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"Ares." I feel a light nudge on my shoulder. I barely register it before sleep starts to take over my brief consciousness. "Ares." I hear, this time a sob cracks through the silence making my eyes shoot open and I sit up, grabbing my gun, my arm tightening around Alana.

"What's wrong?" I rasp, my voice rushed.

"I-" she sniffles, sucking in a gasp. "I think I'm in labor." She cries, her voice barely above a pained whisper.

"Fuck." Fuck, fuck. I quickly get out of bed, turning on the lights. "Okay, let me get you some clothes okay? Stay there." I walk into the closet, pulling on pants and a polo and getting Alana sweat pants and a tshirt.

When I walk out, I see that she's now sitting at the end of the bed.

"What about our bag." She cries as I help her put on the clothes.

"I already put that in the car. You don't need to worry about anything okay baby? Just focus on me. We'll get you to the hospital in the next 5 minutes I promise." I kiss her hair as the shirt goes over her head.

"Uhgh." Alana grunts, hunching over. "N-no somethings wrong it didn't feel like this with Ace." She cries, her breaths coming out in sobs. My heart twists painfully as I curse under my breath, picking her up in my arms.

I quickly walk down the stairs, sitting her inside the car. I will worry about telling everyone later right now I just have to get her to the hospital.

"Ace, I don't want him to wake up alone." Alana gasp, throwing head back a second later, a painful cry rips through the cars inside.

"Fuck." I hit the steering wheel, hitting the gas as hard as I can. I should've fucking had a chopper ready so I could fly her. It sounded ridiculous a week ago but now I just hate myself.

"Baby, Ace will be fine I will call mama as soon as you're situated." I reassure, jumping out of the car as soon as I park it in the hospital compound.

"Ares." Alana sobs, as I put her in the wheelchair, the nurses running to our aid.

"I am right here my love." I walk behind her all the way into the room, where they immediately start hooking her up to the machines.

"Alana." Our doctor walks in, immediately going to check on her. "You okay? What hurts the most?" she asks, snapping on some gloves.

Alana squeezes my hand that is in hers, her nails digging into the side. I don't even flinch. I don't care.

"Everything. It feels like she's pushing on my-" a scream breaks her words. Fuck.

"What the fuck is wrong? Just give her the pain medication" I growl. Dr. Abrams looks at me with a wary look.

"Okay you're 9 centimeters dialated, the baby's head is pushing against your cervix so that is probably why the pain is so harsh. I'm afraid we can't give you an epidural hon, it's too close to the delivery." She says with a sympathetic look. "I will push some painkillers but I'll be honest, it's not quite as helpful as an epidural." She says.

Alana groans in response. Motherfucker.

"How far apart are the contractions?" she asks someone behind me.

"Based on her screams of pain, they're a minute and a half apart." I grunt, Alana squeezes my hand with another wail of pain. My chest hurts.

"Uh a minute and 45 seconds exactly." The nurse behind me chimes in.

"Okay, I am going to suit up and I think we can start pushing in no time." she pats Alana's arm.

In about 10 more minutes, Alana is straining to push every other minute, her nails now embedded into my skin, her forehead sweaty and her face tight.

"Ares I can't." She sobs, falling back after a push.

"Yes you can my love, you are doing so good baby." I push back her hair that was sticking to her forehead.

"He's right hon, a couple more pushes and she's out. You're doing amazing." The doctor says. "Here comes another one, push Alana."

Alana sits up again, pushing the hardest she has yet, and then she slumps back, letting out a breath she must have been holding for a while.

A loud, shrill cry fills the room and the nurses scramble around, my eyes darting to catch a glimpse of my babygirl, and they soon put a tiny, red bundle onto Alana's bare chest.

"Oh my god." My wife sobs. "Ares oh my god she's here." she cries looking up at me.

My eyes remain darting back and forth between the two most important girls im my life, my chest filling with fierce protectiveness as I look at my daughter.

Fucking hell I have a daughter.

"She's perfect." I say, holding the back of Alana's head, pulling her into a soft kiss. She cries into it, looking into my eyes with tear filled ones after. "Can I.." I trail off, looking down at my perfect princess.

Alana laughs with a nod, carefully handing me the babygirl.

"Hi princess." I whisper. Never whispered before. Don't know how I did just now. "Fuck you're so beautiful." I say, my voice transfixed. I lean down and gently kiss her little cheek.

"Language." Alana says tiredly. "She is beautiful isn't she." My wife sighs in contentment. "Are you crying?" Alana smiles, her voice delirious and goofy.

I blink the moisture away.

"Absolutely not. You're just delirious." I smirk. Alana giggles.

"Oh Ares you big softie." She laughs."Okay, 'mm gonna sleep." She slurs. I look away from my babygirl to see her beautiful eyes flutter closed. I smile at her adorable face and lean down to kiss her soft lips and then her temple.

The nurses soon take our daughter to get her checked and I follow them around, making sure they do it right.

I feel my chest fill with so much love and appreciation for my Alana. The way she went through what looked like a form of torture to bring us our beautiful daughter, nothing will ever compare to the love I have for my wife.

My everything.


Okay, how cute is this 🥹🥹

Also, I just want to say to everyone complaining about any typos or spelling/grammar errors: I write for fun and I can't find the time to write each chapter and also edit each one. It takes too long, I have a job 🥲.
If you can't handle a mistake or two, the kind of books that you buy are usually perfect with that. Thanks 🩵

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