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I should have asked Father's approval. I shouldn't have assumed it would be okay just because the Donna had sent the dresses.

Father is right, I learn nothing. Even after I am punished, I do not learn. That is why he has to keep teaching me. It is painful because he has to teach me so many times. If I could just remember his preferences.

I feel numb as the Donna leads us from person to person, introducing me and I give out polite greetings but all I can think about is Father's words and his look of warning.

I let out a whimper thinking of how the sky had heavy clouds today. It will rain.

He's going to lock me up again in the dark and the storm will come.

I accidentally whimper making Xanders head shoot towards me and he looks very confused. He suddenly excuses the both of us and leads me through the crowds of people to a secluded balcony that is hidden away by heavy curtains.

"What the fuck is wrong? You look like someone had just threatened to take your life" he sneers making me flinch at his grip on my wrist.

That would be a kind thing to do.

"N-nothing, I just, I have something in my eye that is very uncomfortable" I lie through my teeth. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Was that an attempt at lying? It was horrible, tell me-"

"Ladies and Gents, the House of the Godfather officially announces the future Don and Donna of the Italian Empire, Ares Xander Moretti and Alana Iris Colombo" The announcement goes off. "The new couple will be out for their official engagement in the presence of the famiglia and the board shortly" he says.

"Ares?" I whisper, forgetting my own concerns for a second.

"Do not fucking call me that" he spits, walking away and I stand there for a second. Dazed.

Soon, I am pulled to the steps to the stage and I again find myself next to him.

It is such s beautiful name. Why does he not like it?

He grabs my hand again, leading me up onto the raised platform with his mother standing there with two servants holding trays with boxes on them. I assume they are the engagement rings.

I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. my hands shake as we stop in the middle. I feel a thousand eyes on me and my head spins. The donna smiles at me making me feel like I am being ungrateful. She looks so happy. I should be happy.

In a haze, I am handed a thick silver band, and Ares holds out his hand for me. I look at him making my eyes communicate all of my doubts and worries. His eyes lock with mine, asking me to just leave. But I can't. I wish I could.

With shaky hands, I place the band on his hand and let out a shaky sigh. Dropping my hands at my sides. I feel like I am going to pass out.

"Tesoro, give him your hand" i hear the donna say and I do, my hand trembling but he grabs it quickly and gives it a firm squeeze

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"Tesoro, give him your hand" i hear the donna say and I do, my hand trembling but he grabs it quickly and gives it a firm squeeze. He slips the big, shiny ring on my hand and I hear loud cheering and clapping, reminding where we are.

 He slips the big, shiny ring on my hand and I hear loud cheering and clapping, reminding where we are

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Everything after that was a blur. I got separated from Xander because we both had to meet different people. The donna was with me at all times then suddenly, I felt the cold, chilling presence that has haunted me forever.

"Finally they leave you alone for a second. They were stuck on you like leeches" He seethes. My blood runs cold at his close proximity and the tone of his voice.

"You have proved that you cannot be trusted to even pick a dress for a night without looking like a slut" he seethes again, his grip on my forearm so tight I wince and whimper out the pain. "This is nothing compared to the embarrassment you have caused me tonight by dressing like a harlot, just wait till you get home tonight-" he stops talking suddenly, forcefully letting go of my arm then I hear footsteps.

Some people come over and start speaking but I just tune them out, panicking at what is about to happen to me.

After another 20 minutes of being forced to stand beside my father, he grips my arm again, dragging me to the Don and Donna.

"We ask for our leave now sire, your daughter in law will be ready to be of service whenever you request." he informs them. The Donna frowns but pats my cheek and soon, I am dragged out to a car and shoved in, on the way to my doom.

My head is still numb, it doesn't even feel like tonight happened, and all I can picture is myself bleeding in a dark room with the thunder terrorizing my very soul.

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