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"Giffin go to the pawk now?" my son asks in his cute voice, as me and Griffin stand in the foyer.

Griffin smiles, picking Ace up in his arms.

"Sí bud, you want to tell daddy what we're doing there?" He asks him making Ace's eyes widen with glee.

"We gonna get icecweam, and see bunny wabbits!" he squeals, clamping his hands together. I smile, brushing his hair back.

"That sounds like a great time, don't forget to thank Zio Griffin okay?" I say making him nod. "Go say bye to your mom bud." I say making him squirm in Griffs arms before he lets him down.

Alana misses Ace after an hour of not seeing him. It's absurd but adorable.

"Dio, my son likes bunny rabbits." I cuss under my breath making Griffin laugh.

"He's not going to like gangs and guns now Ares, give him 5 years." he clamps my shoulder, excusing himself as his phone rings.

I see Alana walking towards the stairs, Ace in tow, both waddling. I smile at the uncanny resemblance between them. But my wife's face has the look of discomfort. It's faint but I can see its there.

"Ana." I stop her, walking over to hold her by the waist. "What's wrong?" I ask her.

"N-nothing, just going to get Ace's bag so he can leave." she says, her big doe eyes looking into mine. She's not lying but there's still something on her face that isn't right.

"Cicero!" I call a butler. "Prendi la sua borsa dal piano di sopra." I tell him when he comes over.
(Get his bag from upstairs.)

"Per favore." Alana says.

Ace is now distracted, playing with a flower pot by the door.

"Are you feeling alright? Maybe you're coming down with a cold?" I ask her, pressing my hand to her forehead.

"No, I promise I'm fine." She leans up to kiss me. "I'm just tired, I can take a nap since Ace won't be home today, Im sure I will be okay." She reassures with a smile. I hesitantly nod, still not convinced. I leave her with a kiss to her temple.

If I didn't have an important meeting I wouldn't go in today at all. Cazzo.


I feel so sick. After Ares left this morning, I cleaned up a little in our room, then Aces, which meant alot of bending and crouching. My back is on fire.

My period started about an hour ago so that explains everything, but I just feel funky. Mama had a late lunch with some friends so she is out, and Griff and Ace decided to stay out for longer. As long as Griffin is sure I don't mind.

I sigh, turning for the 10th time, I cannot seem to find a position to lay down thats comfortable. Maybe I should just try to sleep.

My period was very late this month. I almost thought about taking a pregnancy test. And when it came today, I strangely, felt just a little disappointed.

It's not that I want another baby now. But I don't not want another baby either. I don't know I am confused. But I cant shake the feeling of my heart dropping when I saw the blood today.

It's as if I had made up my mind that I was pregnant. The feeling I got when I found out Ace was in me. I just can't shake off the sadness of not having that.

How can I be sad over something I never had? I don't know. My feelings and emotions are just all over the place.

Ares is always so good at deciphering what I'm feeling. But this is a heavy topic to talk about. And I donot want to bring something up that he doesn't want, and make it uncomfortable.

But he has never made me feel like I can't talk to him. Which is why I am conflicted.

I feel my thoughts making me tired so I close my eyes, letting sleep handle my problems.


I walk up the stairs to mine and Alana's room, taking the steps by two. She hasn't answered the two times I called her so she might be asleep.

I came home early, the lingering feeling that somethings wrong with my wife was nagging me. When I walk into our room, I see Alana curled up on the bed, looking comfy. I smile at her cute face and decide to join her.

After changing into sweats and a tshirt, I lay down next to my wife, holding her from behind. Her voice teasing me and calling this 'spooning' rings in my ears making me smile and press a kiss to her hair.


After getting my endless fill of holding my wife, I decided to do some work while she naps.

My left hand is under Alana's cheek, and shes hugging my arm, leaving me only one hand to type. I don't mind. I feel her stir from her sleep, squeezing my arm as she wakes up.

"Ares?" She asks, her voice soft from sleep.

"Hi baby." I put my laptop away, leaning down to kiss her. Alana pushes herself up a little, throwing a hand over my middle and settling on my arm as I wrap it around her, kissing her head.

"What time is it?" She asks in a sleepy voice.

"It's 4." I tell her.

"What are you doing home so early?" she asks, looking up at me.

"I missed my beautiful wife so I told my boss Im leaving." I tell her. A beautiful smile spreads across her face.

"You are the boss silly." She says, poking my cheek. "Thankyou for laying down with me." she whispers. I frown at her.

"Ofcourse baby," Alana's eyes look sadder than they did this morning, her features soft like always. "What's wrong my love." I ask her, my tone soft but serious.

"Nothing." she says. "I started my period today." she informs after a minute. My hand goes to her lower stomach, spreading over the area. She usually likes when I do that. Apparently it provides some warmth.

"Does it hurt?" I ask her.

"Yes but it's bearable." She whispers. "Before my nap they were bad, I wanted to cry." She tells me, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Im sorry baby, you should've called me." I kiss her hair again. "What else is bothering you?" I ask.

She looks up at me, her eyes hinting but I don't know what she means.

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