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I am distracted the entire time of the event. I do not know why but the image of her shaking form in mama's arms flashes infront of my eyes every few seconds.

I hate emotions. I would rather kill a puta before I deal with them. I do not think I can handle emotions very well and the thought of a woman, in such close quarters with me is the only thing that can make me feel uneasy. Fuck.

I scan the surrounding area again, looking for her and Mama. I must keep an eye on them. For security purposes.

I spot Mama talking to a woman but what makes my eyes narrow is the lack of a short, timid pecora beside her. Where the fuck is she?

My eyes start roaming again, then stop when I see her in all her luscious glory, sitting on a bar chair with a water bottle in hand. What unsettles me is the very uneasy look on her face as she innocently stares up at someone.

My eyes immediately snap to the man standing too close to her and I snarl, almost stomping over to them.

"I am sorry I had not gotten a chance to come see you, I had been out of town on business all week, but now that I am back we can court" I hear him say as I step in earshot, his words followed by a signature gasp from her.

Oh, questo figlio di puttana sta attraversando un mondo di dolore.
(Oh this motherfucker is in for a world of pain)

"Tomasso" I sneer making him spin so fast in my direction I am sure he got whiplash.

"Don Moretti!" He bows his head down while I look at my wife.

It is not that I care if she talks to a man. It is a taint on my honor and credibility as a male if my woman is talked to the way Damon had been earlier, or the way this fucker is now. It does not sit right with me.

Alana's face looks pale and alarmed. But she also has a look of relief. I motion for her to step beside me with my eyes which she immediately complies to. A sense of pride fills me at her actions.

I look back at him to see him looking at her again. This motherfucker.

"You were out of town you said?" I ask him with a cocked eyebrow. He quickly looks at me and nods. "Well then perhaps you missed the announcement, I have chosen your future Donna" I tell him.

"O-oh Congratulazioni Don, I did not know" He says. Poor bastard.

"Sí, this is Alana Moretti, my future wife" I tell him, controlling my anger, trying not to ruin the Romano's night by breaking this fuckers face.

His eyes widen to the max and he stumbles backwards in disbelief.

"I- I am sorry Capo, it was my mistake I am sorry" He stammers, pale with fear.

"Apologize to my wife" I say as he quickly nods, without so much as looking in her direction he apologizes to her before all but running off. Good.

"I am sorry" I hear a whisper behind me, making me turn to her. "Thankyou for coming here when you did, I did not know what to say to him" She says looking at the ground, her voice sounds unfamiliar, like she is happy? I do not know why a wave of anger washes over me.

I grab her hand, taking her out of the room, into the hallway where no one is.

"You have never seen him before?" I ask her. She looks at me and shakes her head no. "How the fuck were you engaged to him him but had never met him? Why the fuck would he ask for your hand if he had not seen you?" I ask her. Her eyes seem to dim as her lip trembles.

"I do not know any of that. I have never met him before, I- I do not even leave home, f-for anything." she says.

"You are to be my wife. A Moretti. I expect you to be honorable and not speak to mere associates." I say to her with hate filling my voice. "Do not think that because I have acted decent tonight that you have gained a place more than what I have told you in the beginning" The venomous words leave my mouth before I can think.

Her eyes become glossy, her eyebrows falling into a desprate look before she blinks and fixes it, she does not break eye contact.

"I regret it deeply that you doubt my honor." she starts, her voice cracks so she takes a deep breath in. Now she is going to act offended that I doubted her. Typical. "I assure you I have done nothing to taint either of our reputations and I vow to be better for you, for my title" She says then turns to face forward. She is trying very hard to not look like my words have hurt her. She keeps her head up, not looking at me.

The bell for dinner catches my attention and I expect her to just use that excuse and walk away. But she stands there, waiting for her husband to walk before her, like the books say.

I sigh, and put a hand on her lower back to guide her in but she tenses at my touch. We are back where we were when I met her. Bravo.


Sitting beside her during dinner is not anything short of testing. She seems to be completely out of it and her hands continually fiddle with eachother. When it gets excessive, I look at them to see that she is not just fiddling, she is scratching at the skin of her wrist.

The area is becoming increasingly red and my patience is wearing thin.

"Alana," we hear which makes her break out of her trance and finally stop abusing her skin.

"Sí" she says to zia Amelia across the table.

"Dolce ragazza, you have not touched your food, are you feeling alright?" she asks making her quickly nod.
(sweet girl)

"Yes, I am fine, just not very hungry" she smiles, convincing no one. Zia frowns but nods, unsure.

Throughout dinner, I notice how she does not eat anything at all, making conversation about the food and drinking a sip of water every now and then to make it seem like she is.

I do not comment on it, although it is very bothersome.

Soon enough, the night comes to an end and we bid farewell to our hosts, heading out as a family.

I am about to walk to my car, preparing to guide the ignorant girls head into the low top when mama's voice stops me.

"Caro, Alana has requested me and your Father to give her a ride home, she wants to continue our conversation about her wedding dress" she informs me. I look at Alana beside her, but she barely acknowledges my stare or even attempts to say goodbye before they are already inside the car and gone.

What the fuck.

"So, what did you do?" Griff asks me making me look at him.

"What?" I ask as if I do not know exactly what he is asking off.

"She barely spoke or ate, she did not so much as look in your general direction, and she looked incredibly sad. What did you do." he elaborates.


"Fuck off Griff, I do not care for these senseless antics," I say opening my car door, "be at the docks at 7 tomorrow morning to inspect the cargo before it goes out, sí?" I ask him to which he nods with a serious expression.


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