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"Ace!" I call after my son as he runs out my bathroom. I hear him giggle and Ares say something, then they both appear in the doorway.

It has been about 2 or 3 months since our big fight. I think we've been better than ever, everything is slowly getting back to normal around here.

"When did you get home?" I ask him. Ares stops in his tracks, looking me up and down, his eyes darkening. Im wearing a short white silk robe, I know it's his favorite thing on me.

He lets Ace down and comes over to me, placing a hard kiss on my lips, hand on my hip, swiping his tongue across my bottom lip. I put my hands on his chest, pulling away with difficulty. "Ace is right over there." I gesture to our son who is playing with some of my bath products.

"Ace did you know Zio Aaron is right outside waiting for you to take you to the park?" My husband says to our son who squeals excitedly, running to the door.

"What's happening?" I ask Ares.

"I just missed you so much gattina." he attacks my lips again, I whimper against him when he grabs my waist with need.

Ares was gone all of yesterday and last night to the coasts, he was taking care of some Don business. I missed him too.

I feel him pick me up, walking till my bum touches the counter, I moan as he moves downwards, trailing kisses down my throat.

"Ares." I moan breathlessly as he rips open the front of my robe.

"Sh, Im making up for lost time." He growls, nipping the skin of my breasts.

"It was one day." I half laugh half moan.

"I know, it was torture." he winks, slipping off my panties.


"That was great" I hum, my breathing rapid, chest falling up and down as I lay next to Ares on our bed.

"Great?" Ares mocks. "That makes us sound like we're fifty." He says, hovering over me. I smile, holding his neck to pull him down into a kiss.

"On the contrary hon, you were just acting like a fifteen year old." I tell him. "You have nothing to worry about." I peck his lips again.

"I love you, so much kitten." he says, his eyes sparkling.

"I love you too Ares." I sigh. We move so I am now sitting on his lap, my head in the crook of his neck.

"Where is Ace?" I ask him after we have been quiet for a while.

"Aaron and Carlos took him to fencing so he can watch." he replies, kissing my neck. "I have a surprise for you." He tells me. I struggle a little before sitting up on him so I am facing him.

"What is it?" I ask rushed.

"That's for you to find out." He smiles, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"When? Where is it?" I ask. Ares grips my hips.

"Stop wiggling." He growls. I blush, mumbling an apology. "It's okay kitten, how about you go change into something sexy and I take you somewhere?" he husks.

"To the surprise?" I ask hopefully. He chuckles

"Maybe." I squint ny eyes suspiciously.

"What about Ace?" I ask.

"Mama said she will look after him." He tells me. "Go change baby." He pats my bum. I swat at his shoulder and climb down the bed.

I take a quick body shower, careful not to wet my hair. Walking into my closet, I know exactly which dress I want to wear. I bought it a few days ago and Im obsessed with the neck line.

 I bought it a few days ago and Im obsessed with the neck line

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I pair it with the prettiest summer-y heels and walk into the bathroom to do my makeup, where my husband is in the shower

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I pair it with the prettiest summer-y heels and walk into the bathroom to do my makeup, where my husband is in the shower.

"How much for you to take off that dress and join me in here?" he calls making me laugh.

"It will cost you one surprise." I wink, starting on my makeup and hair, hearing Ares chuckle behind me and the water running.

We spend the next 40 minutes getting ready then we head down to the living room to say goodbye to Ace and everyone.

"You look so sexy baby." Ares says into my ear, his arm squeezing my waist. I smile.

"Momma!" Ace squeals when he sees us walk in. "Momma yew look so beauteeful." he over pronounces the word. I laugh at his cute little face.

"Thankyou baby." I kiss his rosy cheeks. "Did you eat something?" I ask brushing his hair away from his face. He nods.

"Mama are you sure you want to-"

"Sí cara, I love spending time with my grandson. Just go and have a wonderful time sweet girl." She hugs me. I smile at her and thank her.

I give Ace many more kisses and hugs before Ares is finally pushing me out of the house.

"You'll see him soon gattina." He says as he guides my head into the car. I pout making him kiss it then close my door.

"Where are we going?" I ask him when he's inside the car.

"Somewhere." He says making me roll my eyes. "Seat belt darling." He says making me quickly buckle up. The engine roars to life making me yelp a little. Ares chuckles looking over at me in amusement.

"Never gets old." He hums, driving off.


Hi guyss.


Im sorry about the delay, I had an order yesterday so I was busy.

By the way, if any of you live in the Richmond or Houston TX area, I have a small business making cakes for birthdays, weddings and other things, if anyone is interested, heres the instagram: @cake_or_dream.

Thankyou for reading, love you 🤍🩵

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