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"It's okay." Ares whispers in my ear, rubbing my back up and down.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous." I whisper back, holding onto him tighter.

"It's okay to be nervous my love." he husks. I feel goose bumps spread all over me.

Ugh. I do not know what it is but I seem to always ache around Ares nowadays. Just his voice and even the way he holds me, all of it makes me want sex.

I pull away from his hug, making him furrow his brows at me.

"What's wrong." He asks.

"Nothing." I squirm at his intense gaze. "Stop looking at me like that." I whine. Ares smirks in realization.

"Are you a little hot baby?" He asks teasingly, leaning in closer.

"Stop!" I scold, walking away from his laughing form.


"Oh hey honey, does this look okay?" Mama asks when I enter the hall. A guy is putting up a banner that says boy or girl.

"Sí, mama, thankyou this looks so wonderful." I smile, giving her a hug.

We continue to make the little alterations and prep till it's finally time to cut the cake.

Me and Ares stand behind the cake, facing everyone as they all stand with barely held glee.

"Okay cut it!" Mama squeals. Ares grabs my hand and slices the cake with me, mine slightly shaking.

The slice of cake is taken out by Ares to reveal a bright blue color and my ears ring with the excited cheers of everyone in the room.

I feel my tears start to fall at the sight, and the thought of a beautiful little baby boy.

Ares wraps me up in his arms and I cry into him, sniffling and hiccuping.

A baby boy.


After we found out the gender, we all had dinner and then the cake for dessert. It was all so delicious. Mama made her special rissoto just for me, its been my top craving besides chinese and chocolate.

"Kitten have you seen a black file of mine around? I can't find it and Papa needs it." Ares asks, entering the bathroom, looking down at his phone.

Which is good cuz I am only in underwear.

"Uhm, yes, can you wait so I can put on some clothes? Or a robe?" I ask, making him immediately look up from his phone.

"Fuck baby." he spits, his eyes darkening as he takes me in. I squirm in my place, the dull ache in my lower region returning making me clench my thighs.


I lick my lips, taking in my wife's luscious, mostly nude body, only covered with some lace scraps.

"Wheres the file." I ask her. She gulps, her delicious thighs clenching.

"Your night stand." she whispers. I nod.

"Stay here." I growl, she nods quickly.

I walk out, pressing the intercom button to call up a servant and grab the file. Once the servant knocks, I hand him the file and ask him to give it to father.

I walk back into the bathroom, finding my wife exactly where I left her. Perfect.

"You've been wanting this all day haven't you." I growl, walking to her slowly, stalking her like prey. Alana whimpers, her legs visibly trembling.

"Please Ares." She whines.

"What baby? Does it ache?" I ask her, in her infamous words that she uses to tell me she's horny.

"Yes." she whines. I snake my hands up and down the curve of her waist.

"Ares." She gasps.

Cazzo, my name sounds good coming out of her sexy mouth.

I trace the scar on her ribs, recalling the night I first saw them.

The night I had brought her home after a month. She was so embarrassed but I had told her how beautiful I thought they were. How beautiful I still think they are.

They show how strong she is. And now, stretched for my baby they look even more beautiful.

"Ares please." I hear her whimper. I smirk, picking her up making her wrap her thighs around me. She squeals, slapping my shoulder as I carry her to bed.

My sexy vixen is something else.


"Alana?" I call into the room, having just woken up and not finding my wife next to me.

"Yes?" she comes waddling out of the bathroom in a silk robe. I smile.

"Baby do you have any plans today? Damon and Griffin asked if I would join them for a drink at the club tonight." I ask her.

"No, I don't have any plans. When do you have to go?" she asks, coming over to sit beside me. I stroke her thigh.

"Maybe around 8, I have meetings today too." I sigh. I hate leaving her alone. I hate not seeing her for hours.

"It's okay, I can call you and you can call me when we miss each other. And I can spend the day reading. It's been so long since Ive had a whole day just to read." She hums, leaning down to kiss me. I love how expressive she is now.

"A whole day just to read? What are you reading?" I ask her, brushing back her wet hair. "You took a shower?" I ask her. She nods. "Without me?" I growl, pulling her on top of me and she squeals.

"Ares! You're squeezing the baby." She warns making me freeze. I gently put her down beside me on her side.

"Sorry baby, are you okay?" I ask her. She nods.

"We're okay." she hums, kissing my lips.


For everyone asking, there's probably going to be more chapters, but it's just going to be their domestic life and cutesy stuff. The plot is mostly over.

Thankyou for reading 🩵

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