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I am in my study, smoking by the window. In my 26 years of living, I have never fucking had this feeling for anyone. No woman has ever taken over my mind like my wife has.

I cannot bear to be the object of her fears and pain. But it is just the truth that I am, and continue to be, with every action taken by me.

But he was clearly flirting with her all throughout dinner last night, and she was reciprocating, it made me furious, and want to consume more alcohol. I am not blaming them, but God I wanted to fucking murder him.

I put my cigarette out, walking over to my desk, I pick up my phone. A missed call from Alana. What the fuck.

I immediately dial her back but she does not pick up. Cursing under my breath, I walk out of my study to find a maid walking up the stairs.

"dov'è Alana?" I ask her. She stops, turning and bowing her head.

"Lei è seduta tra i visitatori, Don, un avvocato è qui per vederla" she informs.
(She's in the visitors sitting Don, a lawyer is here to see her)

"Che cazzo." I spit, walking down the stairs.
(What the fuck)

The sight that awaits me in the sitting room makes my anger return tenfold.

"Youre okay, shh."

My fists clench as a growl rises in my throat. 

"What the fuck!" I shout.

My wife screams, jumping away from hugging Ethan. Her tear stricken face looks petrified, her eyes shining with fear.

"What?" she whimpers.

"Oh nothing, why don't you fucking continue whoring yourself out, I'll leave you to it." I spit.

Rage blinds me as I spew venom at them.

"Xander! What the fuck man?!" Ethan the bitch screams.

"Shut the fuck up Salvatore. I am your future Godfather, don't you dare fucking speak infront of me." I growl, towering over him.

His nose flares.

"I also grew up with you Xander, and you know Alana better than I do, don't fucking do this." he spits. "She was having trouble breathing, I was just-"

"Youre just conveniently present every single time she's in need of some assistance huh? What are you her personal errand boy? Don't think me blind Ethan, I am after all a man, this is my wife and I will protect her honor and mine." I spit.

"Then fucking protect it, don't smear it all over, and I have my honor too, don't question it. God knows I was helping your wife through something you should've been here for." he jabs.

"Leave." I spit. He clenches his jaw, turning to look at her then back at me, before walking out.

"Stand up." I spit at Alana who was just sitting on the couch, sobbing. She looks at me, fearfully standing up. "Stop with the tears Alana." I seethe. "God I really fucking thought you were an innocent little girl, how fucking negligent of me to not understand your facade." I growl.

Her big eyes look at me, wide in surprise.

"X-Xander." she whimpers. "I didn't do anything. I'm sorry about what you saw I promise it wasn't what it looked like I just I couldn't stop crying and-"

"Shut up!" I roar making her jump. "Stop spewing lies, I don't believe this innocent face can lie with such ease." I growl.

"No," She sniffles, breathing in hard. "I, I promise I would never do that. I would never do that." she desperately shakes her head, still crying.

I feel my anger dissipate slightly, but the image of her in his arms, crying into him like she does to me, gripping his shirt like she does mine comes back.

My rage returns and I sneer with disdain.

"Don't fucking act innocent. No wonder you don't so much as look at me, you are after all getting it somewhere else." I spit. Alana's eyes widen in shock, her crying reduced to hiccups in her state of complete disbelief.

"Who knows how long this has been going on," I shake my head. A chocked up sound leaves her as she steps backwards.

"I cannot believe you are accusing me of this." She shakes her head.

"Yeah? What would you have fucking done if I held a woman in my arms? To comfort her?" I spit.

"I know, I am so sorry, but you have to believe that is not what that was. I had no idea where I had been, who I was with. I juat couldn't think straight-"

"Why?!" I shout. "Who fucking died that you had to be so out of it that you jumped into another man's arms huh?" I seethe, she cries harder at that. "Or is that too much, maybe all it takes for you is a few kind words to give it out." she sobs at my words, closing her eyes as she shakes her head as if she cannot bear listening to me.

I can feel the bitterness of my words as they leave my mouth, but in my state of indignation, I cannot seem to stop. I am doing what I always did in anger, I break her with my words.

"When did you become so repulsed by me?" she cries. "What did I do to deserve such hatred." She sobs, falling on to her knees. My heart spasms, making itself known now in a softer way, then the painful stings it was sending mere minutes ago.

I watch her clutch her chest, as if in pain, crying loudly.

"What on earth is going on!" Mama demands, rushing towards the crying girl, pulling her in a hug. "Ares Xander Moretti, what did you do." she demands.

I growl, walking out of the room. I am too fucking angry and I do not want to accidentally say something wrong.

I leave the house, getting into my car and driving off.

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid by getting married. Feelings, emotions, conflict,


One of those chapters that I cried writing. I did not anticipate being this sad when there was a crack in their relationship, especially since I am the one who planned it.
So Im sorry if anyone else is crying too, thannkyou for reading 🩵

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