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When we got home, Ares just got out of the car and went inside. He didn't stop to help me get Ace, who is sleeping. Or his things.

We didn't stop for a milkshake either. I really wanted a milkshake.

"What's with him?" I hear Aaron come over as he watches Ares all but stomp inside while I open the door to get my baby.

"I dont know." I shrug, my voice dull. The sun is setting, making the air around us cool.

"Do you want me to carry the little guy?" He offers kindly. I smile at him.

"Yes please my back is killing me." I say greatfully. I love carrying Acey but he's just very tall and strong so he gets heavier everyday. "Thanks A."

"Ofcourse Lana, I am sorry Xanders being such an ass." he shrugs. I don't say anything.

Aaron lifts Ace into his arms, calling over someone to get all his things. He's so sweet.

"Ill put him down in his room okay?" Aaron smiles as I thank him again.

I get my purse from the front, thanking the man who closes my door for me and walk into the house. I decide to wake Ace first thing so he can sleep later. If he takes too long of a nap he won't sleep at night.

I reach his room to see that Aaron has tucked him in which makes me smile. All of them are so good with him it makes my heart full.

I gently stroke his forehead, trying to coax him out of his sleep. He stirs.

"Acey?" I whisper. "Batman is asking for you baby." I tell him. His eyes flutter open slowly, his cute face frowning as he rubs his eyes. I smile at how the mention of batman always wakes him. He slept for about an hour, that should hold him over till bed time.

"Momma?" he asks in a confused tone.

"Sí honey?"

"We home?" he asks, sitting up, his hair sticking up in a cute way.

"Yes, we just came home." I confirm his suspicion.

"What about milkshakes?" he frowns a little. My heart dips.

"I know baby I was disappointed too. Maybe you and I can go tomorrow to get our own milkshakes okay?" I ask him, brushing down his hair.

"Okay!" he says, returning to his regular happy self. "Where daddy?" he asks. I frown. I don't know.

"He's a little busy right now. How about I give you nice bath and we change into jammies early today?" I ask him making it sound like the most fun thing ever.

Usually I bathe him after he has his dinner. Its about 6 pm now. But I want to get him out of his park clothes, that I am sure are germy.

I know it's late for his age but his bedtime is around 9. But it works for us so I let it be. He loves eating with everyone and we have dinner at 8. So its 9 ish by the time we get him in bed.

"Yay!" he squeals, running into his bathroom. I smile and follow behind him, feeling a little sad about our missing bath partner.


I got Ace bathed and changed in a half hour. He has alot of energy today because of his untimely nap. He usually naps around 3 and that's his only nap. Today he had two naps. I am sure we will see the repercussions at bed time.

Right now, he's playing with his blocks while I clean up in the bathroom. I had Marjorie, one of the help change his sheets since he was in them with his park clothes on.

"Momma can I go see Zio Cawlos?" my son asks, waddling into the bathroom in his cute little pajamas.

"Sure honey, may I know why?" It's odd that he just decided that he wants to go see Carlos.

"He watches the good cawtoons befowe dinnow." my son tells me. I snicker. I am pretty sure Carlos does not watch cartoons but maybe he puts them on for Ace.

"Yes, give mama just a minute and I'll take you downstairs with me okay?" I ask him to which he nods.

"Because I cannot go down the staiws without a big pawsom." he affirms, mostly to himself.

"That's right honey, thankyou for being such a good boy and listening." I kiss his cute little face many times making him giggle. I lead him down the steps carefully, going as slow as he needs. Once we reach the bottom he smiles in accomplishment which makes me happy. "Good job sweetheart." I kiss his soft hair.

I lead him to the sitting room where the massive TV is, and sure enough, Carlos is sitting there with Justice League playing on the screen, while he uses his phone.

"Hey, there he is!" Carlos hollers lifting Ace up and spinning him around making the child go into a fit of giggles. "I was waiting for you man, where were you all day." Carlos exaggerates his tone. I smile at how cute they are.

"With momma, I took a bath and went down the staiws all by myself!" he says proudly.

"What?! No way bud even I can't do that yet." he says dramatically making me laugh along with Ace. Carlos looks over at me and smiles.

"Hi Lana, I can watch him if you need to do something." He offers. I smile.

"That would be so helpful thanks Carlos. Im just going to clean up a little before dinner." I say. I leave them watchinv their cartoon, that is probably too advanced for Ace to even understand but it whas batman so Im assuming he enjoys it.

I walk up the stairs tiredly, the pain in my lower half setting in from the bending over the tub. I had hoped Ares would do that today because I avoid bending over for long periods of time around my cycle, because it hurts more.

Speaking of whom, I stop by his study on my way to the room to see him sitting on his chair, looking intently at his computer screen. In the fear of getting yelled at I decide to leave him be and just use the bathroom like I have wanted to for 2 hours now.


We all sit around the dinner table, everyone watching only one thing. Aaron and Carlos teaching Ace how to suck in a noodle all at once.

"Yeah and then just 'shoop'" Carlos makes a sound. Ace copies him exactly and successfully slurps his first noodle in.

"Yes! You beautiful little italian boy." Aaron shouts making me laugh.

"That was so great darling." I add to everyones praises for him.

"Daddy did you see me?" Ace asks Ares who is sitting beside me, brooding. Basically scarfing down his food as if he cannot get away fast enough. I frown at the baby's innocent expression.

"I did. Good job bud." Ares says, with the least amount of enthusiasm possible. I cannot stop my eyes from rolling. Now I am just annoyed. Freaking out at me is one thing but not being normal for Ace's sake is not okay. I do it all the time.

Luckily Ace is distracted by something silly Carlos does which I am thankful for.

As soon as his dinner is finished, Ares all but runs away from the room. I really wish he would talk to me so I could understand.

At this point all I can figure out is that it's about work, obviously. Sometimes he has to wait to even tell me something because it's sensitive information that can be used as leverage. Whatever that means.

I know his work can be stressful so I am understanding when he is short with me. But Ace is 2, he does not understand that his dad is stressed he just wants to be like it always is. That's what makes me mad.


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