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I quickly lock the bathroom door, taking in deep breaths to calm myself down.

I walk to the large mirrors in the bathroom to look at my appearance. A sharp gasp leaves me which causes me to wince at the white hot pain searing in my throat. I feel my eyes tear up and I sob at my appearance.

The dark bruise is not the worst I have had inflicted on me but somehow, it hurts more. It hurts to know that I failed to stop my husband from hating me just as much, if not more, than my father hates me. It hurts that no matter how obedient and quiet I am, I cannot make anyone like me. I am just so disgusting, no one can help themselves and keep their hands from hitting me.

I make them do it. I made him angry. He is angry he hates me so very much.

I feel light headed again, making me sniffle as I decide to splash water on my face and change. I cautiously open the door, seeing Ares still standing by the bedroom door and Damon standing right outside the bathroom one, waiting for me.

Damon is very sweet. He is like Ares' brothers. He talks to me softly and he makes me feel safe with him. He said he did not think Ares would do anything to hurt me again because the first time was a mistake. But he also promised he would protect me if anyone tried to hurt me.

So did Ares. To a priest infront of God.

Yes but people made him do that. Damon was not forced to do it. He wants to be here and make sure I am okay. He is so very kind.

"Need something?" Damon asks me. I look up at his tall frame, his blue eyes striking and kind. I try to manage a small smile to return some of his kindness. He smiles at me, his nose crinkling. He is pretty.

"Clothes." I choke out, my throat feels so painful I do not wish to speak but how else can I communicate. "A dress" I whisper again.

"Oh right, but um don't wear a dress, you should rest so just, wear whatever you wear at night to bed-"

"No!" Ares says making me jump. I scoot closer to Damon so I am hiding behind him, shielded from my husbands eyes.

"Dude can you stop scaring her to her bones? she's fucking shaking as is" Damon grumbles.

"Fuck, fine just, she can't wear her sleeping atire, she can wear something else." Ares stumbles over his words. He usually speaks normal.

"Um, okay Alana, do you want to go in the closet and pick out something comfortable? You can wear something of his if you want." Damon says turning to me. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but nod anyways.

Walking into the closet, all I can think of to wear is this chunky shirt with matching bottoms I had bought with mama, she had thought they were perfect for lazy days. I did not know you could wear this if you were sick in this house. In fathers house, I always had to wear a proper dress no matter what.

I quickly change into the comfortable and soft black clothes and run my fingers through my very unruly hair.

I quickly change into the comfortable and soft black clothes and run my fingers through my very unruly hair

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When I walk out again, my husband and his friend are sitting on the couches in the room.

"Oh yeah thats perfect, now you have to eat so Maybel sent this soup and some bread. And tea" he points to the tray of food. I look at it then I look at Ares sitting very close by.

"I am, n-not hungry." I croak. I do sound much like a frog. Its so unpleasant.

"I will leave so you can eat Alana, just eat something and drink the tea so you can heal." Ares says looking at me. His eyes look completely different to what I have seen before. They look soft and apologetic, as if he has deep regrets. I frown at his expression.

Without another word, he walks out of the room, leaving me to stare after him in astonishment.

"He feels terrible about what he did." I look at Damon. I frown at him aswell. "Alana you have to know this is not like him. I have never known him to hit a woman." he continues. I bite my lip. This is so very awkward.

"He can be cruel but he's not unjust and he wouldn't want to purposely hurt you. I know it may not seem like it, but he's just a troubled person. His childhood was a mess, he went through alot of crap and saw stuff no child should have to see." Im looking at him with wide eyes. What?

"Anyway, I will leave you to eat aswell, please make sure you finish this and drink the tea. It will help. I'll be back okay?" I nod silently, not knowing what else to say.

I am not trying to make him feel worse about what he did. Am I?


She hates me. She hates me, she's scared of me. She would rather look at Damon and listen to him. She would probably rather be have been married to him than a monster like me. I sigh, looking down at my hand again. These hands that have killed so many men but never touched a woman to harm her.

"Look man, she's just scared right now, she'll come around." I hear him enter my study.

"Yeah, of me. She's scared of the person she has to share a room with. I have never hit a woman before Damon, I don't fucking know what I thought I would do if I married someone. But I never thought this."

"Listen man, you did not do it on purpose she was probably the last thing on your mind when you did what you did. I understand, I am sure she will too." he says taking a seat across from me.

"No she won't, and you know who else wont? My fucking parents. Mama will probably never talk to me again." I rub my temples. "She's probably going to call her and tell her then mama will come back and beat my ass" I grunt.

This is just vintage Ares. I fuck up everything when it comes to close relationships. This is exactly why I was against getting married. I knew it. I couldn't even protect and take care of my sister, how would I be of any good to a wife.

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