Chapter 66

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"No sugary drinks, no alcohol, no candy. Be careful with anything with butter it causes high cholesterol. Pizza is acceptable, but not too much. Make sure he doesn't stay up late, and make sure he isn't playing with the hand soap in the bathrooms...if he's taking too long it's a sign." Taehyun said, listing out everything Beomgyu should and shouldn't do. All Seungmin wanted to do was pick to boy up and get going but he ended up getting extra rules for the manual just for the party, "Oh an-"

"Taehyun, I'm not a kid! You're the one younger than me!" Beomgyu whined as he had been wanting to leave 15 minutes ago as planned.

"Yes but-"

"I'll be fine! Seungmin's gonna be there and he wouldn't even let me move two inches if you told him too. Right Seungmin?"

"Yeah..." Seungmin said already drained of energy.

"See? Nothing to worry about!" Beomgyu said with a smile melting Taehyun's heart, "Let's go Seungmin! Bye bye Taehyun, Love you~" Beomgyu said skipping to Seungmin's car where Lin was waiting for the two.

"No candy, he get's sugar high. It's insane, and if you don't want him jumping off the walls, I suggest to listen." Taehyun said staring Seungmin right in the eye.

" man. Cool beans..." Seungmin said with a nervous smile, quickly turning around and walking to his car.

"Well shit! What took so damn long?" Lin asked when Seungmin got in the car.

"Give it to me." Seungmin said, putting on his seatbelt.

"Give you what?" Beomgyu asked innocently with something in his mouth.

"Yeah man, what're you talking about?" Lin asked.

"Just give me the damn gummy worms, I'm not stupid." Seungmin said holding his hand out.

"Unfortunately you aren't..." Lin sighed, taking the open pack of gummy worms from behind her back and giving them to Seungmin.

Seungmin grabbed the pack and put it in the car door, then held out his hand again in front of Beomgyu, "Spit it out." He said.

"Aw man..." Beomgyu pouted before spitting the chewed up gummy worms in Seungmin's hand, who threw it out the window after.

"Okay...let's go." Seungmin said, already stressed. He knows how to handle Beomgyu, but Lin doesn't like to listen to people rules so he'll have to keep Beomgyu out of trouble the whole night while Lin was here.


"YEAH IT'S SO BAD!!" Felix sang loud.

"IT'S GOOD!! Jisung sang along.

"Narcissistic, my god I love it!!" Felix sang while dancing to the music.

"서로를 비춘 밤-" Jisung was in the middle of singing when the music was paused.

"Hey! What gives!" Felix complained and Jisung pouted.

"Sh. I'm trying to hear if someone's at the door." Chan said waiting for the knock her heard earlier. Once it came again Chan got up, "Thought s-"

"SEUNGMIN'S HERE!" Felix shouted in excitement while running to the door.

"I guess I'm not getting the door..." Chan said sitting back down while everyone else laughed at him.

"I'm telling you it'll fit!" Everyone heard an unfamiliar voice say as footsteps got closer.

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