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(Trigger Warning: Abuse, mention of blood)

"ALANA!" Fathers voice thunders throughout the house as soon as Ares' car leaves. I feel my body trembling making me grip the hem of my dress in an attempt to stop it. I walk on wavering feet to his study where he is standing in the doorway, he looks like he is drunk.

"Come here cagna." he slurs deukenly. My eyes widen with more tears slipping out. He has never called me that before. "You told him didn't you, you ungrateful brat!" He shouts grabbing me by the hair.

A loud, gut wrenching scream echoes through the house and I realize that it is mine.

I see the phone that was in my hand crash onto the floor and slide away from me. Oh no. I broke it.

"What did you think would happen huh? He fucking hates you like everyone else does that is why he left you here so I could teach you a lesson." He screams, throwing me against the wall. I feel my whole body crash to the ground. White hot pain spreads from my head making me reach up and touch the spot that is pulsing.

I whimper when my hand comes back crimson, covered in my own blood. Slowly, as I feel Father rain kicks and blows to my side, I drift off into nothingness.


As I am driving to the airport, I feel my gut telling me to go back. My sixth sense is sending me signals of impending doom and it is unsettling because I have never felt this before.

My phone rings making me immediately reach for it, thinking it may be my wife. But it is Armano, my special agent.


"Capo, where is the future donna?" he asks making my eyebrows knot.

"What the fuck do you care?"

"Capo I went to great lengths and had to detour a servant of the Colombo residence to fulfill your request of wanting to know why the Donna is so apprehensive, the Consigliere Colombo is a monster." he rushes in a panicked tone. "He has beat and abused the donna throughout her life." he says.

I feel my gut twist then fall to my fucking bowels. Every conversation I have had with her, every time she has flinched away, it is all making sense to me now.

"What the fuck are you saying?" I ask, hearing him take a deep breath.

"Sí capo I am saying the truth, and the Donna's phone has just alerted of it being in a crash."

I hit the brakes making the car screech to a halt. Throwing my phone into the seat, I turn my car around speeding as fast as I can back to her. To my wife.

My heart is beating a thousand miles per minute and it is the first time in years that it has made it's presence within me known.

I throw the door of the car open, running towards the house that I had so foolishly left her in.

"COLOMBO!" I shout as soon as I am inside.

"Oh master please please help my girl please." a woman comes crying, running out of the hall towards the foyer. "She will die please help my Alana" she cries, her hands covered in blood.

Her words make my own blood run cold as I run like a madman to where she had been pointing. When my eyes take in the room, my steps halt immediately and I feel myself stiffen.

A woman is laying lifeless against the wall, her hands have blood on them.

"No." I say out loud. "Where is Alana." I speak. Colombo is sitting on the floor, his head in his hands as he mutters to himself. "What did you do?"

"Help her please Don she is bleeding!" the woman from earlier screams. "Help your wife please!" her words make me stumble back.

My brain kicks back in, my heart still pounding as the adrenaline takes over. I quickly pick Alana's limp body up, running out to my car. My men jump into action helping me put her in.

I drive in a complete blur, nothing making sense. Time doesn't seem real as I break every speed limit with one hand holding my wife's limp, cold one.


"What the fuck do you mean? That's my fucking wife, I am going to see her." I seethe, pushing the doctor away as I open the door. I see her small body laying there as they twist and turn her, putting wires on her fragile body.

"Be careful!" I scream at the son of a bitch who all but shoved the needle into her small hand.

"Sir please, you should not see this-" One look from me and she shuts her trap going back to her work.

I see someone pull back her hair which reveals her gash that is still actively bleeding out. I turn my face away, the cruelty of it all making me sick.

When have I ever not been able to see blood?

This is her blood. My wifes. The same woman who's scared eyes had begged me to not leave. Yet I still did.

I close my eyes, gulping to ease my dry throat.

"Don." The doctor bows in respect. "Mrs. Moretti has lost alot of blood, we are doing everything we can to help her but her condition seems to be worsening."

I stop him before he can say more.

"If she does not fucking open her eyes, and speak to me within the next few hours, I will burn this fucking hospital to the ground with everyone who is responsible for her in it." I say in a low threat. He gulps and nods, clambering away quickly.

Soon they are wheeling her away to another room as I scream at a useless fucking doctor for answers.

"Mr. Moretti, please listen to me carefully it is about your wife." I hear behind me. I turn to see yet another doctor. "We need to do emergency surgery on her, she is very weak but it is a risk we have to take. She has scar tissue from the last time which is pressing up against her diaphragm, which is preventing her from regaining consciousness. We have to take it out now."

"Last time?" I ask him.

"Uh Sí, she has had broken ribs twice before on either side. I believe she had surgery and the scar tissue had been left behind. " he tells me nervously. I feel sick as Alana's sweet innocent face comes to mind.

How can someone hurt her like that. I hurt her. How could I.

I nod numbly at the doctor, wanting to come out of my own body so I could fight myself.

Here I am again, not being able to protect another girl I care about.

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