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We are currently at the Millburn's annual gala. They're American ambassadors to the Mafia and the biggest fucking fakers.

They try so hard to be Italiano it makes me sick.


We have just arrived and all eyes seem to be on me and my beautiful enchantress of a wife. And it's making her very nervous and fidgety. My arm is around her waist, resting on her hip as I lead her further into the room.

"Poca pecora, you're shaking." I say to her. She bites her lip, looking up at me.

"Im sorry." She whispers. "They're all staring." she tells me adorably. I smile, leaning down to kiss her head.

"I can make them look away under a secind if you want?" I ask her.

"No! No don't Im just nervous it's no one's fault. Besides, there will be food right?" she asks me. I snicker.

"Sí, little sheep, and if you don't like it we can get whatever your heart desires to eat." I tell her. She smiles wide, contentedly looking back around, visibly less tense.

It's easy to get her to calm down she just needs some reassurance and patience. She's the purest person and it is unbearable to see her upset.

"Dolcezza come, meet Shirez" Mama calls to Alana. As she goes to leave, my grip on her tightens unconsciously.

"Ares." She says looking at me with a confused frown.

"Be careful, 10 minutes, no longer." I say. She rolls her beautiful eyes, shaking her head as she walks away with mama. I sigh, stressfully running a hand through my hair because it felt empty.

"Damn you're a mess brother, let's go get a drink, ragazzo amante" Aaron says in a mocking voice. I look at him, an eyebrow raised and his face quickly falls as he avoids eye contact. Pussy.
(lover boy)

The four of us walk over to some sofas set together in a lounge of sorts, and Aaron orders us drinks.

My eyes remain on Alana, following her as she walks then stops infront of Shirez Millburn, she greets her, her face breaking out in a beautiful smile.

I watch her talk, her eyes lighting up when she speaks about something in particular, her beautiful smile making my heart beat faster. She tilts her head back a little, laughing with effortless elegance, capturing my whole heart and soul once again.

"You look at Lana like Papa looks at Mama." I hear beside me. I turn my head to Carlos, his expression atleast half serious for the first time in his life. I purse my lips, not knowing how to express what his words made me feel.


I look back at my wife, my eyes missing the peace of her being the only thing they frame. When they find her, she is walking towards me.

I stand up, meeting her halfway to hold her hand.

"Stai bene?" I ask hurriedly. She nods, patting my chest reassuringly.
(Youre okay?)

", mi fanno solo male i piedi." she pouts as she sits, her face twisting in discomfort.
(Yes, my feet just hurt.)

It's always sexy to hear her speak italiano.

"Ecco perché chiedevo che restassimo a casa, gattina." I say in a low voice, crouching infront of her.
(That is why I was asking for us to stay home kitten.)

"Ares!" She whisper shouts, holding my arms in her tiny hands, my biceps barely fitting as she tries to make me stand.

"Che cosa?" I ask confused, and slightly entertained by her blushing face.

"Tu sei il futuro Don. Non puoi accovacciarti così." she hisses. "Sit beside me." she says, looking around trying to be discreet. I hold back a smile.
(You're the future Don. You can't crouch like that.)

"Piccola pecora, non mi interessa." I tell her, but stand when she doesn't stop tugging me up. "I would massage your feet right now if you want." I start reaching down making her slap my hand away.

"You, can be so annoying." She hisses angrily. "You don't know want to make me angry right now Ares, it feels like I got a new batch of hormones and I will hit you." she threatens.

I hear my brothers snicker, as I hold back my own laugh at her insufferably adorable attempt at being intimidating.

"Va bene, scusa gattina." I say, pursing my lips, placing a firm kiss to her temple.
(Alright, sorry kitten.)

My phone buzzes and I take it out to check, just as a waitress brings our drinks in a tray, putting them down onto the table.

"Why don't you go make out with her." I hear Alana sneer beside me. I whip my head to look at her.


"Stop staring at her like that." She says, her nose scrunching up in what I think is anger.

"Baby, I am looking at my phone." I tell her, utterly confused. The waitress leaves, as Alana scoffs, crossing her arms looking away.

I glance at my brothers to see all three of them looking at me with, 'Oh shit' faces.

"I didn't do anything!" I exclaim. Alana looks at me, eyes ablaze with rage.

"So I'm lying?" She asks me. Her nose starts to turn pink. "You are so mean to me. I am carrying, what feels like a giant planet inside me!" she exclaims. "And it's yours! Your fault your, your, your things fault!" she whisper shouts loudly.

My brothers sputter out their laughs, hitting each other as if it was the most hilarious thing. I sneer at them, looking back at my wife.

"What are you laughing at?" she frowns at them making them quickly shut up and sit straight.

"Nothing Lana, sorry." Griff shakes his head.

"Baby, calm down okay? I'm sorry you feel uncomfortable, but I promise I was just looking at my phone." I tell her.

"I don't care about the stupid waitress." She huffs.

"Okay. What is it then?"

"I'm thirsty!" she whines, her voice cracking, eyes looking glossy.

"Shit baby, I'm sorry, here, have some of this, and Aaron," I point making him immediately stand up. "Go get Alana a lemonade." He nods, going to walk away.

"Please and thankyou A." Alana says, giving him a sad puppy look.

He grins, winking at her.

"A?" I question with a sneer.

"Yeah it's a nickname brother, why you don't have one?" Carlos pouts. I go to grab my gun making him laugh and raise his hands.

"Don't be mean to everyone, Ares." Alana scolds. I look at her, feeling my face soften as soon as I see her touching her belly.

"Here you go." Aaron comes back with a lemonade in hand, giving to her. She takes it with a grateful smile, immediately sipping it. A small, barely audible moan leaves her making me grunt. I glance arounf to make sure no one else heard.


"Better?" I ask, brushing away her hair strands that hand fallen to her face. She nods with a satisfied smile.

"Sorry for being mean." She says, pouting at me.

Fuck that was a 180 degree turn on her mood.

"It's okay baby, just don't ever think I look at other women, you're my everything remember that sí?" I ask her. She nods with a goofy smile.

"Do you think chilli cheese fries are good?" she asks sipping her lemonade, going back to being her usual self.

Thank fuck.

Heh this chapter was fun to write.

Since most of the plot is over, do you guys wanna read a special scene? Any requests? Lemme knoww.
Muah 😛🩵

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