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I watch my wife struts out of the kitchen in her short dress, cursing at the squeezing in my chest.

Have I really pissed her off that much? I was only really joking but she seemed sincere and now I am in deep shit it seems.

Maybe it was not that funny of joke. It most definitely was not when she made the same one about herself.

I shouldn't have said that to our son.

Are you sure?

Fuck. Me.

I walk out of the kitchen to see her standing near the the stairs watching Ace play. When she notices me, she starts walking up and soon disappears upstairs.

"Daddy?" I snap out of my thoughts.


"When are you getting mawwied again? Can we have a horsey?" he asks. I sigh.

"Listen bud, come here," I sit down on the couch, and hold both his hands when he walks over. "I am not going to be married ever again. I love your mom too much and she is the only woman who will ever have my heart." I say to him. I know he doesn't really understand all of this or even care but it just came out. "Even the day I married her, I knew that she had a special place in my heart. She was the kindest person I had ever met and I wanted her all to myself then just as much as I do now."

Why am I boring ny 2 year old. He's almost 3. Jesus.

"Point is, we can have as many horses as you want but your mom and I will never be marrying again because we want to live with each other forever." I explain.

"Weally? When?" he asks hurriedly. My eyebrows furrow.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"When can we get horses?" he asks. I smile. While my mind is only thinking about this one thought right now, his continues to be innocently curious about all other things.

"Soon. When we get back to estates." I say to him.

"Pinky pwomise?" he asks, holding out his tiny pinky. I hook my much larger one around it. He smiles. "Can I watch Justice weague?" he asks. I nod.

"Ofcourse, here." I lift him up and settle him onto the couch, turning on the T.V and putting his cartoon on for him. "Can you stay here while I go upstairs to get your mom? I will only be gone 5 minutes." I ask him. He nods with a smile. I thank him, kissing his head before taking the steps by two, rushing upstairs.

I stop short when I see Alana standing at the top, looking at me with soft eyes.

"Im sorry." She says. "I was mean. You were joking and I knew that and I was still mean." She whimpers, unmoving, looking at me with a guilty expression.

"No it's okay kitten."

"No its not." She shakes her head. "I am the meanest. I even implied that Ace.." I wince. "I am so sorry. You are so sweet you really did not deserve that and and," her eyes well up making me quickly pull her into my chest.

"Baby, comeon I don't care about that, it was just playful teasing Im not offended." I promise, smoothing her hair. I was at first but I provoked her so I am not anymore.

"You just said the nicest things, about us and our love for eachother, and it's all true and," she sniffles. "I love you too. I really hope you know that. I would never ever want anyone else either." I tighten my hold on her, the thought of someone else being the one to have her making me sick.

"I know that darling." I soothe. "I won't make jokes that will hurt you again." I tell her.

She lifts her head from the hug.

"Pinky promise?" she sniffles, holding her smallest finger out. I laugh at that. "What?" she frowns.

"Nothing, it's just adorable how Ace is an exact copy, just smaller version of you." I lonk our fingers. "I promise baby." I kiss her lips, feeling her smile against my lips. "I am sorry aswell." I say when we pull apart. "You are all I will ever want." She smiles.

"Good. You are mine Mr. Moretti." she says playfully making me chuckle.


We are now in the pool, Ace is sitting on the steps while my wife swims around in her sexy bikini, and I remain near our son.

"Hii." Alana sings as she gracefully swims towards us. I smile, kissing her temple, slipping an arm around her waist.

"How come I can't go into the watow?" Ace questions.

"You can't swim yet buddy, we'll have to teach you." I tell him.

"Like nemo?" He asks. We nod.

"Or the little mermaid." Alana shrugs.

"Are you a mermaid mommy?" He asks. Alana laughs beautifully making me stare at her.

"No honey, I just learnt how to swim when I was younger. We'll teach you soon I promise." She says, her charming smile on her face.

God she is beautiful.

"Daddy can batman swim?" he asks me, forcing me to stop staring at his mother. I turn to him.

"Uh, he probably can bud." I don't know if he can. I watch in amusement as my son carefully dips the figure into the water before taking him out.

"Daddy he can." he informs, dunking him in again. I laugh. Kids.

I look back down at my the beautiful woman in my arms, the woman who is all mine, then at our son that she graciously gave me, feeling my chest tighten with the familiar feeling of immense love and affection.

I love them with everything I have. I am one lucky son of a bitch.


Happy Birthday @urluvmoon 🎉🩵🩵🩵🫶🏼

I can't tag you for some reason, sorry <3

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