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As we walk, I look around the large room, taking in the people, the decorations, the clothes and jewels and the laughing conversations. It is a wonderous feeling to see people happy and laughing amongst themselves.

Everyone looks like they get along, everyone seems to not hate eachother. It is odd. I thought people were bad. I thought everyone hated everyone. Except in books. But the past few days have proven me wrong. The Donna is so nice to me, so is the Don and all of their children aswell.

Xander may not always be nice but he has been today. He could have punished me for being so bad and wearing this dress that I look awful in. But he didn't. He respected his mother's wishes and took me to the party with him. And he is not ashamed to be seen with me when I look so awful. It is nice of him. I know Father would have been so mad if he had left me behind.

Before my thoughts drift off anymore, I see the Don and Donna standing just a few feet from us and the Donna's eyes seem to sparkle as she waves us over to her, her lips parting as she looks me over.

Oh no, she does not like it. She does not like me. I have ruined her dress. I feel my steps falter as I feel a frown etching its way on my face. She will break off the engagement and father will be very upset, he will send me away to the camp he always talks of.

"Alana you look so beautiful dolcezza! I cannot believe how well the dress fits!" she squeals as we reach them. My eyes widen in shock at her words, my body feels lighter than a feather suddenly.

"R-really?" I can't help but ask.

"Oh sí are you joking? This looks so much better than I would have imagined, that neckline on anyone else would look so drab, you fill it out nicely" She leans in so only me and Xander hear the last part. She grins mischievously when Xander clears his throat and I feel my face heat.

Xander separates from me, going over to his father to talk in private I think.

"T-thankyou Donna-"

"Oh no no, call me Mama" she demands to which I smile. "I am serious, say, thankyou Mama" she says again.

"Thankyou Mama" I say finally. The word feels foreign on my tongue and leaves a sour feeling in my chest. A childs voice repeatedly saying that exact word in my head makes me shift uncomfortably. The hollowness of my heart seems to become deeply evident as I suddenly feel the overwhelming urge to cry.

"Oh mia cara, I did not mean to upset you, what happened" Her voice softens as she quickly envelopes me in her comforting embrace.

"I am so sorry I do not know why, I- I"

"Shh," the donna soothes my crying as I try my best to stop the tears. "I understand, your mother was an amazing woman cara, she truly was the strongest woman I knew" She whispers. How did she know? "But I must tell you, you are no less of a daughter to me than Xander is my son, I am your mama now piccola, it is how it will be" She soothes making me let out another sob.

"What the fuck happened" I hear his rough voice say so I quickly pull away from the donna and pat under my eyes looking away from him. "Is she crying?"

"Nothing, no she is not, she got overwhelmed is all" She answers as I am still facing away. I feel a strong grip on my arm tugging me so I turn around. I am met with his angry eyes but I see the concern shine through.

"By what? What the fuck happened?" he demands again. I am unable to look away from his eyes as his try to find something in mine.

"I am fine" I say to him but he did not seem convinced.

"Well brother, I did not take you to be a romantic in any capacity, but good to know" We hear from our left which makes him let go of me and clear his throat.

"How about I shove my gun so far up-" Mama cuts Xander off with a sharp "Oy" then sighs. I look down at my hands embarrassed, noticing the small gash in my middle finger from my ring digging into it earlier.

"Oh dear! What happened?" mama exclaims looking at my hand.

"Oh it is nothing, I must have squeezed it too hard" I say, brushing it off. I feel Xanders eyes on me but I do not look, not wanting him to be angry that I drew attention to my injury.

"Alright cara, come, I will introduce you to Amelia, it is her anniversary today" She smiles, leading me away from all the guys. I see Xander giving me a look as I leave but I do not have the time to react as mama whisks me away.


The night passes with conversations with women about fashion and dresses. I was not able to contribute alot but it was fun listening to them talk about their passions and their experiences.

I was however, getting tired and feeling faint. I had not really eaten anything after my fruit for breakfast and I was feeling parched.

"I am going to get some water really quickly" I whisper to Mama as a woman talks about her daughters hair.

She nods at me with a smile and I politely excuse myself from the group, heading over to a the large bar. I ask the nice looking guy there for some water and he nods before handing me a bottle of cold water. I gulp it down greedily then sigh in satisfaction. I needed that.

Now that I sit here I realize how badly my feet hurt from my unnaturally tall heels and huff childishly. I do some strange things when I am alone.

"Alana Colombo?" I hear a mans voice behind me. But it is not my fiancé's which makes me tense up as I turn in my seat.

When I set eyes on the man, I do not recall having ever seen him before and certainly not having told him my name.

"I am sorry Sir, I do not know who you are" I tell him apologetically but I am also getting worried now. He is making me very uneasy with the way he is looking at me.

"I am Associate Henry Tomasso" He informs. The name Tomasso for some reason sounds vaguely familiar. Is it a character in a book? "I am sorry I had not gotten a chance to come see you, I had been out of town on business all week, but now that I am back we can court" he says making my eyes widen and a small gasp leaves me.

Associate Tomasso! The man Father had promised my hand to!

Oh dear God.

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