Chapter 69

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Everything was a mess. These past few days everyone felt like complete shit. Felix and Changbin argued...will more like Felix yelled at him for being a 'Dirty fucking liar'. Which he kind of had every right to. He always wondered what happened between his brother and his brothers best friend but every time he asked, apparently now one knew. Changbin had many opportunities to tell Felix what happened, and that's why Felix is so upset. He hadn't come home in the past few days, but Changbin knew he was with Jisung, who was still not able to believe any of this had happened. He constantly asked himself why he hadn't noticed something was wrong back then and maybe he could have helped in some way. Jeongin feels really guilty for not telling either of his best friends. He had been crying every now and then when he was reminded of his friends. Chan felt like shit because he was the oldest, and he knew that everything was going to go down hill from the moment Minho and Hyunjin announced that they were 'dating'. And now he had to deal with a sulky boyfriend, and friends that won't talk to him. Hyunjin didn't know how to feel, of course he knew about this all but he never wanted it to be revealed this way. If it were more calm then no one would be giving anyone the silent treatment, and he wouldn't have to face a half dead Seungmin at work. Speaking of Seungmin, he hasn't said a word to anyone in days unless it was for work calls, or meetings. Beomgyu had become his personal translator and Lin had become the person the make sure that he was eating properly. He walked around his house staring at nothing, still not being able to believe that he signed papers to someone who didn't actually love him. As for Lin and Beomgyu, they've never seen Seungmin like this. For Beomgyu it was concerning even though he didn't know Seungmin for that long, Seungmin was always serious about Beomgyu's rules on his manual, cracking joked, or smiling when giving Beomgyu filed. Sure, he still followed the Beomgyu manual but he didn't seem down the earth. It was like he was floating away slowly, and even Beomgyu could see it. Lin was also very concerned. Seungmin was the little brother she never had, he was always working, asking her for help on something, arguing with her when she dragged him away during work hours...but not it seems like he didn't give two shits if he missed days of work. It was all concerning...but none of them make a move to fix anything. They were all too scared or upset to even look one another in the eye. 

"Kid, what do you want on your tray? Grapes or melon?" The office lunch server asked Seungmin for the third time as Seungmin was now holding up the line because he had been staring down at nothing. "Hello?"

Beomgyu looked at Seungmin with a his lips pressed in a thin line before looking at the lunch server who had a very annoyed face, "He'll take grapes please." He slightly smiled.

The server rolled their eyes before putting a spoon full of grapes on Seungmin's tray. Beomgyu asked for melons before walking off to follow Seungmin to a table. The two sat in silence as Seungmin hadn't even picked up his utensils. Beomgyu noticed and sighed, Lin called out of work today so it was his job to watch how Seungmin ate.

"You have to eat something..." Beomgyu pouted, "It's scientifically proven that if someone named Seungmin doesn't eat their lunch then someone will come and trap them in a cage forever because they didn't eat." Beomgyu tried to convince.

"I'm not five. And that didn't even make sense." Seungmin whispered loud enough for Beomgyu to hear while picking up a grape and putting it in his mouth.

Beomgyu huffed, "Whatever. I have something to tell you!" He said excitedly and Seungmin looked at him for a second to make sure he knew he was listening. "So remember how I said that me and Huening went on a date? Well that date went well and he confessed that he had liked me for a long time. That's why Taehyun had been making sure we didn't see each other a lot...but when I talked to Taehyun the day you told me to, he said that if I liked Huening then that was fine and he would understand. But..."

"But?" Seungmin asked.

"I like Taehyun still...actually no. I love Taehyun...but I also like Hueningkai." Beomgyu said with an overwhelmed look on his face.

"Just don't do an open relationship.." Seungmin said sarcastically and Beomgyu sighed knowing what Seungmin was talking about. After all, Lin did tell him the whole story after what happened at the party.

"We aren't, we're still going to date. It's just I'll be dating Huening at the same time...they call it a..a polyasaurus? Polyagraphis?" Beomgyu said still confused on the word, "A poly-"

"Amorous?" Seungmin said, "It's a polyamorous." He corrected.

"Yes that!" Beomgyu said.

"But I thought you liked Taehyun and Huening." Seungmin said.

"I do!"

"So wouldn't they have to like each other for it to be a polyamorous?" Seungmin asked.

Beomgyu smiled, "Well that's what me and Huening are working on. Huening likes both me and Taehyun...but Taehyun's kind of stupid so he hasn't noticed that. So I'm helping Huening confess his love." 

Seungmin nodded, "I hope all of it works out for you guys." He said with a small smile.

"Thanks!" Beomgyu said but then looked hesitant to ask something.

"What?" Seungmin said noticing Beomgyu had something else to say.

"It's just..." Beomgyu sighed, "What about you? What are you going to do?" He asked.

"About what?" Seungmin asked adjusting his glasses before putting a spoonful of food in his mouth.

"The situation your in?" Beomgyu asked.

"I literally have only one option...but I.." Seungmin paused.

"But you what?" Beomgyu asked cluelessly.

"I'm not sure if I'd want to follow through with that option." Seungmin sighed.

"Why not? If it's the only option then you should go through with it!" Beomgyu said with a slight smile.

"I'm not sure how I'd feel afterwards...or how Minho would feel, or how it might affect all of our friends." Seungmin shrugged.

Beomgyu thought for a second, "Well it's like when I order pizza! Sometimes when there's only one option...which is pineapple, I'd go with it because unfortunately there's nothing else." Beomgyu paused, "Which is oddly suspicious that they only have pineapple pizza sometimes..." He said, "Anyways! I might not be happy with the option and it might leave some weird uhmmm me throwing up out of disgust! But it's the only option, the one I have to choose because I'm hungry! And it's better than starving." Beomgyu shrugged.

"Did you just use pizza for an example for a deep conversation?" Seungmin asked with a slight smile.

"Yes! I did.." Beomgyu said. "And now I want pizza..." He pouted.

Seungmin got what Beomgyu meant, even if it was explained in a very...Beomgyu way. But Seungmin still wasn't sure if he actually did want to go through with the only option he had. What if he didn't care if pineapple was the only pizza left? What if he'd rather starve instead of wasting money on something he knows he won't like?

"Can we get pizza?" Beomgyu asked and Seungmin looked down at the boys tray that was completely empty. Beomgyu knew if he had food on the tray Seungmin would say no.

Seungmin shook his head to himself at how quickly the boy finished his food, "Sure. After I'm finished okay?" Seungmin said.

"Yay!" Beomgyu smiled and shuffled in his seat making Seungmin smile.

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