Chapter 7

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(Word Count: 1405)

My heart shattered at the thought of him thinking that I could go and live another person so easily. I felt mad; that he would even think that, I felt upset; that he could talk about it so casually. And I felt sad; having a reminder that he was able to go out there and love someone the same way he loves me. And I did nothing but stand there as I felt tears starting to build up. I couldn't take it anymore, it starts off as just a day, then those days will turn into weeks and those weeks will turn into months, months of my heard being shattered. Months of me seeing his love for me fade. And I just couldn't. I broke loose from his hug and turned the doorknob.

"I'll be back." I said wiping my tears and walking out the room closing the door behind me. I quickly went down the stairs and put on my shoes, stepping outside and locking the front door. I walked to my car getting inside, and once I was I broke... I know it's only been 2 days but that doesn't mean I'll be okay. My feelings are hurt, and they're hurt really bad. I hate crying, I promised myself not to, it shows people you're weak, and that they really got to you. If I'm being honest only 3 people on this entire earth have seen me cry. And those 3 people, I trust them with my life. Not only are my feelings hurt, but I have no one to talk, no one to express the pain that I'm feeling, no one to hug me or tell me that it's okay or that I can get through this. No one for anything. I just have to sit here and cry and then later on see the same person that broke my heart and smile at them and tell them I'm okay when in fact I'm everything  but okay. I haven't been in forever. And no one will be able to understand that..

Suck it up Kim. The more you cry the more hurt you'll feel. Crying won't solve anything, so suck it up and go to the store and come back home.

I wiped my tears and let out a breath. I finally started my car and put my seatbelt on and drive to the store.


Minho's POV

I was still standing at the room door after Seungmin stormed out. Was he really seeing someone? If he was that's okay, we both agreed on it but he doesn't have to hide it. I sighed and laid flat on my back on the bed. Whatever he's doing isn't my business. I took out my phone unlocking it to go to the calling app. I clicked on a certain contact that could just put a smile on my face looking at it. 

Calling 아기 Squirrel 🐿️...

"Hi baby"  I said

" Hello? Who's this?"  I heard an unfamiliar voice say at the other end of the line.

"Jisung's boyfriend...? Who are you..?" I asked, scared of the response I was going to get.

"OH! So you're Jisung hyung's mysterious boyfriend! I've heard all~ about you!" The person said. "YANG JEONGIN GIVE ME BACK MY DAMN PHONE." I heard Jisung yelling in that background, and hearing him made the smile appear back on my face. 


"Hi baby!" I said with a smile.

"Hey Min! I miss you already" he said in a sad tone.

"Me too. Should I come over again?" I asked.

"Really?" He said with excitement and I hummed in response.

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