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As the woman leads me inside the door, we see the woman that I met yesterday. Im assuming she's the Donna.

"Oh! Buonasera cara, come here" She says a little excitedly. Her aura radiates a positivity that puts me slightly at ease.

I bow down in respect making her quickly reach out. I flinch a little in response but she just makes me stand up right again. She either ignored or did not see my embarrassing behavior.

"No no tesoro, you are famiglia now, never do that sí?" I nod quickly. "How are you dear?" she asks me. I look at her for a minute, taking in how nice she's being.

Does she think I am someone else?

"I um, I am okay" I tell her, my voice comes out scratchy making me realise I haven't said anything in a while. She nods, looking at me curiously before she shakes her head.

"Bene, I am aware you were busy but I wanted you to be here before the guests arrived, I just want you to be prepared for tonight, I will not say the famiglia is easy. Quite the contrary actually, but dont you worry, Xander will be with you at all times, I will make sure."

She goes on talking about the different people and how I should respond when someone asks me something or tells me something. It was a long time that she spoke and I could not imagine how much she must detest me for not knowing all this information already.

"Am I boring you cara? I am sorry I just wished someone told me all this when I was roped into marrying your suocero" she says with a smile that is so dazzling on her. I cant help but smile back and my face muscles twitch at the foreign gesture.
(father in law)

How long has it been since I smiled so big?

"Oh! What a beautiful smile you have my dear, you should smile more often!" She beams making me look down at my hands, embarrassed. "Bless you bellisima, I am so glad you picked this dress, it was my personal favorite, I just wanted to give you all the options" she says and I again, smile at her.

Say something she probably thinks you are dumb.

"I uhm, love this color, I can not wear it at home" I tell her. Stop complaining.

"Oh why?" She asks as I absentmindedly play with my fingers.

"Father has punished me for wearing it before, he said only a harlot would wear it unless married" I blurt out but my eyes widen and I snap my face up to look at the Donna.

"I- I am so sorry I did not mean to say these words to you or disrespect you-" I say quickly to which she quickly reassures me.

"Oh no honey it's okay, I am glad you can wear a color you enjoy now sí?" she says reassuringly making me nod and my breathing eases a little.

The door suddenly opens and a tall man enters, wearing a blue suit with a white undershirt. I quickly avert my eyes to not make it seem like I am staring.

"Oh tesoro, this is Carlos, my youngest." She introduces as he approaches us. I look back up at him, standing up to greet him and he grins at me with a wave.

"Ciao cognata, you are definitely too beautiful for the ape that is my brother" he says cheekily making me almost let out a giggle but I settle for just a smile.

"Ciao, it is nice to meet you Carlos" I tell him and he puts a hand to his heart acting out a fall.

"She is something else!" he exclaims making his mother laugh.

"Ay, Carlos smettila di flirtare con nostra cognata" I hear another heavy voice behind him making me look behind Carlos and blushing at the comment.
(Ay, Carlos stop flirting with our sister in law)

"And this is Aaron, my third oldest" The donna informs while she fixes something on a near by table.

"It is a pleasure," he pauses, maybe for my name.

"Alana, Alana Colombo" I tell him as he grabs my hand kissing the back of it, making me feel a hot blush spreading all over.

This is the most attention I have had in years. These people are treating me like I am the most important person in the room.

"Alright boys, where is Xander, I've been calling for him for a long time now" their mother asks as they both settle on the couches so I do the same.

"Who cares, so Alana, how old are you and how set are you on marrying my brother because you know, Im open too" Carlos wiggles his eyebrows at me making me shake my head. He is very funny.

"Careful Carlos, wouldn't want to loose your face there." a deep, baritone voice sounds making me freeze up.

Its him. The man at our house yesterday. Does he remember what I said to him?

I gulp, not finding the courage to look at him at all. Oh no.

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