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It is the beginning of November. It has been 3 weeks since I left the house, my husband, the mafia I swore Omerta too.

Well, technically I am still part of the mafia by blood. But I can't imagine divorcing a future Don is a source of pride.

When I had first left, I left with cutting all ties to the Familia, I told no one of my destination. I used my newly acquired money to travel to a small town named Ostia, just outside of Rome. The town is small and quaint, everyone knows everyone and the people are lovely and so empathetic and kind.

I work in a small bakery just below the the house that I am living in, with 2 other girls and a guy. The whole building is owned by an old woman who lives on the top and has rented out the rooms of the second floor of her home to the people that work in the bakery.

Life is very simple here. No one expects anything of me. Whatever I do is for me and no one is ever going to question it. No one judges you or ridicules you. I talk to people, I laugh, I talk to men without being called a tramp and in a short few weeks of living here, I'm absolutely in love. I have felt slightly sick but that can just be a result of the constant crying and stress.

But I cannot imagine that Ares did not try to look for me. Or maybe he did not, I don't know. Still, he is yet to find me, almost a month later, it is perhaps a good sign.

Ares. To say that I miss him is putting it lightly. I think of him every passing minute, every little thing, every curse word thrown about, a customer with anger issues, someone holding the door open for me, all of it, is a reminder of him. I miss him, his face, his touch, his very presence.

But I know this is what he wanted. He just did not realize it, however I know, he just wanted to be rid of me.

If there is anything I remember of my mama, it is that she had always said when a man is repulsed by you, he will accuse you of the unspeakable and that is when he is done with you.

That was all I could think of as Ares would pile accusations on top of accusations. I really do think I was falling for him and that was reason enough to leave. To protect us both from the heart ache. Besides, I am fine. This is good, this is where I feel good. His arms had felt like the whole world the first time, but I couldn't think like that anymore.

Even though we are not officially divorced, I do believe this is what being separated means.

I smile at the old lady that enters the cafe, slowly going to sit down in a corner.

"You or me babes?" Naomi asks, chewing her gum as she brews some coffee for her customer. She is one of the girls I am roommates with.

"I will take it, thanks." I smile at her politely. She nods gratefully, going back to making her order. I walk over to the nice old lady, pulling out my notepad from my apron, as she smiles at something out the window. "Buongiorno, cosa posso comprarvi?" I ask, smiling at her.
(Good morning, what can I get for you?)

"Guarda tesoro, è un uccellino!" she says cheerily, pointing straight out the window. Her enthusiasm proves contagious as I smile, looking out of the big glass windows of the bakery/cafe designed to draw customers in. "Oh forse il chip è volato via" she shrugs, looking back at me. Can baby birds fly? I shake my head, smiling at the sweet lady,
(Look darling a bird!) (oh perhaps the chip chip flew away)

"Sì, mi dispiace" I shrug at her.
(Yeah, sorry about that.)

"Va tutto bene, posso avere un caffè e dei cannoli?" she asks me nicely. I quickly write down her order, telling her I will be right back. I take a glance out of the window when an unusual, big, black car passes by. It is very unusual that there are really any cars on these streets. I shrug going to get her food.
(Can I have a coffee and a few cannoli.)

I bring it back to her, setting her items down.

"Here you goo" I sing absent mindedly, checking her order off my list.

"Bellissimo anello su di te caro, chi è l'uomo fortunato" she chirps. I look down at my ring, my stomach dropping at her question. We were if anything, very unlucky. I couldn't bring myself to take off my ring, it just didn't sit right in my heart.
(Beautiful ring on you dear, who is the lucky man?)

"Alana, can you come here please?" I hear Sebastian call from the counter. I apologize to the old lady, walking over to him.

"Thanks for that Seb, I think I froze up." I say, taking a few deep breaths.

"Ofcourse girly, you know I always got your back when customers are being prying, be it a creepy guy or a creepier old lady." he winks, waltzing away into the kitchen. I smile at his antics.

Seb also works here, he is also my roommate aswell. And it's true, he has saved me from guys asking for my number or name, or a meal, you name it, Seb magically appears with an emergency or just says he is my boyfriend and guys usually back away.

The work day passes by with ease, except for a particularly obnoxious wave of nausea. At the end of my shift, I get to go up early with Seb because Beatrice and Naomi are closing tonight.

"Bye girlies, Kesha laterr." Seb calls out, strutting towards the back door as I wait for him, comfortingly having a hand on my stomach.

"Seriously Seb, 15 years ago," Beatrice shakes her head in disapproval.

I learn alot from these people. Only a month in and I have a favorite pop music artist. On the days that I am only baking, I listen to Taylor Swift all day. It's very pretty music.

I shake my head with a sigh, tiredly making my way up to my room. My feet are achy.


IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG. I have cramps and I just felt laying down and watching friends. 🙏

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