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Today is Wednesday. Which means that the wedding is in 3 days.

My wedding. To Xander.

I feel a shiver run through me at the thought of our conversation two nights ago. He was right. I had gotten too comfortable with him just because he had been a little nice to me. Father always says that I do not deserve nice behavior.

He has told me that I am clingy. No one wants a clingy girl. Not as a daughter, not as a wife. I should not have acted like I deserved his kindness. I don't.

Anywho. Today, Mama has called me over to her house, she had called yesterday on the house phone, fussing about how much we need to decide for the wedding. So I am getting dressed to go there for the day.

I have never had anyone ask me for my opinion about anything. I have also never had a party that was for me. I do not know how I feel about it.

Mama had also been kind enough to be the one to tell Father. I had not seen or spoken to him in a few days.

I had spent the last few days cooped up in my room, drawing up random things and reading a book I had brought up with me.

For my dress, I had chosen to wear a white dress with pretty floral patterns that went down to my calves. And for shoes, I had picked my only nice pair that my aunt had gifted me a year ago. They have a small heel and are the prettiest shoes ever.

I do not ever accessorize. I would but I do not have any jewelry to do so. I read about accessories in books though. The women seem to make it a priority. The only jewelry I have are the small diamond and gold studs that are in my ears. But they have been there as long as I can remember. Mrs. Fiore had once told me that if I took them out, the piercing would close up. She made it sound very scary.

 She made it sound very scary

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After I had decided I looked presentable, I had sprayed myself with perfume and decided to wait for the car she would send, out in the garden

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After I had decided I looked presentable, I had sprayed myself with perfume and decided to wait for the car she would send, out in the garden.

Summer in Italy was just beautiful. I had always thought it was the perfect weather to have an outdoor party in. Maybe the donna would like that idea for the wedding!

Soon, the car came and we were on our way to the Estates of the Don.

Looking at the giant sized 'house', if you could call it that, I thought about how soon this would be where I would live. It was the most surreal of things and I couldn't help but shiver at the thought.

I stepped out of the car, thanking the nice butler who had opened the door for me.

I was lead inside by the same woman who had led me in the first time I had come here. Her presence was warm and comforting. It was strange but nice.

"The donna is just sending off the Don, she will be here soon Ma'am" The nice lady says in a thick accent.

"Oh, please call me Alana Miss" I say to her. She is much older than me, she shouldn't have to call me ma'am.

"Oh, well okay dolcezza, it is a beautiful name. I am Maybel." She smiles at me. I return her smile. "Congratulations on you wedding dear, master Ares is a very special boy" She tells me. I feel my smile falter.

"Im sure he is Maybel" I say with a forced smile. Before she has a chance to say anything more, Mama enters the room.

"Hello cara, how are you!" she says excitedly. I smile and quickly return the hug that she gives me.

"I am well Mama, how are you? How is the Don?" I ask in return.

"I am very happy! My son is getting married, it is very exciting. And my husband is very jealous, I have told him that you call me Mama now, he has asked me to hold you back here till he gets home from working" she tells me giggling. I smile at the very cute and foreign affection.

"Maybel, could you please bring us some tea a refreshments? Oh! Alana I must show you the gardens, I remember you had told me you love yours, I must say, the gardens here at the estate are magnificent, I still love sitting out there for my morning tea. We will take our tea there Maybel, grazie" she says so much so quickly, before rushing me towards the door.

When we reach the big door that leads to the back of the estates, I see how absolutely huge the gradens are. They stretch as far as the eyes can see and the grass is green, with scattered flowers planted here and there.

I love planting new flowers in Fathers garden, it is my only pass time besides drawing or reading. But that garden is all full and there are no more places left for me to plant. Seeing how much area there is here, I cannot help but fantasize about the hours I can spend here. It would be truly incredible.

"Do you like it?" I hear mama ask and I look at her, noticing that we are now outside and almost to the grass.

"I absolutely love it, its beautiful and so big! I could plant and plant flowers and it would never get full!" I squeal but quickly slap a hand on my mouth. I look at the Donna. "I am so sorry, I did not mean to say it like I would do something without your permission, it is your house and I wouldn't dream to change it-"

"Dolcezza! Absolutely nothing you can say is rude. You are the sweetest girl sí? And this your house now too. As much as it is mine, you can plant whatever you wish. I do not mind at all" She frowns with a sad look.

"I- I won't I was just stupidly saying whatever came to mind" I whisper, playing with my ring.

"Alana, tesoro I absolutely adore your very pure reactions to the smallest of things, I would not want you to suppress emotions or feelings on my account. By all means, freely speak when you are in this house. It is your home now. One cannot be silence in their own home now can they?" She asks me. One can. "Besides, I speak and speak when I am excited, do you want me to stop?" she asks in a playful tone.

"Ofcourse not! I love it when you're excited, it is nice to see." I tell her. She smiles.

"It is nice to see you excited aswell, same way it is for you" She says. That makes alot of sense. If I feel happy when she is happy, then she must too!

"I can always say anything?" I accidentally speak out loud.

"Ofcourse, I would love nothing more. Now come, the tea is here,"

We talk about the wedding preparations she has already made and the ones we still need to do over tea. She also tells me that the dress designer is going to come over with dress options and to take my measurements.

We enjoy our tea in the wonderful weather and it feels like the best morning of my life.

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