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After dinner I let Ace play for a little while longer with his uncles before he looked like he was ready to sleep. I took him upstairs and helped him brush his teeth and get settled into bed. I tuck him in and grab his story book.

"Is daddy mad at me?" Ace asks me, breaking my heart a little.

"No honey ofcourse not, he's just a little busy with his work." I tell him, stroking his cheek. Ace frowns but nods. Ares knows his bedtime so I am sure he'll be coming to tuck his son in like he does every night.

I read him his book and soon he looks to be falling asleep. I stop when his eyes flutter close, and his grip on my finger losens.

As I go to leave with a kiss to his head, Ace holds my hand stopping me.

"Can daddy say night night to me?" He asks. I feel my eyes sting as I nod.

"Ofcourse baby, let me get him really quick okay." I assure him, walking down the hall to Ares' office. I knock twice and he glances up for a second before looking back down.

"What?" he asks. My heart drops a little.

"Can you come say goodnight to Ace please? He's asking for you." I ask him. I am mad at him now. But I will speak to him for my sons sake.

Thankfully Ares stands up without passing some snarky comment and walks ahead of me to Ace's room. He says goodnight to him, kissing his forehead and tucking his covers more, then walks out. All in a matter of 2 minutes.

"Bye daddy." Ace calls behind him. I don't know why I feel like crying. I feel like curling up and bawling my eyes out. Thinking of my baby boys small little heart even in a little bit of doubt about his dads's love for him, makes me want to scream in pain.

I walk over to him, his big innocent eyes shining from his night light.

"Can I lay down with you for a while?" I ask him. My baby's eyes shine with a smile now and he giggles.

"Weally?" he squeals and I nod excitedly, so relieved to see him smile. I lay down facing him, his small arm goes around my tummy and he burries his face in chest. I stroke his back up and down, letting a few tears slip out.


I spent the night twisting and turning. I hate to admit it but I cannot sleep without Ares beside me. Its a habit of almost three years what can I say.

Wow. In less than three months, Ares and I will have been married for 3 years. Seems like just yesterday.

Ares did not come to bed last night. At all. We never sleep apart even if we argue, which we didn't yesterday, he can never sleep away from me. Or so he says.

I sigh at the dull throbbing in my lower stomach and get out of bed to head to the bathroom. To my surprise, the shower is wet which means Ares was in here. I am very surprised that I did not wake up.

Ace is most likely sleeping because the first thing he does when he wakes up is wake me.

I quickly shower hoping to not leave Ace waiting. He gets upset when he wakes up and cannot find me. I decide to put on a robe and check on him before I change, just yo be safe. Usually I would ask Ares to check but, you know.

There's no one on our floor unless we ask for staff so I'm not worried about being technically naked.

I walk across the hall to Aces room and find him asleep, comfortably in his bed. I smile at his cute face and decide to quickly change while that lasts.

What stops me is almost bumping into my husband. He stops, looking at me up and down for a moment before he snaps pout of it.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" he asks. Woah a little harsh for 8 in the morning.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow, gently closing Ace's door.

"What are you doing wearing that outside of the room?" he asks angrily.

"Calm down theres no one but you and me here." I shrug. I honestly do not see the issue. Ace's bedroom is two steps away from ours.

"I just had help up here carrying my files, you can't prance around in practically nothing covering you." He almost growls at me, his voice has been loud since he started talking.

"Ares I was just going to check if Ace was awake then I would have gone back inside to change!" I say, my tone tense but I don't yell. Im not him. "God it is like you're looking for excuses to lash out and yell at me and I donnot even know what I did wrong!" I say in frustration.

"I don't want to fucking argue just get back inside." he grunts.

"I am not a little doll you can order around. Talk to me with respect or don't." I widen my eyes at him for affect. Just to spite him, losen my robe making the tops of my boobs peak out. Ares' eyes darken in anger. We hear footsteps making him look at me with a look that seems to challenge me.

Despite my every instinct to quickly hide myself, I stay planted in my spot, folding my arms across my chest, pushing my boobs up further.

The sound of footsteps creeping up on us as I refuse to move, revealing a little more of myself each second, challenging my furious husband's gigantic ego.

Game on Mr. Moretti.

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