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After we fixed Ace's light, we came downstairs to get him something to eat. My son is very excited as he tells me all about his day with his mom.

I remember Alana talking to me about wanting to take him to the Zoo a few days ago. Now that he's older and even more obsessed with animals. I sigh thinking about how I could've spent my day with my amazing wife and kid, instead of emotional hell if I was just a little less stupid.

I look at Alana as she walks around the kitchen, making Ace something to eat. I know she finds it overwhelming to take Ace out on her own. He's a handful. It makes my heart burn when I think about her smiling and acting happy for our son after what I said to her.

And she's still on her period and probably pushing herself through the pain.

Fuck does she deserve so much better than me. I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Here honey, it's garlic bread and tomato soup." She says, placing infront of our son, folding up his sleeves. "Let's go wash our hands before we eat okay?" She asks to which Ace nods.

"I can help him do that." I say to my wife. She looks at me, then nods, looking away after. I sigh. I know she's still upset. And she has every reason to be. I take Ace to the kitchen sink, helping him wash his hands then I put him down and hand him a paper towel to dry his hands.

We turn back to see Alana sitting on an island chair, staring at the counter. I settle Ace into his seat and get stated on eating then walk closer to my wife.

"Amore, do you want to go lay down? You can relax till dinner I can look after Ace." I say to her. Her beautiful eyes look up at me, tired. She shakes her head.

"No it's a two man job, he just took a nap he's going to be extra energized." She shrugs. "I don't want to trouble you."

"Baby I'm his father, it's my job just as much as it is yours. I was an asshole for a day and a half, please go lay down." I ask her. She looks at me then at Ace, who is happily eating his food. She bites her lip in contemplation. "Does it hurt?" I ask, referring to her cramps.

"Not that bad. Just my thighs and lower back." She tells me. I frown. That is bad.

"Please, I promise we will be fine, and it's just till dinner." I ask her. Alana sighs, nodding. She stands up to kiss Ace on his head than starts to leave.

"Thanks." she says to me, her eyes soft. I just nod, watching her leave.

"Daddy?" I hear Ace call behind me. I quickly turn to him.


"Where's mommy going" he asks. I wipe his mouth that has some soup around it.

"She's gonna go lie down bud." I tell him.

"Why?" he asks.

"She has a little stomachache." I come up with.

"Why?" he says. Dios Mio.

"Well because every month mommy has this thing where she gets a stomach ache and she needs some extra rest." I tell him. I don't think that's very accurate but what else do I tell him.

"Like when I was sick with flew?" he asks. I smile.

"Sort of." I nod.

"Should we make her soup? I wanted soup." He tells me.

"Hm, she usually wants Chinese around this time." I tell him, brushing his hair back.

"Daddy I don't know how to make that." He informs. I chuckle.

"Buddy you're two." I tell him. He shrugs going back to eating.

"I want to give momma something so she is better. I miss her." He says. "Candy?" he asks.

"Yes she loves chocolate candy too." I tell him.

"Can we get her that?" he asks. I nod.

"Finish your soup then we'll head out and surprise her with it before dinner sí?" Ace nods excitedly, quickly eating the last of his bread.


Me and Ace went to the store. We went a little overboard. We got Alana every kind of chocolate bar they had, I saw a bear that I liked, Ace got what I think is a box of chocolate covered strawberries.

I also picked up Panda Express for her.

We make it home and I get out of the car, taking Ace out of his seat. He insisted on carrying the box of strawberries himself. I ask the help for the rest of the things to be taken up to our floor.

"Do you think mommy will like what we got daddy?" My son asks, holding my hand as we walk.

"Sí bud, she'll love it." I tell him.

It's exactly dinner time so I help Ace wash his hands and take him to the dining room.

"Papa!" Ace screams, running into papa's arms. He calls him papa because everyone does. No one ever tried to correct it.

"How are you boy?" he asks Ace he sits him down on his lap.

"Mama can you watch him while I go get Alana?" I ask her. She nods with a smile.

I walk up the stairs, seeing the bags of stuff placed outside our room. I open the door to see Alana asleep in bed. She looks peaceful curled up in bed. I smile, going closer to cover her up with the blanket and leave with  a kiss to her head.

I walk back into the dining room, letting everyone know that Alana is asleep. I like how no one in this house is allowed to miss dinner except for Alana.

"We got momma chocolate." Ace tells everyone. "And her own teddy like winnie!" he says, his eyes widening, shiny with excitement. I smile at his antics.

He's just like his mom.

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