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"This is our house?" Ace asks as we walk into the home, after saying bye to Aaron in the driveway. Ares is still outside with him.

"Sí daddy gave it to me as a present." I tell him, holding his little hand, helping him sit on the couch. "Do you like it?" I ask making him nod quickly.

"Is it your burfday mommy?" he asks.

"No honey, it was mine and daddy's anniversary." I explain.

"What that."

"Mm, it means we got married on that date 3 years ago." I try to make it make sense to him. His face turns confused.

"Mawwied?" He says. "Like when Wapunzel and Flynn got mawwied?" he asks sweetly. I smile. I love Tangled and I have been caught watching it many times and been joined by my son.

"Sí just like that." I smile at him.

"You wore a white dwess mommy?" he asks, sitting up on his knees in excitement. "And and a horsey brought you rings?" his eyes widen with astonishment. I laugh.

"I did honey, and daddy wore a black suit and he gave me this ring here." I point to my wedding band. "Unfortunately we didn't have a horsey at our wedding." I boop his nose.

"A horse at our wedding? Didn't realize that was something you wanted Kitten." Ares husks, as he comes over to sit on the other side of the couch, so Ace is sitting between us.

"We're talking about how Rapunzel and Flynn got married, Im trying to explain what an anniversary is." I tell my husband who smirks in amusement.

"You two are adorable." He chuckles.

"Daddy how come I wasn't there." Ace asks.

"At our wedding?" My husband confirms.


"Well bud, you weren't born yet, you came along almost a year after our wedding." He explains. Ace frowns.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because first two people get married, then they can have a cute little baby." I kiss his cheek.

"Well that's misinformation." Ares says, his smirk widening when I glare at him. "Ahm, yes, that is why you weren't there." he says now louder so Ace can hear him.

"Okay." our son shrugs. "Can I come to your next wedding?" he asks again.

"Most people only get married once amore." I brush his hair back.

"Most not all. You can come to my next one." Ares says making my head shoot up to look at him. I frown at his amused expression.

That's mean. I look back down to see Ace now playing with my rings.

"Acey do you wanna play? You can run around in here, theres alot of room and no hidden hallways." I say, making my voice sound excited and swallowing the lump in my throat.

I know Ares was joking but I cannot help it if it bothers me. It just does.

"Yess." Ace jumps off, grabbing batman and running off, making whooshing noises.

Ares and I still haven't eaten and I am starving by now so I decide to go make some breakfast. Usually I would ask Ares to make sure he stays and keeps an eye on Ace but I don't because I know he will and I don't want to talk to him. Im petty what can I say.

I quickly make some cheesy eggs and Italian Sausage from what I find in the fridge and toast some bread. After setting everything on the kitchen island I walk back out to see Ace still playing and running around.

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