your husband, stop saying you aren't important." I say with authority which makes her look down immediately. I sigh.

"Im not trying to scare you." I say, making my voice softer. She looks back up at me, her lip trembling. "Why would you think that? When someone is sick their family stays with them in the room no?"

"No one has for me. I don't have a family." She says. Her words hit me like a brick, my heart clenches. That shuts me up and she faces away, sinking into the bed. I see her hands clutch the sheets in a bunch and I can tell she's trying to hide her crying.

My hands twitch to comfort her but I hold back. She doesn't want that. She does not feel this pull that I am feeling right now.

But I won't leave. I will stay here so she can see what a decent person who cares does for you.

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