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I get out of the shower, looking at my face.
It looks foreign but I did after all shave it for the first time in 2 weeks.

I wrap a towel around myself, my lips stretching into a smile at the memory of her seeing me half naked for the first time. Everything reminds me of her. She left this house a lingering shrine, filled with the reminder of her intoxicating presence.

Almost a month has passed since I have seen her, touched her, felt her presence, heard her voice. My best team has not been able to detect her. Because they use cyber trails and she left none. She hasn't contacted anyone, no texts, no calls. But she is okay. She has to be. And who would she call? She's too smart to call anyone here, she's hiding from me and she knows what she's doing.

Everyone I know is dead. I have no one.

My heart clenches as I remember our last conversation, the way she looked and sounded so upset. So helpless and I did nothing but dismiss her. She has always deserved better but I have yet to meet someone as stubborn or selfish as I am and she is mine.

She was mine the minute I saw her crying in that room. She was mine the moment I looked into those big, beautiful eyes that were filled with innocuous lure.

After I change, I walk out of the closet and get my phone, seeing that the time is 10 am. I walk back to my study, where Damon is still sitting.

"Good you don't look like an ape anymore." he says. I flip him off. "Seriously dude. Is this your plan? Leaving everything to just sit here and wallow?" he asks.

"I have not slacked off at any work Damon."

"Yes but you also haven't had human interaction besides beating up people for information." he says. "What's it gonna take for you to be back to a normal human being, Xander?" he asks.

"My wife." I tell him, looking through paper work.

"I don't get it, you're the one who said you won't ever love her, you're the one who accused the most angelic person I know of cheating. I mean, did you expect her to say she loves you despite all that shit?" he asks.

"No. I know I am an asshole. But I did all that because I wanted to avoid exactly this. This pain. This empty, hollow feeling in my chest." I sigh. "I felt my hearts presence for the first time in 12 years because of her. She is the only woman I would get on my knees for. She's the only woman without who, I do not wish to live." I tell him.

"I thought that I was protecting myself from the pain of loving someone," I shrug "Turns out, it was too late. I have loved her since the day I had a proper conversation with her. The day she told me the horrible shit she grew up with and still, she turned out to be the kind hearted, beautiful person she is." I sigh. "She is the best thing that has ever been mine. And I refuse to let the only woman I have ever loved, go."

"And I will find her, and she is going to be mine, forever. I don't care what anyone says" I tell him.

"Aw Xan-"

"Don't fucking aw at me fucker, show me the files."

"Asshole." he grunts, before we get into work.


It is now 1 in the afternoon and I am again, smoking by the window. Damon left to go shove his face with food about 20 minutes ago.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?!" Damon bursts into the room.

"I'm smoking" I grunt.

"They have a lead."

I whip my head towards him, my heart pounding suddenly.

Without answering him, I dial Kai, the lead guy on the search for my little pecora.

"Boss! We have a lead. One of my guys saw a girl working in a bakery out in Ostia that matched the description and pictures. So we set up an operation and he took some clear pictures of the girl." he says. My heart is now going a 100 mph.

"Send them right now," I growl, sitting down in front of my computer. The pictures are immediately sent and I open them, a burning sensation spreading through my chest as soon as I see her.

The picture is taken from the outside. the big glass windows allowing full view inside. She is standing inside a bakery wearing one of her dresses and an apron around her waist, looking delectable as ever, next to an old woman who is sitting, pointing at the camera.

My little pecora looks confused in the first one, and adorably so. Then the next one is her breathtaking smile as she speaks to the old lady.

She knocks the air right of me. She makes a sexy little waitress.

"Do you identify her as the Donna capo?" he asks.

"Si, that is her." I tell him.

"I will immediately have men sent to get-"

"She's not fucking cargo Kai. I will go myself." I say, hanging up. I feel a hand pat my shoulder and see Damon smiling.

"Stop smiling like a girl now Xander, it's very unsettling." he snarks. I shove him away, standing up. "So Ostia, that's not even 45 minutes away, she's been hiding in plain sight." he smirks.

"She's a clever little minx." I say, gathering my things.

"Wait, Xander. What's your plan?" he asks.

"To go get my wife?" I say in an obvious tone.

"Yeah but how? I mean she did leave you, she even asked your father to arrange divorce papers. The only reason you aren't divorced is because you refuse to sign them and send them to her." he says.

I feel myself become angry and clench my jaw.

"I don't know. I will apologize-"

"Man, not apologize, you're ass is going to need to seriously grovel after what you did" he says, his face smug.

"Shut the fuck up Damon. And I know all that, I will do whatever it takes to bring her back here." I say, determined.

"Well good luck. I will be rooting for you." he shrugs, going to leave. "Give Lana a kiss from me" he says. I pick up a paper weight and throw it at him but he ducks. "DUDE! You could have killed me." he shouts.

"I wouldn't have missed if I wanted to." I smirk, pocketing my wallet. "And you're coming with me. She likes you more than she likes me right now. I need a friendly face to help my cause." I tell him.

"Sweet." He says, as we both walk down the stairs.

"Bring your own car." I grunt.

"Asshole." he calls as I smirk, getting into my car.



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